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LOC Identifier | Name |
n80125819 | Accius, Lucius |
n80009786 | Achilles Tatius |
nr2006008684 | Acusilaus, of Argos |
n92072374 | Adamant |
no2006096690 | Adrian I, Pope, -795 |
n84233791 | Adrian V, Pope, -1276 |
no91013589 | Adrianus, of Tyre, approximately 113-approximately 193 |
n50057283 | Aelian, active 3rd century |
nr2006001025 | Aelianus, Tacticus, active 2nd century. Tactica |
nr95038408 | Aelius Tubero, Q. (Quintus), approximately 76 B.C.- |
no00097603 | Aemilianus, Quintus |
no2013102477 | Aemilius Paullus, L. (Lucius), 228 B.C.-160 B.C. |
n88206516 | Aeneas, Tacticus, active 4th century B.C. |
n82032653 | Aeschines |
n88038943 | Aeschines, Socraticus, active 4th century B.C. |
n79055702 | Aeschylus |
n81066350 | Aesop |
n80107954 | Aëtius, active 1st century-2nd century |
n00024409 | Afranius, Lucius |
n00065329 | Africanus, Sextus Caecilius, active 2nd century |
n84081378 | Africanus, Sextus Julius |
n80138659 | Agatharchides |
no00081971 | Agathemerus |
n50043676 | Agathias, -582 |
nb2007021647 | Agatho, Pope, -681 |
n82219708 | Agathocles |
nr95021137 | Albinovanus Pedo |
n91064768 | Albinus |
n81024909 | Alcaeus |
no2015134965 | Alcaeus, active 388 B.C. |
n87855622 | Alcidamas, active 4th century B.C. |
no2010199211 | Alcinous, active 2nd century |
n87116412 | Alcmaeon, of Croton, approximately 500 B.C.- |
n85148658 | Alcman |
n50042175 | Alcuin, 735-804 |
n85143076 | Alexander |
n00036747 | Alexander, Aetolus |
n80024530 | Alexander, of Aphrodisias |
n85811814 | Alexander, of Tralles, approximately 525-approximately 605 |
nr90028764 | Alexander, Polyhistor, approximately 105 B.C.-approximately 35 B.C. |
n95068110 | Alexis |
nr95037490 | Alfenus Varus, P. (Publius), active 39 B.C. |
nr95021123 | Alfius Avitus |
no2001002435 | Alpheus |
n2015017560 | Alypius |
no96033746 | Amarcius, active 11th century |
n80065875 | Ammianus Marcellinus |
n84114347 | Ammonius Saccas, of Alexandria |
n84001513 | Ammonius, Hermiae |
n81084530 | Ampelius, Lucius |
no2008072394 | Amphis, active 4th century B.C. |
n82082915 | Anacharsis |
n83015407 | Anacreon |
n83015406 | Anacreontea |
no2009159117 | Ananios, of Kleitor, active 4th century B.C. |
n50051902 | Anaxagoras |
no2016042151 | Anaxandrides |
n85142191 | Anaximander |
n84134246 | Anaximenes, of Lampsacus |
n94027413 | Anaximenes, of Miletus |
n88141974 | Andocides, approximately 440 B.C.-approximately 390 B.C. |
n2012050025 | Andromachus, the Elder |
n85017635 | Andronicus |
n80049661 | Andronicus, Livius |
n85216260 | Andronicus, of Rhodes |
n93005025 | Androtiōn, active 4th century B.C. |
no2006136229 | Anianus, Celedensis, active 415-419 |
nr95020711 | Annianus |
nr95022475 | Annius Luscus, T., active 156 B.C.-133 B.C. |
n96010375 | Anthemios, ho Trallianos, active 6th century |
nb2010016567 | Anthemius, Emperor of Rome, approximately 420-472 |
nr89010431 | Antigonus, of Carystus, active 240 B.C. |
n2015065002 | Antigonus, of Nicaea |
n87829370 | Antimachus, of Colophon |
no96048216 | Antiochus (Of Ascalon), -68 B.C. |
n2001040824 | Antipater, of Sidon, active approximately 100 B.C. |
no00091664 | Antiphanes |
n86119012 | Antisthenes, approximately 445 B.C.-approximately 360 B.C. |
n79148931 | Antoninus Pius, Emperor of Rome, 86-161 |
no91011562 | Antoninus, Liberalis, active 2nd century |
no93021477 | Antonius Diogenes |
nr95022474 | Antonius, M. (Marcus), 143 B.C.-87 B.C. |
sj96004804 | Antony, Mark, 83 B.C.?-30 B.C. |
n80144991 | Anyte, of Tegea |
n85086176 | Aphthonius, active 4th century-5th century |
n2012013784 | Apion I, active 472-525 |
nr99000135 | Apion, approximately 25 B.C.-approximately 45 A.D. |
n50052496 | Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, -approximately 390 |
n50052496 | Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, -approximately 390 |
n84179566 | Apollodorus |
n88100391 | Apollodorus, of Artemita |
n84107769 | Apollodorus, of Athens |
no99006328 | Apollodorus, of Carystus |
n94076135 | Apollodorus, of Damascus, active 1st century-2nd century |
no95032676 | Apollodorus, Pergamenus, 104 B.C.-22 B.C. |
n82054983 | Apollonius, Dyscolus, active 2nd century |
n84003189 | Apollonius, of Perga |
n79004116 | Apollonius, of Tyana |
n80008541 | Apollonius, Rhodius |
no00011450 | Apollonius, the Apologist, Saint, -approximately 185 |
no2013110801 | Apollophanes |
n79126943 | Apostle, Hippocrates George |
n81028285 | Appianus, of Alexandria |
nr95031032 | Aprissius |
n96111610 | Apsines, of Gadara, active 3rd century |
n80126286 | Apuleius |
n80126286 | Apuleius |
n88669281 | Apuleius, Barbarus |
nr95037292 | Aquilius Gallus, C. (Caius), active 1st century B.C. |
n86135997 | Aratus |
n2007055663 | Aratus, of Sicyon, 271 B.C.-213 B.C. |
n82138923 | Aratus, Solensis |
nr95022099 | Arbonius Silo |
no2015134804 | Arcesilaus (Poet of Old Comedy) |
n84081488 | Archestratus, of Gela |
n84234520 | Archias, Aulus Licinius, 120 B.C.- |
no2004107002 | Archigenēs, approximately 54-approximately 117 |
n80008559 | Archilochus |
n80104666 | Archimedes |
no96021781 | Archytas, of Tarentum |
n85229153 | Aretaeus, of Cappadocia |
n2016040070 | Argentarius, Marcus |
n77011076 | Arion, active 628 B.C.-625 B.C. |
nr2004011989 | Arion, of Lesbos |
nr90020062 | Aristaenetus |
no2015134715 | Aristagoras (Poet of Old Comedy) |
n82068128 | Aristarchus, of Samos |
no89012545 | Aristarchus, of Samothrace, approximately 217 B.C.-145 B.C. |
no2014015694 | Aristeas |
no2011150346 | Aristeas, of Proconnesus |
no89012950 | Aristides |
n82148820 | Aristides Quintilianus |
no91014418 | Aristides, active 2nd century |
n99009843 | Aristides, of Miletus |
n89239531 | Aristippus, 435 B.C.?-356 B.C.? |
no2008021818 | Aristo Pellaeus, active 2nd century |
nr95015174 | Aristobulus, active 2nd century B.C. |
nr94007080 | Aristocles, active 6th century B.C. |
n00104145 | Aristocles, of Messene |
n85355817 | Aristomenes |
no2015135343 | Aristonymus, active 5th century B.C. |
n79072756 | Aristophanes |
n88104439 | Aristophanes, of Byzantium, 257 B.C.-180 B.C. |
n79004182 | Aristotle |
n83048707 | Aristoxenus |
n81029499 | Arkadios I, Archbishop of Cyprus |
n79023201 | Arrian |
nr95028971 | Arruntius, L. (Lucius), active 43 B.C.-17 B.C. |
n81064980 | Artemidorus, Daldianus |
no2011095871 | Arusianus Messius, active 4th century |
n85309202 | Ascension of Isaiah |
n85800836 | Asclepiades, of Bithynia, approximately 130 B.C.-approximately 40 B.C. |
n93040321 | Asclepiodotus |
n00123190 | Asclepius, of Tralles |
n82231398 | Asconius Pedianus, Quintus, 9 B.C.-76 A.D. |
nr95028757 | Asellio, Sempronius, active 150 B.C.-91 B.C. |
n98088007 | Aspasius |
nr00015647 | Astrampsychus |
nr95027407 | Ateius Praetextatus, L. (Lucius), active 86 B.C.-29 B.C. |
no2004034890 | Athenaeus, active 2nd century B.C.? |
n80051703 | Athenaeus, of Naucratis |
n85229141 | Athenodorus |
nr95031014 | Atilius |
nr90002083 | Atilius Fortunatianus, active 4th century |
nr90002083 | Atilius Fortunatianus, active 4th century |
n85297967 | Atta, Titus Quinctius, -77 B.C. |
n87867590 | Attalus II, King of Pergamum, 220 B.C.-130 B.C. |
n83179208 | Atticus |
nr95028966 | Aufidius Bassus, active 1st century |
nr95027531 | Aufustius, active 1st century B.C. |
nr95021467 | Augurinus, Sentius |
n80126290 | Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 |
n79033006 | Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D. |
nr93015014 | Aurelian, Emperor of Rome, approximately 215-275 |
n85800480 | Aurelianus, Caelius |
no2015135156 | Autocrates, active 5th century B.C. |
no2008144540 | Autolycus, active 2nd century |
n84056206 | Avidius Cassius, Gaius, approximately 120-175 |
n2003101187 | Avillius Flaccus, Governor of Egypt, -38 or 39 |
n84133329 | Babrius |
n2015017555 | Bacchius, senior |
n50058180 | Bacchylides |
n2013073600 | Balbilla, Julia |
nr95039359 | Balbus, active 81-106 |
n86002525 | Balbus, Lucius Cornelius |
no99031936 | Basilius, Timotheus Cæsarinus |
n90613240 | Bassus, Junius |
no2017086311 | Bassus, Saleius, active 1st century |
n85215581 | Battle of the frogs and mice |
n82131988 | Berosus, the Chaldean |
nr2001033373 | Bianor |
nr95022097 | Bibaculus, M. Furius (Marcus Furius), 103 B.C.- |
n79023150 | Bible. New Testament |
n96028939 | Bible. Old Testament. Greek. Aquila |
n79108895 | Bion, of Phlossa near Smyrna |
n79029805 | Boethius, -524 |
n86071071 | Britannicus, 41-55 |
n2012015843 | Brutus |
nr95033453 | Brutus, M. Junius (Marcus Junius), active 146 B.C.-136 B.C. |
nr95033453 | Brutus, M. Junius (Marcus Junius), active 146 B.C.-136 B.C. |
n80056883 | Brutus, Marcus Junius, 85 B.C.?-42 B.C. |
n79060254 | Cabasilas, Nicolaus, active 14th century |
nr95031173 | Caecilius Statius |
n85310228 | Caecina, A. (Aulus) |
n87909693 | Caelius Rufus, Marcus |
nr95037302 | Caelius Sabinus, Cn. Arulenus, active 1st century |
nr95037302 | Caelius Sabinus, Cn. Arulenus, active 1st century |
nr95022622 | Caepio, Q. Servilius (Quintus Servilius), active 100 B.C.-90 B.C. |
nr95027440 | Caesar Strabo, C. Julius, approximately 130 B.C.-87 B.C. |
nr95027440 | Caesar Strabo, C. Julius, approximately 130 B.C.-87 B.C. |
n79021400 | Caesar, Julius |
nr95037511 | Caesar, L. Julius (Lucius Julius), active 90 B.C.-43 B.C. |
nr95039361 | Caesellius Vindex, Lucius, active 2nd century |
nr90002081 | Caesius Bassus, active 1st century |
nr90002081 | Caesius Bassus, active 1st century |
nr95022625 | Calidius, M. (Marcus), active 64 B.C.-49 B.C. |
n50032169 | Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 12-41 |
n50032169 | Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 12-41 |
no2015134773 | Callias (Poet of Old Comedy) |
n97084151 | Callicratidas |
n80040584 | Callimachus |
no91013588 | Callinicus, active 3rd century |
n81013545 | Callinus, of Ephesus |
no2015134902 | Callistratus (Poet of Old Comedy) |
no94012325 | Callistratus, active 2nd century-3rd century |
n2007086286 | Callistratus, of Aphidna, active 377 B.C.-361 B.C. |
n94004812 | Calpurnius Flaccus |
n91060779 | Calpurnius Siculus, Titus |
nr95015547 | Calvus, C. Licinius Macer |
n80089831 | Camillus, Marcus Furius, -365 B.C. |
nr95045992 | Candidus, active 350-355 |
nr95027553 | Cannutius, P., 106 B.C.- |
no2015134911 | Cantharus, active 5th century B.C. |
nr95015552 | Caper, Flavius |
nr95039375 | Capito, C. Ateius, -22 |
n82207265 | Caracalla, Emperor of Rome, 188-217 |
nr95024121 | Carbo Arvina, C. Papirius, -82 B.C. |
nr95024520 | Carbo, C. Papirius, approximately 164 B.C.-119 B.C. |
no99053960 | Carbo, L. Papirius |
nr92038616 | Carneiscus, active 3rd century B.C.-2nd century B.C. |
no2010155664 | Casca, P. Servilius (Publius Servilius), -approximately 42 B.C. |
nr95033452 | Cascellius, A., active 1st century B.C. |
n88145774 | Cassianus Bassus, Scholasticus |
n79084710 | Cassius Dio Cocceianus |
no2002062176 | Cassius Felix, active 447 |
no2002062176 | Cassius Felix, active 447 |
nr95031179 | Cassius Hemina, active 2nd century B.C. |
nr95031179 | Cassius Hemina, active 2nd century B.C. |
no2006077553 | Cassius Iatrosophista, active 2nd century |
n78046436 | Cassius Longinus, Gaius |
nr2007003009 | Cassius Longinus, Gaius, active 54 B.C.-42 B.C. |
nr2007003009 | Cassius Longinus, Gaius, active 54 B.C.-42 B.C. |
nr95024504 | Cassius Longinus, L. (Lucius), active 54 B.C.-41 B.C. |
nr93005894 | Cassius, Caius, Parmensis |
no2008110131 | Castorio, Jean-Noël |
no2012024347 | Catalogus codicum astrologorum Latinorum |
no2004041586 | Cato Brutus |
nr95024509 | Cato, M. Porcius, -118 B.C. |
n50047791 | Cato, Marcus Porcius, 234 B.C.-149 B.C. |
n82155077 | Cato, Marcus Porcius, 95 B.C.-46 B.C. |
n79006943 | Catullus, Gaius Valerius |
n81033260 | Cebes, Of Thebes |
n50060680 | Celsus (Platonic philosopher), active 180 |
n50034315 | Celsus, Aulus Cornelius |
n50034315 | Celsus, Aulus Cornelius |
n80001434 | Celsus, Publius Juventius |
no2015135326 | Cephisodorus, active 5th century B.C. |
n86091597 | Cercidas |
nr94041939 | Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi |
n2002043182 | Chaeremon, active 4th century B.C. |
n84175705 | Chaeremon, of Alexandria |
n86090349 | Chamaeleon, of Heraclea Pontica |
n85240506 | Charax, of Pergamum, active 2nd century |
n2005034569 | Chares, of Lindos, active 3rd century B.C. |
n79125271 | Charisius, Aurelius Arcadius |
n85128170 | Charisius, Flavius Sosipater |
n85128170 | Charisius, Flavius Sosipater |
no98120988 | Charito |
nr94026731 | Charito, Saint, Abbot, -approximately 350 |
n87885410 | Charondas, active 6th century B.C. |
no2015134862 | Chionides, active 5th century B.C. |
n80137694 | Choerilus, of Samos |
no2007075248 | Choeroboscus, Georgius |
n2009022982 | Choricius, of Gaza, active 6th century |
nr94013919 | Chrysippus, approximately 280 B.C.-207 B.C. or 206 B.C. |
n79032166 | Cicero, Marcus Tullius |
n81090754 | Cicero, Quintus Tullius |
nr95027541 | Cincius Alimentus, L. (Lucius), active 210 B.C. |
nr95027538 | Cincius, L. (Lucius) |
nr95021134 | Cinna, C. Helvius |
nr96043578 | Claudianus Mamertus, -approximately 474 |
nr95020971 | Claudius Caecus, App. (Appius) |
nr95020971 | Claudius Caecus, App. (Appius) |
n86860095 | Claudius Pompeianus, Tiberius |
n84111927 | Claudius Quadrigarius, Quintus |
n50041157 | Claudius, Emperor of Rome, 10 B.C.-54 A.D. |
n50041157 | Claudius, Emperor of Rome, 10 B.C.-54 A.D. |
nr93016745 | Cleanthes, 331 B.C.-232 B.C. |
n2011039033 | Clearchus, of Soli |
no97061760 | Cleitarchus |
n50066849 | Clement, of Alexandria, Saint, approximately 150-approximately 215 |
n80067225 | Cleomedes |
n87873232 | Cleon, -422 B.C. |
nr97015947 | Cleonides, active 2nd century |
n80067160 | Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, -30 B.C. |
nr95028963 | Clodius Licinus, C., active 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. |
nr95027765 | Clodius, Ser. (Serius), -approximately 60 B.C. |
n85194972 | Codex (Corpus juris civilis) |
n50039501 | Codex Theodosianus |
n80129272 | Coelius Antipater, Lucius |
n80129272 | Coelius Antipater, Lucius |
n85310974 | Colluthus, of Lycopolis |
n89618464 | Colotes, of Lampsacus |
n80056875 | Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus |
nr2002039898 | Conon, active 36 B.C.-17 A.D. |
n2003071697 | Corallus, S. Abydenus |
nb2007025461 | Corbulo, Gnaeus Domitius, -67 |
n89106638 | Corinna |
nr95039337 | Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi |
nr95021132 | Cornificius Gallus |
nr95027772 | Cornificius Longus, active 44 B.C. |
nr95027772 | Cornificius Longus, active 44 B.C. |
nr95020972 | Cornificius, Q. (Quintus), -approximately 42 B.C. |
no90012163 | Cornutus, Lucius Annaeus, active 1st century |
n82090196 | Corpus Hermeticum |
no98124860 | Corpus philosophorum Medii Aevi. Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina |
nr95024524 | Cotta, C. Aurelius, approximately 124 B.C.-63 B.C. |
n2006011202 | Cotta, G. Aurelius, active 252 B.C.-248 B.C. |
nr95024523 | Crassus, L. Licinius (Lucius Licinius), 140 B.C.-91 B.C. |
n2004041551 | Craterus, of Macedon, 321 B.C.-approximately 255 B.C. |
no2015135337 | Crates (Poet of Middle or New Comedy), active 4th century B.C. |
n96104516 | Crates, approximately 360 B.C.-approximately 280 B.C. |
no2003005703 | Crates, Mallotes, active 2nd century B.C. |
n87874644 | Cratinus, -approximately 420 B.C. |
no2015107363 | Cratinus, the younger, active approximately 350 B.C. |
no92023597 | Cratippus, of Athens, active 4th century |
nr95029295 | Cremutius Cordus, A. (Aulus), -25 |
n88055358 | Crinagoras, approximately 70 B.C.- |
n00087919 | Critias, approximately 460 B.C.-approximately 403 B.C. |
n86104928 | Crito |
n82006134 | Ctesias |
nr95024516 | Curio, C. Scribonius, active 121 B.C. |
nr95024518 | Curio, C. Scribonius, approximately 125 B.C.-53 B.C. |
n50034703 | Curtius Rufus, Quintus |
nr96043773 | Cyprianus Gallus, active 5th century |
n83228458 | Cyril, of Scythopolis, approximately 524-approximately 558 |
n50078539 | Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869 |
n80139106 | Cyril, Saint, Bishop of Jerusalem, approximately 315-386 |
n82148014 | Cyril, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, approximately 370-444 |
nr97025467 | Cyrillus, de Quidenon, active 13th century |
nr98012500 | Cyrus |
n86870862 | Damaskios, approximately 480-approximately 550 |
n50055903 | Damian, Saint, -approximately 303 |
nr2006014535 | Demades, approximately 380 B.C.-319 B.C. |
no2009069352 | Demetrian, Saint, Bishop of Antioch, -approximately 260 |
no2002064617 | Demetrios, Chomatenos, active 1216-1236 |
n2003031235 | Demetrius |
no2015135177 | Demetrius (Poet of Old Comedy), active 5th century B.C. |
nr91012570 | Demetrius I, Poliorcetes, King of Macedonia, 336 B.C.-283 B.C. |
no2014074178 | Demetrius Ixion, active 2nd century B.C. |
n88091065 | Demetrius Pepagomenus, active 1260 |
no2003000701 | Demetrius, 207 B.C.-180 B.C. |
nr97008615 | Demetrius, Junior |
n96084067 | Demetrius, Lacon, active 2nd century B.C. |
n2016028529 | Demetrius, of Alexandria, 189-231 |
n81008008 | Demetrius, of Phaleron, approximately 350 B.C.- |
nr95023765 | Demetrius, of Pharos, -214 B.C. |
n85284289 | Demetrius, Saint, active 4th century |
n86082464 | Demetrius, the Cynic |
n96059487 | Demetrius. On style |
n85229181 | Demochares, approximately 360 B.C.-275 B.C. |
nb2006017170 | Democritus |
n85057416 | Democritus Pseudomantis |
n79041650 | Democritus, approximately 460 B.C.-approximately 370 B.C. |
no2004102216 | Demodocus |
n85144190 | Demophilus |
n79063465 | Demosthenes |
no2014119489 | Demosthenes, Philip |
n79113975 | Denis, Saint, Archbishop of Paris, active 3rd century |
nr99007444 | Dentatus, Marcus Curius |
n90614269 | Dexippus (The Platonist) |
nr2006009268 | Dexippus, Publius Herennius |
nb2010014805 | Diadumenian, Emperor of Rome, 208-218 |
n84169475 | Diagoras (Of Melos) |
no98129188 | Dicaearchus, Messenius, active 4th century B.C. |
nb2010014749 | Didius Julianus, Emperor of Rome, 137-193 |
n83031882 | Didymos, ho Areios |
n85196283 | Didymus, Chalcenterus |
no2009028682 | Didymus, of Alexandria, active 4th century-5th century |
n50078862 | Didymus, the Blind, approximately 313-approximately 398 |
n82082452 | Digesta |
n85122338 | Dinarchus |
n96105887 | D̲inias, D̲inos |
n2001039882 | Dinon, of Colophon |
n79059104 | Dio, Chrysostom |
no2007049624 | Diocles |
no2011029835 | Diocles (Grammarian) |
no2007050914 | Diocles (Mathematician) |
no2015135354 | Diocles (Poet of Old and Middle Comedy), active 5th century B.C.-4th century B.C. |
n84804676 | Diocles, of Carystus |
n80149285 | Diodore, of Tarsus, Bishop of Tarsus, -approximately 392 |
n81021205 | Diodorus Cronus, active 4th century B.C. |
n2009002295 | Diodorus, Dimitrus |
n50028820 | Diodorus, Siculus |
n2005027739 | Diogenes |
n80067474 | Diogenes Laertius |
n50060366 | Diogenes, -approximately 323 B.C. |
n83225743 | Diogenes, of Apollonia, active 5th century B.C. |
n50082073 | Diogenes, of Oenoanda |
no2004042212 | Diogenianus, of Heraclea, active 2nd century |
nr97000126 | Diomedes (Grammarian), active 4th century |
no93008668 | Dionysius Exiguus, -approximately 540 |
n86036496 | Dionysius I, approximately 430 B.C.-367 B.C. |
no2007075328 | Dionysius, Aelius, active 2nd century |
no98129194 | Dionysius, Calliphontis |
nr94033849 | Dionysius, of Alexandria, Saint, -265 |
no91013549 | Dionysius, of Byzantium |
n50082922 | Dionysius, of Halicarnassus |
no2008072427 | Dionysius, of Sinope, active 4th century B.C. |
n91029067 | Dionysius, of Tel-Maḥrē, Patriarch of Antioch, -845 |
n84133347 | Dionysius, Periegetes |
no2005094620 | Dionysius, Pope, -267 or 268 |
n85113327 | Dionysius, the Areopagite, Saint, active 1st century |
n85326844 | Dionysius, the Younger |
n87807248 | Dionysius, Thrax |
no2004032509 | Diophanes, of Mytilene, -132 B.C. |
n82149799 | Diophantus, of Alexandria |
no99082332 | Dioscórides |
n83204415 | Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos |
nr2002023705 | Dioscorides, active 3rd century B.C. |
n85125194 | Diphilus, of Sinope, active 4th century B.C. |
n87863220 | Dolabella, Publius Cornelius, approximately 80 B.C.-43 B.C. |
n79077412 | Domitian, Emperor of Rome, 51-96 |
nr98003643 | Domitian, Saint, approximately 347-440 |
nr95022472 | Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cn., active 104 B.C.-89 B.C. |
no2013011657 | Domitius Domitianus, L. (Lucius), -297 |
nr99013765 | Domitius, Saint, active 4th century-5th century |
n82032152 | Donatus, Aelius |
n82032152 | Donatus, Aelius |
nr95020973 | Dorcatius |
nr97028370 | Dorotheus, of Beirut, active 6th century |
no94029712 | Dorotheus, of Gaza, Saint, active 6th century |
nr94028610 | Dorotheus, of Sidon |
n85035334 | Dorotheus, Saint, 255-362 |
nr2004036962 | Dositheus, Magister |
n95086431 | Douris, active 6th century B.C.-5th century B.C. |
no2012091624 | Drusus Claudianus, Marcus Livius, -42 B.C. |
no2012091624 | Drusus Claudianus, Marcus Livius, -42 B.C. |
n90715645 | Duris, of Samos, approximately 340 B.C.-approximately 260 B.C. |
no2015134678 | Ecphantides, active 5th century B.C. |
n93019082 | Ecphantus |
nr95020975 | Egnatius |
n50031872 | Elagabalus, Emperor of Rome, 204-222 |
n79134944 | Empedocles |
nr95020968 | Ena, Sextilius |
n79109712 | Ennius, Quintus |
nr95027775 | Ennius, Sex. |
n83173222 | Enoch (Biblical figure) |
n81033797 | Ephorus |
n97036148 | Epicharmus, active 5th century B.C. |
n50082929 | Epictetus |
n79121664 | Epicurus |
no2015135346 | Epilycus, active 5th century B.C.-4th century B.C. |
no2002104047 | Epimenides |
n97038551 | Erasistratus, of Ceos, active 3rd century B.C. |
n82081073 | Eratosthenes |
n79045090 | Erinna |
n99040702 | Etymologicum Gudianum |
n87890843 | Etymologicum magnum |
n00039880 | Etymologicum magnum genuinum |
n82045871 | Eubulus |
nr98032894 | Eubulus, approximately 405 B.C.-330 B.C. |
n50043341 | Euclid |
n2002102662 | Eudemus, of Rhodes |
n86030065 | Eudocia, Empress, consort of Theodosius II, Emperor of the East, -460 |
n85011976 | Eudoxus, of Cnidus, approximately 400 B.C.-approximately 350 B.C. |
n2016051854 | Eumelus, of Corinth |
n84080834 | Eunapius, approximately 345-approximately 420 |
no2015135260 | Eunicus, active 5th century B.C. |
no2015134882 | Euphronius, active 458 B.C. |
no91001652 | Euphronius, active 520 B.C.-470 B.C. |
n83073705 | Eupolis |
n79063679 | Euripides |
n97860584 | Eusebius |
nr93003876 | Eusebius Pamphilus |
nr96008249 | Eusebius, Bishop of Emesa, approximately 300-approximately 359 |
no2007040359 | Eusebius, of Alexandria |
n79150225 | Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 260-approximately 340 |
n86017158 | Eusebius, of Cremona, Saint, -approximately 423 |
no92033481 | Eusebius, of Dorylaeum, Bishop of Dorylaeum |
n2009020072 | Eusebius, of Nicomedia, Bishop of Nicomedia, -341 |
nb2007022584 | Eusebius, Pope, -309 or 310 |
n87143170 | Eusebius, Saint, Bishop of Vercelli, approximately 283-371 |
n84111351 | Eustathius, Archbishop of Thessalonica, -approximately 1194 |
n87911061 | Eustathius, Macrembolites, active 12th century |
no92025966 | Eustathius, of Antioch, Saint, -approximately 337 |
nr94015220 | Eustratios, Presbyter, active 6th century |
n2002098935 | Eustratius, Metropolitan of Nicaea |
n85056938 | Eutocius, of Ascalon |
nb2007022879 | Eutychianus, Pope, -283 |
n82059718 | Ezekiel, active 2nd century B.C. |
nr95029285 | Fabius Maximus Servilianus, Q., active 142 B.C. |
nr95029285 | Fabius Maximus Servilianus, Q., active 142 B.C. |
no2013102370 | Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, Q. (Quintus), -203 B.C. |
no2013102370 | Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, Q. (Quintus), -203 B.C. |
nr95022101 | Fabius Pictor, active 154 B.C.-151 B.C. |
nr95022101 | Fabius Pictor, active 154 B.C.-151 B.C. |
nr95016313 | Fannius, C. (Caius) |
nr95024119 | Favorinus, active 104 B.C.? |
no98002268 | Favorinus, of Arles, approximately 81-approximately 150 |
no98002268 | Favorinus, of Arles, approximately 81-approximately 150 |
nr95029288 | Fenestella, active 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. |
n92044943 | Festus, Sextus Pompeius, active 2nd century |
n92044943 | Festus, Sextus Pompeius, active 2nd century |
n82111816 | Firmicus Maternus, Julius |
n85310229 | Flaccus, Lucius Valerius, -approximately 54 B.C. |
n85310229 | Flaccus, Lucius Valerius, -approximately 54 B.C. |
nr90027550 | Flavianus, Virius Nicomachus, approximately 334-394 |
no2003047095 | Florentinus, active 2nd century-3rd century |
n84212566 | Florus, Lucius Annaeus |
no2017077314 | Fortunatianus, Bishop of Aquileia, active 4th century |
n80049752 | Fortunatianus, Chirius |
n83236155 | Frontinus, Sextus Julius |
n79151442 | Fronto, Marcus Cornelius |
n79151442 | Fronto, Marcus Cornelius |
n80043427 | Fulgentius, Fabius Planciades |
nr95021495 | Furius Antias, A. (Aulus), active 100 B.C. |
nr2004016358 | Gabrielius, Julius |
n50015482 | Galba, Servius Sulpicius, Emperor of Rome, 3 B.C.-69 A.D. |
n50015482 | Galba, Servius Sulpicius, Emperor of Rome, 3 B.C.-69 A.D. |
n79059644 | Galen |
nr97013151 | Galerius, Emperor of Rome, approximately 260-313 |
n85385299 | Gall, Saint, approximately 550-approximately 630 |
n80123081 | Gallienus, Publius Licinius Egnatius, Emperor of Rome, 233?-268 |
nr95028968 | Gallus Antipater, active 268-306 |
n87146215 | Gallus, Anonymus, 1066-1145 |
nr95039327 | Gallus, C. Aelius, active 1st century B.C.? |
nr95039327 | Gallus, C. Aelius, active 1st century B.C.? |
nr95021497 | Gallus, C. Asinius (Caius Asinius), 41 B.C.-33 A.D. |
n85379942 | Gallus, Gaius Cornelius, 69 B.C.?-26 B.C. |
n85379942 | Gallus, Gaius Cornelius, 69 B.C.?-26 B.C. |
nr95020974 | Gannius |
n81092056 | Gargilius Martialis, Quintus |
n2015017566 | Gaudentius |
nr98008106 | Gaudentius, Saint, Bishop of Brescia, -410? |
n2015021977 | Gaudentius, Saint, Bishop of Novara, -417 |
nr95016321 | Gavius Bassus |
nr95016321 | Gavius Bassus |
n79142673 | Gellius, Aulus |
n79142673 | Gellius, Aulus |
nr95029283 | Gellius, Cn., active 154 B.C.-134 B.C. |
no97037977 | Geminus |
n88277275 | Geoponica |
n82158317 | Germanicus Caesar, 15 B.C.-19 A.D. |
n82158317 | Germanicus Caesar, 15 B.C.-19 A.D. |
n82065950 | Ghewond, Erētsʻ, active 8th century |
no95052278 | Giovanni, Diacono, active 11th century |
n83825615 | Glossaria interpretum |
n84087618 | Golden verses |
n97876631 | Gorgias |
n82106049 | Gorgias, of Leontini |
nr95037505 | Gracchanus, M. Junius Congus (Marcus Junius Congus), active 2nd century B.C.-1st century B.C. |
n80089589 | Gracchus |
n81098243 | Gracchus, Gaius Sempronius, 154 B.C.-121 B.C. |
nr95037312 | Granius Flaccus, active 1st century B.C. |
nr95037312 | Granius Flaccus, active 1st century B.C. |
n90685526 | Grapheus, Cornelius Scribonius |
nr89002495 | Grattius, Faliscus |
no95046762 | Gregorios, Metropolitan of Corinth, active 1092-1156 |
n83174295 | Gregory II, of Cyprus, Patriarch of Constantinople, 1241-1290 |
n50030000 | Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-138 |
n80023034 | Hanno |
n81015721 | Harmodius |
no88000799 | Harpocration, Valerius |
n87931007 | Hecataeus, of Miletus |
no2015134819 | Hegemon, active 5th century B.C. |
n2007035854 | Hegesippus, approximately 390 B.C.-approximately 325 B.C. |
nr96044528 | Hegesippus, Saint, -approximately 180 |
n78048111 | Heliodoros |
no2013064185 | Heliodorus, active 8th century |
n80089698 | Heliodorus, of Emesa |
nr2006002488 | Heliodorus, of Larissa |
n85216261 | Heliodorus, of Prusa |
n91019263 | Heliodorus, Philosopher of Alexandria |
no2007093591 | Helladios, Alexandros, approximately 1686- |
no2011118652 | Hellanicus (Grammarian), active approximately 200 B.C. |
n81119914 | Hellanicus, of Lesbos |
nr95026777 | Helvius Mancia, active 97 B.C.-87 B.C. |
nr94027924 | Heraclides Lembus |
n2007020565 | Heraclides, Criticus |
n2001039881 | Heraclides, of Cyme |
nr99004434 | Heraclides, of Tarentum, active 75 B.C. |
n98086562 | Heraclides, Ponticus, approximately 390 B.C.-310 B.C. |
nr94036792 | Heraclides, Ponticus, the Younger |
no00010470 | Heraclitus, active 1st century |
n78095675 | Heraclitus, of Ephesus |
nr95022473 | Herennius Balbus, L., active 56 B.C.-45 B.C. |
no96039842 | Hermeias, of Alexandria, active 5th century |
n80133312 | Hermes, Trismegistus |
n99041141 | Hermesianax, of Colophon |
n85356767 | Hermias |
no2010067962 | Hermias, of Thebes |
n88633827 | Hermippus, of Smyrna, active 200 B.C. |
n83319391 | Hermodōros, ho Syrakousios |
n89622424 | Hermógenes |
n91090165 | Hermogenes, active 220 B.C.-190 B.C. |
n85260452 | Hermogenes, active 2nd century |
nr99018099 | Hermogenes, the heretic, active approximately 200 |
n81055336 | Hero, of Alexandria |
n79105659 | Herodas |
n83164991 | Herodes Atticus |
n50068736 | Herodian |
n88039759 | Herodianus, Aelius, active 2nd century |
n79086888 | Herodotus |
n86019013 | Herophilus, of Chalcedon, approximately 335 B.C.-approximately 280 B.C. |
n50062731 | Hesiod |
n91031863 | Hesychius, of Alexandria, active 5th century |
n83198243 | Hesychius, of Jerusalem, -approximately 450 |
n87899441 | Hesychius, of Miletus |
n84100316 | Hierocles (Grammarian) |
n83124599 | Hierocles, of Alexandria, active 430 |
n88069408 | Hierocles, Sossianus, active 293-311 |
n2009044984 | Hierocles, the Stoic, active 2nd century |
n83214412 | Hieronymus, of Cardia |
n93060430 | Himerius, approximately 310-approximately 390 |
no91008369 | Hipparchus, active 190 B.C.-127 B.C. |
n2003042208 | Hippias, -490 B.C. |
n88070221 | Hippias, of Elis, active 5th century B.C. |
n79005643 | Hippocrates |
n81007258 | Hippodamus, of Miletus |
n50066851 | Hippolytus, Antipope, approximately 170-235 or 236 |
no2001045225 | Hippon, active 5th century B.C. |
n84058405 | Hipponax, active 540 B.C.-537 B.C. |
n84134395 | Hirtius, Aulus |
n78095639 | Homer |
n2008029820 | Homer. Margitēs |
n82234462 | Homeric hymns |
n88096063 | Honestus |
n79081354 | Horace |
n84141023 | Horapollo |
nr95016310 | Hortensius Hortalus, Q. (Quintus) |
nr95021121 | Hostius |
n84175578 | Hyginus, C. Julius |
n87820217 | Hyginus, Gromaticus |
no2015002227 | Hyginus, Mensor |
nb2007022952 | Hyginus, Pope, -approximately 140 |
n80116994 | Hyperides |
nr96016542 | Hypsicles, of Alexandria |
n50053655 | Iamblichus, approximately 250-approximately 330 |
n90702411 | Ibycus, active 6th century B.C. |
no2008125293 | Ingenuin, Saint, Bishop of Säben, -approximately 605 |
n95013863 | Ion, of Chios |
n98031840 | Ioulianos, Scholastikos, active 535-555 |
n80015476 | Irenaeus, Saint, Bishop of Lyon |
n90621891 | Isaeus, approximately 420 B.C.-approximately 350 B.C. |
n93069576 | Isidore, of Alexandria, active 5th century |
nr92022373 | Isidore, of Pelusium, Saint, active 5th century |
n80139470 | Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636 |
n80139470 | Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636 |
no2012029692 | Isidore, the Younger, active 6th century |
no2011067887 | Isidorus, Aurelius, approximately 270- |
n78080925 | Isocrates |
no2002007118 | Istrus, the Callimachean, active 3rd century B.C. |
n2004150785 | Isyllus, of Epidaurus |
n2007062270 | Iuncus, Philosophus |
no2011130859 | Jacobus, Baradaeus, approximately 500-578 |
n83059651 | Javolenus Priscus |
n2002065409 | Joannes, Diaconus Hispanus |
nr2003023260 | John Rufus, Bishop of Maiuma, active 476-518 |
no2015156751 | John, of Gaza (Grammarian), active 6th century |
n80015583 | Josephus, Flavius |
no91001823 | Juba |
n98080275 | Juba II, King of Mauretania, approximately 50 B.C.-approximately 24 A.D. |
n81152362 | Julia Domna, Empress, consort of Severus, Lucius Septimius, Emperor of Rome, -217 |
n79067875 | Julian, Emperor of Rome, 331-363 |
n84178627 | Julian, of Eclanum, Bishop, 380-approximately 455 |
n84130710 | Julian, of Le Mans, Saint, active 4th century? |
nb2007023594 | Julianus, Bishop of Halicarnassus, active 6th century |
n2004120194 | Julianus, of Alexandria |
n82074166 | Julianus, Saint, Bishop of Toledo, -690 |
n79053401 | Julianus, the Theurgist |
nb97066130 | Julien, d’Ascalon |
nr95038993 | Julius Modestus, active 1st century |
nr95021875 | Julius Montanus, -27 |
no90022902 | Junius Secundus |
n79032202 | Justinian I, Emperor of the East, 483?-565 |
n98082251 | Justinian II, Emperor of the East, 669-711 |
n79060985 | Juvenal |
n81077601 | Juvenalis, Saint, Bishop of Narni, -376 |
nr95023938 | Juventius Laterensis, M., -43 B.C. |
n78018941 | Kallias, of Sphettos, active 307 B.C.-269 B.C. |
n2011040776 | Kīrullus IV, Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria, 1816-1861 |
nr95021126 | Labeo, Attius, active 1st century |
n86113064 | Labeo, Marcus Antistius, approximately 48 B.C.-approximately 22 A.D. |
n86113064 | Labeo, Marcus Antistius, approximately 48 B.C.-approximately 22 A.D. |
nr95038999 | Laberius, D. (Decimus), approximately 107 B.C.-43 B.C. |
nr95037307 | Laelius Felix, active 2nd century |
nr95024114 | Laelius, C., Sapiens, approximately 190 B.C.-approximately 128 B.C. |
nr95016540 | Laevius |
no2003048237 | Lasus, 548 B.C.- |
nr95022108 | Laurea, Tullius, active 1st century B.C. |
nr95022108 | Laurea, Tullius, active 1st century B.C. |
nr95021465 | Lentulus Gaetulicus, Cn. Cornelius (Cneius Cornelius), -39 |
nr95021465 | Lentulus Gaetulicus, Cn. Cornelius (Cneius Cornelius), -39 |
nr95024120 | Lentulus Marcellinus, Cn. Cornelius, active 84 B.C.-56 B.C. |
nr95024120 | Lentulus Marcellinus, Cn. Cornelius, active 84 B.C.-56 B.C. |
n90633911 | Leo VI, Emperor of the East, 866-912 |
n93123081 | Leo, the Mathematician, -approximately 869 |
no98119206 | Leonidas |
no2002001719 | Leonidas, King of Sparta, -480 B.C. |
n99015056 | Leonidas, of Tarentum, active 4th century B.C.-3rd century B.C. |
nr96026438 | Leontius, Abbot of St. Saba, active 6th century-7th century |
nr93007519 | Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis, active 7th century |
no2011198622 | Leontius, Mechanicus |
nr99025211 | Leontius, of Damascus, active 8th century-9th century |
n2006000839 | Leontius, of Jerusalem, active 6th century |
nr99007580 | Leontius, of Tripoli, Saint, active 4th century |
nr89004025 | Leontius, Presbyter of Constantinople, active 5th century-6th century |
no2005026238 | Leontius, Scholasticus, active 540-555 |
nr95023939 | Lepidus Porcina, M. Aemilius (Marcus Aemilius), active 137 B.C.-125 B.C. |
n88092660 | Lesbōnax |
n82064251 | Lesbonax (Rhetorician) |
no99064639 | Leucippus |
no2015134865 | Leucon, active 5th century B.C. |
no2011030808 | Lexicon haimōdein |
n00029484 | Lexicon juridic |
n50052091 | Libanius |
nb2010016594 | Libius Severus, Emperor of Rome, approximately 420-465 |
nr95030635 | Licinius Imbrex |
no2014038977 | Licinius Rufinus |
no2007122068 | Licinius, Emperor of Rome, approximately 250-325 |
n79015690 | Livy |
n84160046 | Longinus, active 1st century |
n79043133 | Longinus, Cassius, approximately 213-273 |
no2002044247 | Longinus, of Enaton, Saint, active 5th century |
n90684624 | Longinus, Saint, martyr, active 1st century |
n50043501 | Longus |
n79089234 | Lucan, 39-65 |
n2005029137 | Lucianus, Saint, -approximately 250 |
n50079083 | Lucilius, Gaius, approximately 180 B.C.-approximately 102 B.C. |
n2003055812 | Lucillius, active 1st century |
n79033010 | Lucretius Carus, Titus |
nr95030835 | Luscius Lanuvinus, active 2nd century B.C. |
nr95016314 | Lutatius Catulus, Q. (Quintus), 150 B.C.-87 B.C. |
nr95024511 | Lutatius Catulus, Q. (Quintus), approximately 121 B.C.-approximately 60 B.C. |
n85216215 | Lycophron |
no2016144604 | Lycophron, the Sophist, active 4th century B.C. |
n85202757 | Lycurgus |
nr96035470 | Lycurgus, approximately 390 B.C.-approximately 324 B.C. |
n2004120193 | Lycus, of Macedonia |
no2008068162 | Lydos, active 6th century B.C. |
n82246814 | Lydus, Johannes Laurentius, 490-approximately 565 |
n50000909 | Lysias |
no2015135249 | Lysias (Poet of Old Comedy), active approximately 400 B.C. |
n84160212 | Lysimachus, King of Thrace, approximately 361 B.C.-281 B.C. |
n85229154 | Lysippus |
no2015134857 | Lysippus, active 5th century B.C. |
nb2007027952 | Macarius II, Patriarch of Jerusalem, -575 |
n2008040999 | Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, active 4th century |
n82126315 | Macarius, Bishop of Tkôw, active 5th century |
no2004058827 | Macarius, Magnes, active 403 |
no94021433 | Macarius, of Alexandria, Saint, active 4th century |
n82031613 | Macarius, the Egyptian, Saint, active 4th century |
n97044380 | Macedonius, Consul, approximately 490-approximately 565 |
n83069027 | Macer, Aemilius, -16 B.C. |
nr95015551 | Macer, C. Licinius (Caius Licinius) |
no90000723 | Macrobius |
n50043606 | Macrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius |
n50043606 | Macrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius |
n94110034 | Maecenas, Gaius Cilnius, approximately 70 B.C.-8 B.C. |
nr95037316 | Maecianus, L. Volusius (Lucius Volusius), active 2nd century |
n98009449 | Maginus, Saint, -approximately 304 |
no2015134952 | Magnes, active 5th century B.C. |
n86122595 | Malampus, active 3rd century B.C. |
n84019671 | Malchus, Philadelphensis |
nr98025310 | Malchus, Saint |
no2004090858 | Mallius Theodorus, Flavius, active 377-409 |
n88132204 | Manetho |
nr95033837 | Manilius, M’. (Manius), active 2nd century B.C. |
n79055083 | Manilius, Marcus |
nr88007824 | Marcellinus |
no95028556 | Marcellinus, comes, active 500-534 |
nb2007022765 | Marcellinus, Pope, -304 |
no2009178030 | Marcellinus, Presbyter, active 4th century |
n99834178 | Marcellinus, Saint, -304 |
n85216488 | Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, -45 B.C. |
nr99024574 | Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, approximately 268 B.C.-208 B.C. |
no2014049595 | Marcellus, Ulpius, active 135 |
nb2010016337 | Marcian, Emperor of the East, 392-457 |
n90719961 | Marcianus, Aelius |
n90719961 | Marcianus, Aelius |
no97067478 | Marcianus, of Heraclea |
n2005029142 | Marcianus, Saint, -approximately 250 |
nr95026801 | Marcius Philippus, L. (Lucius), approximately 136 B.C.-approximately 76 B.C. |
nr95022106 | Marcius, Cn., vates |
n80051702 | Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180 |
n80058356 | Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180. Meditations |
nr95020970 | Marianus |
nr95020970 | Marianus |
nr94037948 | Marianus, Scotus, 1028-1082? |
n86107863 | Marinus, active 5th century |
nr98012601 | Markellos, Sidētēs |
n81127417 | Marsus, Domitius |
n82013667 | Martial |
n82013667 | Martial |
n84051423 | Martial, Saint, Bishop of Limoges, active 3rd century |
n80083555 | Martianus Capella |
nb2013001823 | Matius |
nr95020969 | Matius, Cn. |
n99263038 | Matron, of Pitana |
n82211141 | Maurice, Emperor of the East, 539-602 |
n85311132 | Maximianus, active 6th century |
nr96038457 | Maximos, ho Ephesios, -372 |
no2004086322 | Maximus Victorinus |
no2016150320 | Maximus, Bishop of Riez, Saint, -460 or 461 |
n79055110 | Maximus, Confessor, Saint, approximately 580-662 |
nb2011017452 | Maximus, Emperor of the West, -388 |
n78059770 | Maximus, Marcus Clodius Pupienus, -238 |
n2007016203 | Maximus, Marius, approximately 165-approximately 230 |
n88218049 | Maximus, of Turin, Saint, active 4th century-5th century |
n85143899 | Maximus, of Tyre, active 2nd century |
nr99013764 | Maximus, Saint, active 4th century-5th century |
n82088707 | Maximus, the Greek, Saint, 1480-1556 |
nb2003067050 | Maximus, Tiberius Claudius, active 85-117 |
n82154900 | Megasthenes |
n80139084 | Mela, Pomponius |
n82162698 | Meleager |
n2001006266 | Meleager Painter, approximately 400 B.C.- |
n82103038 | Melissus, Samius |
nr95026779 | Memmius, C., -100 B.C. |
nr95026787 | Memmius, C., approximately 98 B.C.-approximately 46 B.C. |
nr93014893 | Memnon, of Heraclea Pontica |
nb2008001433 | Memnon, of Rhodes, approximately 380 B.C.-333 B.C. |
n90707640 | Menander, Indo-Greek king, active 2nd century B.C. |
n80008543 | Menander, of Athens |
no2015134836 | Menander, of Athens (Poet of Old Comedy) |
nr92021476 | Menander, of Laodicea, active 3rd century |
n86082820 | Menander, Protector, active 6th century |
no2015134823 | Menecrates, active 5th century B.C. |
no2012040538 | Menecrates, of Syracuse, active 4th century B.C. |
no2008183769 | Menippus, of Gadara |
no97067483 | Menippus, of Pergamon |
n88091044 | Menodotus, of Nicomedia |
n82245065 | Mesomedes, active 2nd century |
n85288052 | Messalla Corvinus, Marcus Valerius, 64 B.C.-approximately 8 A.D. |
nr95038421 | Messalla Rufus, M. Valerius, approximately 103 B.C.-approximately 26 B.C. |
nr95038421 | Messalla Rufus, M. Valerius, approximately 103 B.C.-approximately 26 B.C. |
no2015135382 | Metagenes, active 5th-4th century B.C. |
nr95026790 | Metellus Macedonicus, Q. Caecilius (Quintus Caecilius), approximately 188 B.C.-115 B.C. |
nr95026791 | Metellus Numidicus, Q. Caecilius (Quintus Caecilius), active 112 B.C.-91 B.C. |
nr95026784 | Metellus, Quintus Caecilius, active 216 B.C.-179 B.C. |
n83182082 | Methodius, of Olympus, Saint, -311 |
n83032201 | Metochites, Theodoros, 1270-1332 |
n86092955 | Metrodorus, of Lampsacus, 331 B.C. or 330 B.C.-278 B.C. or 277 B.C. |
n2008038073 | Metrodorus, of Scepsis, -70 B.C. |
n84179657 | Michael, of Ephesus |
n83319399 | Mimnermus, of Colophon, active 7th century B.C. |
n83318201 | Mithridates Kallinikos, King of Commagene, active 96 B.C.-70 B.C. |
n83206563 | Mithridates VI Eupator, King of Pontus, approximately 132 B.C.-63 B.C. |
n2006069337 | Mnaseas, active 3rd century B.C. |
no2008072434 | Mnesimachus, active 4th century B.C. |
n88029494 | Modestinus, Herennius, active 3rd century |
nr93025480 | Moeris (Lexicographer), active 2nd-3rd century |
n83206785 | Moschus, John, approximately 550-619 |
n81029690 | Moses, of Khoren, active 5th century |
99nr95029625 | Mucianus, C. Licinius, active 52-77 |
nr95031028 | Mummius, active 1st century B.C. |
n82209954 | Musaeus, Grammaticus |
n78095505 | Musonius Rufus, C. (Caius), approximately 30- |
n85313140 | Myrepsus, Nicolaus, active 13th century |
no96065441 | Myrsilus, of Methymna |
no2015134887 | Myrtilus, active 5th century B.C. |
nr95022296 | Naevius |
n85356413 | Naevius, Gnaeus, approximately 270 B.C.-approximately 200 B.C. |
nr95033832 | Namusa, P. Aufidius, active 1st century B.C. |
nr93027945 | Naumachius |
n2003069363 | Nearchus, of Crete, -approximately 312 B.C. |
n50004515 | Nepos, Cornelius |
n80001433 | Neratius Priscus, Lucius |
nr89013885 | Nerva, Emperor of Rome, approximately 30-98 |
n88002165 | Nestor |
n82119171 | Nicander, of Colophon |
n81077197 | Nicholas, of Lyra, approximately 1270-1349 |
n82024043 | Nicias |
nb2001038371 | Nico |
no2016042036 | Nicochares |
no2003112486 | Nicodemus |
n85344961 | Nicolaus, of Damascus |
nr88002204 | Nicolaus, Pergaminus |
n84805968 | Nicomachus, of Gerasa |
nr91016345 | Nigidius Figulus, Publius, -45 B.C. |
nr95022105 | Ninnius Crassus, active 1st century B.C.? |
n86113590 | Nonius Marcellus, active 4th century |
n86113590 | Nonius Marcellus, active 4th century |
n88208341 | Nonnos, Theophanēs, active 10th century |
no2014033225 | Nonnus, of Nisibis, active 8th century |
n81094864 | Nonnus, of Panopolis |
no2007145762 | Nossis, of Locri, active 3rd century B.C. |
nr95038423 | Novius, active 95 B.C.-80 B.C. |
nr95026792 | Novius, L. (Lucius), active 62 B.C.-58 B.C. |
n85202845 | Numa Pompilius, King of Rome, active 715 B.C.-673 B.C. |
n88056991 | Numenius, of Apamea, active approximately 150 |
nr90001422 | Oenomaus, of Gadara, active 2nd century |
n90698896 | Ōkellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C. |
n84080833 | Olympiodorus, approximately 380-approximately 425 |
n87855626 | Olympiodorus, Diaconus, active 5th century-6th century |
n87890573 | Olympiodorus, the Younger, of Alexandria, active 6th century |
nr93019118 | Onasander |
n78073483 | Onatas |
nr95027533 | Opilius, Aurelius, active 1st century B.C. |
n88020705 | Oppian, active 2nd century |
n2003032893 | Oppian, of Apamea |
nr95038416 | Oppius, C., active 1st century B.C. |
nr95027998 | Orbilius Pupillus, L. (Lucius), approximately 114 B.C.-approximately 14 B.C. |
n86816961 | Oribasius |
n79004180 | Origen |
n95081981 | Orion |
n82248153 | Orion, the Disciple, active 1st century |
no95038698 | Orphic hymns |
n79041738 | Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. |
nr95022102 | Paconianus, Sex. (Sextus), -35 |
n94119889 | Pacuvius, Marcus |
n90628513 | Palaephatus |
n86130306 | Palladas |
no2004065329 | Palladios, of Alexandria, active 6th century |
n82093718 | Palladius, Bishop of Aspuna, -approximately 430 |
n82092892 | Palladius, Bishop of Ratiaria, active 4th century |
n50052989 | Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus |
no2009101598 | Palladius, Saint, active 5th century |
no91020231 | Pamphilus |
nr2002032339 | Pamphilus, Presbyter of Caesarea, active 3rd century-4th century |
n92052520 | Pamphilus, Theologus |
n88636515 | Papinian, -212 |
n85143766 | Pappus, of Alexandria |
n79065281 | Parmenides |
no2005061795 | Parrhasius, active 5th century B.C. |
nr90020302 | Parthenius, of Nicaea, active 1st century B.C. |
nr95039701 | Passienus Crispus, -48 |
no92029189 | Paul, of Mérida, deacon of Mérida, active 7th century |
n80056870 | Paul, the Deacon, approximately 720-799? |
nr91036414 | Paul, the Silentiary, active 6th century |
n86847046 | Paulus, Aegineta |
n50052119 | Paulus, Julius, active approximately 200 |
nr97033569 | Paulus, of Alexandria, active 4th century |
n83204491 | Pausânias |
n93113203 | Pausanias, active approximately 150-175 |
n2005090302 | Pausanias, of Sparta, active 479 B.C.-470 B.C. |
no2009027533 | Pediasimus, Ioannes, 1282-1326 |
n50009020 | Pelagius |
no2002046961 | Pelagius I, Pope, -561 |
n88652709 | Pelagius II, Pope, 520-590 |
nr94009011 | Pelagius, Saint, approximately 912-925 |
n79060980 | Persius |
n79060980 | Persius |
nr96040594 | Peter, Patrikios, approximately 500-565 |
no2007159142 | Petosiris, High Priest of Thoth, active 4th century B.C. |
n79142770 | Petronius Arbiter |
nb2010016592 | Petronius Maximus, Emperor of Rome, approximately 396-455 |
n82104902 | Petronius, Publius, active 24 B.C.-21 B.C. |
n94092502 | Petronius, Saint, Bishop of Bologna, -approximately 445 |
n50047685 | Phaedrus |
n2015030424 | Phaenias |
n84121462 | Phalaris, Tyrant of Agrigentum, active 6th century B.C. |
no92013552 | Phanocles |
n2005062728 | Pheidippides, active 490 B.C. |
n95106481 | Pherecydes, of Athens, active 5th century B.C. |
n88152183 | Pherecydes, of Syros, active 6th century B.C. |
no2007026710 | Philadelphus, Theophilus. |
no2005009961 | Philagrius, of Epirus, active 4th century |
no2008072441 | Philetaerus, active 4th century B.C. |
n2001034426 | Philētas, 330 B.C.-270 B.C. |
n88122633 | Philip, the Arabian, Emperor of Rome, approximately 204-249 |
nb2010015207 | Philip, the Younger, Emperor of Rome, 238-249 |
n85356045 | Philippus Sidetes, active 5th century |
no2004105299 | Philippus, of Opus, active 350 B.C. |
n88600239 | Philo |
no2013006402 | Philo (Poet), active approximately 200 B.C. |
n80051891 | Philo, of Alexandria |
n82256222 | Philo, of Byblos |
no91013584 | Philo, of Byzantium |
n80127835 | Philo, Saint, Bishop of Carpasia |
nr99028993 | Philocalus, Furius Dionysius, active 4th century |
nr99028993 | Philocalus, Furius Dionysius, active 4th century |
n2007057352 | Philochorus, active 3rd century B.C. |
nr90011258 | Philodemus |
n84007239 | Philodemus, approximately 110 B.C.-approximately 40 B.C. |
n92047005 | Philolaus, of Croton, approximately 470 B.C.- |
n84091782 | Philon, of Larissa |
no2015134888 | Philonides, active 5th century B.C. |
n83164845 | Philoponus, John, active 6th century |
n2011022308 | Philostephanus, of Cyrene, active 3rd century B.C. |
n2007039388 | Philostratus, approximately 220- |
n50012277 | Philostratus, the Athenian, active 2nd century-3rd century |
n83048122 | Philostratus, the Lemnian, active 3rd century |
n79008221 | Philoxenus, Bishop of Hierapolis, approximately 440-523 |
nr92017160 | Philoxenus, Flavius Theodorus, Byzantine consul, active 525 |
nr92016759 | Philoxenus, of Alexandria, active 1st century B.C. |
n2013015216 | Philoxenus, of Cythera, approximately 435 B.C.-380 B.C. |
n2014068660 | Philoxenus, of Leucas, active approximately 400 B.C. |
nr95037759 | Philumenus |
no2016042037 | Philyllius |
no97040169 | Phlegon, of Tralles |
n86122591 | Phocylides, active 544 B.C.-541 B.C. |
nb2015008331 | Phoenix |
nr99013431 | Phoibammon, Saint, active 4th century |
n80125110 | Photius I, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, approximately 820-approximately 891 |
no2015134775 | Phrynichus (Poet of Old Comedy), active 5th century B.C. |
n86082862 | Phrynichus, active 5th century B.C. |
n88059634 | Phrynichus, Arabius |
n90715620 | Phylarchus, of Athens, active 3rd century B.C. |
n79138879 | Pindar |
n94078600 | Piso Frugi, Lucius Calpurnius, approximately 182 B.C.- |
nr91022040 | Pittacus, of Mytilene, approximately 650 B.C.-approximately 570 B.C. |
n97101181 | Plancus, Lucius Munatius |
n79139459 | Plato |
no2010048274 | Plato, Comicus, active 410 B.C.-391 B.C. |
no2004074424 | Plato, Tiburtinus, active 12th century |
no2007068284 | Platonius, active 9th century-10th century |
n80014980 | Plautus, Titus Maccius |
n80014980 | Plautus, Titus Maccius |
nb2010012743 | Plinius Secundus |
n79042075 | Pliny, the Elder |
n79042075 | Pliny, the Elder |
n79075182 | Pliny, the Younger |
n79075182 | Pliny, the Younger |
n80014372 | Plotinus |
n79026763 | Plutarch |
n84227568 | Polemo, Antonius, approximately 88-145 |
no2016042088 | Poliochus |
n82153080 | Pollio, Gaius Asinius, 76 B.C.-4 A.D. |
nr93031387 | Pollux, Julius, 180-238 |
n94028544 | Polyaenus |
nr92011362 | Polyaenus, of Lampsacus |
n79006487 | Polybius |
nr99037037 | Polybius, -46 or 47 |
nr91007900 | Polyclitus, active 5th century B.C. |
n2013041734 | Polycrates, Tyrant of Samos, -approximately 522 B.C. |
n79059103 | Polystratus |
no2016042025 | Polyzelus |
n79066506 | Pomerius, Julianus |
nr94014650 | Pompeius Magnus Pius, Sextus, approximately 67 B.C.-35 B.C. |
nr94014650 | Pompeius Magnus Pius, Sextus, approximately 67 B.C.-35 B.C. |
nr95026839 | Pompeius Rufus, Q. (Quintus), -88 B.C. |
nr95026839 | Pompeius Rufus, Q. (Quintus), -88 B.C. |
nr95026833 | Pompeius Rufus, Q., active 63 B.C.-51 B.C. |
nr95026833 | Pompeius Rufus, Q., active 63 B.C.-51 B.C. |
no2004094622 | Pompeius, active 5th century-6th century |
no2004094622 | Pompeius, active 5th century-6th century |
n80013395 | Pompey, the Great, 106 B.C.-48 B.C. |
nr95020967 | Pompilius, active 100 B.C. |
nr95030997 | Pomponius Secundus, P. (Publius), active 1st century |
nr95030997 | Pomponius Secundus, P. (Publius), active 1st century |
nr95031002 | Pomponius, L. (Lucius), Bononiensis, active 100 B.C.-85 B.C. |
nr95039005 | Pomponius, Sextus, active 2nd century |
nr94015968 | Pontius Leontius, active 5th century |
nr95021141 | Porcius Licinus, active 2nd century B.C. |
n81124456 | Porphyry, approximately 234-approximately 305 |
no98094866 | Porphyry, of Gaza, Saint, approximately 347-420 |
nr97044893 | Posidippus, of Pella, approximately 310 B.C.-approximately 240 B.C. |
n80137852 | Posidonius |
nr95029645 | Postumius Albinus, A. (Aulus), active 167 B.C.-146 B.C. |
n2016061278 | Praxagoras, of Kōs, approximately 340 B.C.- |
n82249198 | Priscian, active approximately 500-530 |
n82249198 | Priscian, active approximately 500-530 |
n2007041361 | Priscianus, Lydus, active 6th century |
n2007041361 | Priscianus, Lydus, active 6th century |
n84080832 | Priscus, active 5th century |
no2006009613 | Probus, Gaius Titius |
nr95039684 | Probus, Marcus Valerius |
n79007198 | Proclus, approximately 410-485 |
n87805335 | Proclus, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, approximately 390-approximately 446 |
n50025184 | Procopius |
n96114149 | Procopius, Megalomartyr, Saint, -303 |
n84045623 | Procopius, of Gaza, approximately 475-approximately 528 |
n97033031 | Procopius, Usurper in the East, 326-366 |
nr92022091 | Proculus, Saint, -approximately 304 |
n85144300 | Prodicus, active 5th century B.C. |
n79042233 | Propertius, Sextus |
n81002855 | Protagoras |
n82098837 | Psalms of Solomon |
n93019079 | Pseudo Ecphantus |
n50032188 | Pseudo-Callisthenes |
no2015029477 | Pseudo-Democritus |
n2011068340 | Pseudo-Didymus, Chalcenterus |
n2006022202 | Pseudo-Dionysius, of Halicarnassus, active 2nd century |
n50028822 | Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite |
nr2004036963 | Pseudo-Dositheus |
no2003010856 | Pseudo-Eusebius, Cremonensis |
nr96044533 | Pseudo-Hegesippus |
no2011029666 | Pseudo-Herodianus |
n94122372 | Pseudo-Hippolytus |
n87820216 | Pseudo-Hyginus |
nb2014028096 | Pseudo-Julianus |
n87821131 | Pseudo-Macarius |
nr94014167 | Pseudo-Nonnos |
n84121461 | Pseudo-Phalaris |
n85327711 | Pseudo-Philo |
nr92016765 | Pseudo-Philoxenus |
n93061260 | Pseudo-Phocylides |
no2010016544 | Pseudo-Priscianus |
no2010016544 | Pseudo-Priscianus |
no2004058848 | Pseudo-Scymnus |
no2014079208 | Pseudo-Simplicius |
no2009098810 | Pseudo-Tertullian |
n00046111 | Pseudo-Zeno |
no2011118655 | Ptolemaios, Epithetes, active 2nd century B.C. |
n50032768 | Ptolemy, active 2nd century |
no92024538 | Ptolemy, the Gnostic, active 2nd century |
n85194948 | Publilius, Syrus, active 1st century B.C. |
n80162846 | Pythagoras |
n85061382 | Pythoklēs |
n80046563 | Quintilian |
n84058406 | Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century |
nr95021143 | Rabirius |
n88092241 | Rabirius Postumus, Gaius |
n82102907 | Regulus, Marcus Atilius, -250 B.C.? |
no97056563 | Rhetores Graeci |
n2007085377 | Rhianus, of Crete |
n86070593 | Richard Rufus, of Cornwall, -approximately 1260 |
no2008125815 | Rufinus, approximately 335-395 |
nr89018271 | Rufinus, Archbishop of Sorrento, active 12th century |
n85116571 | Rufinus, de Rizardo, active 13th century |
n82255489 | Rufinus, of Aquileia, 345-410 |
n82211143 | Rufus |
n83122630 | Rufus, of Ephesus |
n88181630 | Rufus, Sextus |
n86113828 | Rutilius Lupus, Publius |
n86113828 | Rutilius Lupus, Publius |
nr95029631 | Rutilius Rufus, P. (Publius), approximately 154 B.C.-approximately 75 B.C. |
nr95029631 | Rutilius Rufus, P. (Publius), approximately 154 B.C.-approximately 75 B.C. |
n91001441 | Sabinus, active 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. |
n81006842 | Sabinus, Flavius, approximately 8-69 |
nr2005030801 | Sabinus, Julius, -79 |
n87114691 | Sabinus, Masurius |
no2002024945 | Sabinus, Saint, -566 |
n90709751 | Sacerdos, Marius Plotius, active 3rd century |
n79018348 | Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C. |
n79018348 | Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C. |
n50065859 | Sallustius |
nb2012000842 | Sallustius, Flavius |
n93074823 | Salvius Julianus |
n93074823 | Salvius Julianus |
nr95027979 | Santra, active 1st century B.C. |
n50047921 | Sappho |
n85341224 | Saturninus, Aurelius, active 4th century-5th century |
nr2001000041 | Saturninus, Lucius Appuleius |
nr98023307 | Saturninus, Saint, -250 |
n83008381 | Scaevola, Gaius Mucius |
n83008381 | Scaevola, Gaius Mucius |
n81152221 | Scaevola, Publius Mucius |
n81152221 | Scaevola, Publius Mucius |
nr89004235 | Scaevola, Quintus Cervidius |
no97057799 | Scaevola, Quintus Mucius, -82 B.C. |
no97057799 | Scaevola, Quintus Mucius, -82 B.C. |
nr95039679 | Scaevus Memor, active 1st century |
n88092242 | Scaurus, Marcus Aemilius |
n86872090 | Scholia Bobiensia |
nr95027382 | Scipio Aemilianus, P. Cornelius (Publius Cornelius), Africanus minor, 185 B.C. or 184 B.C.-129 B.C. |
nr95027235 | Scipio Nasica Serapio, P. Cornelius (Publius Cornelius), -132 B.C. |
n50005015 | Scipio, Africanus, approximately 236 B.C.-183 B.C. |
n82239358 | Scribonius Largus, approximately 1-approximately 50 |
n50004878 | Scriptores historiae Augustae |
n80098289 | Scylax, of Caryanda, active 6th century B.C. |
n85009627 | Secundus, of Athens, active 2nd century |
n87880846 | Seleucus I, Nicator, -281 B.C. |
n50038257 | Semonides, of Amorgos |
n79004229 | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D. |
n79004229 | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D. |
nr95021153 | Septimius Serenus |
nr95021153 | Septimius Serenus |
no2009154056 | Serapio |
n84140345 | Serenus Sammonicus, Quintus |
nr93035833 | Serenus, Antinoensis |
n83302325 | Servius Tullius, King of Rome, active 578 B.C.-534 B.C. |
n82221524 | Servius, active 4th century |
n82221524 | Servius, active 4th century |
n83028108 | Severus Alexander, Emperor of Rome, 208-235 |
n2006052503 | Severus Sanctus Endelechius, active 395 |
nr95015550 | Severus, Cornelius |
n82000920 | Severus, Lucius Septimius, Emperor of Rome, 146-211 |
no2009115204 | Severus, Monachus, active 861 |
n89630595 | Severus, of Antioch, approximately 465-538 |
n79129029 | Severus, Sulpicius |
nr95021325 | Sevius Nicanor, active 2nd century B.C.-1st century B.C. |
n50002828 | Sextus, Empiricus |
n81086465 | Sextus, Pythagoreus |
nr95037756 | Siculus Flaccus |
nr95037756 | Siculus Flaccus |
n85175817 | Sidonius Apollinaris, Saint, 431 or 432-approximately 487 |
n2004042942 | Sidonius Apollinaris, Saint, 431 or 432-approximately 487. Carmina. 22 |
n79120267 | Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius |
n79120267 | Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius |
nr95030658 | Simmias, of Rhodes, active 300 B.C. |
n85298996 | Simonides, approximately 556 B.C.-467 B.C. |
n82102480 | Simplicius, of Cilicia |
n2004022573 | Simplicius, Pope, -483 |
nr95027981 | Sinnius Capito, active 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. |
nr95029637 | Sisenna, L. Cornelius (Lucius Cornelius), approximately 118 B.C.-67 B.C. |
n79055329 | Socrates |
n85035333 | Socrates, Scholasticus, approximately 379-approximately 440 |
n87803865 | Solon |
n79110932 | Solon, approximately 630 B.C.-approximately 560 B.C. |
n89639122 | Sopater, of Berea |
n79127755 | Sophocles |
n80098028 | Sophonias |
n2002028583 | Sophron, approximately 470 B.C.-400 B.C. |
n83122548 | Soranus, of Ephesus |
no2016121940 | Sōsipatros |
n85354953 | Sotades |
n84076239 | Sozomen, approximately 400-approximately 450 |
n82071572 | Speusippus |
n79004820 | Staphylus, Fridericus, 1512-1564 |
n79108865 | Statius, P. Papinius (Publius Papinius) |
n93031595 | Stephanos, ho Byzantios, active 6th century |
n86812927 | Stephanus Magnetes, active 11th century |
nr2003018646 | Stephanus, Antiochenus, active 1127 |
n84179562 | Stephanus, of Alexandria |
n85183153 | Stephanus, of Athens |
n82233888 | Stephen, Saint, -approximately 36 |
n81003957 | Stesichorus |
nr95028429 | Stilo Praeconinus, L. Aelius (Lucius Aelius), approximately 154 B.C.-approximately 74 B.C. |
n83035348 | Stobaeus |
nr99017041 | Stoicorum veterum fragmenta |
n80035710 | Strabo |
n97001996 | Straton, of Lampsacus |
no2009205528 | Strattis, active 5th century B.C.-4th century B.C. |
n88113896 | Suda lexicon |
n2003040810 | Suetonius Paulinus, Gaius |
n50053072 | Suetonius, approximately 69-approximately 122 |
n50053072 | Suetonius, approximately 69-approximately 122 |
n83212399 | Sulla, Lucius Cornelius |
n95011691 | Sulla, Publius Cornelius, -45 B.C. |
no2013054297 | Sulpice, the Pious, Saint, 570-647 |
n85240602 | Sulpicius |
n85294050 | Sulpicius Rufus, Servius, -43 B.C. |
n85294050 | Sulpicius Rufus, Servius, -43 B.C. |
n80039416 | Symmachus |
nr95022297 | Symmachus, L. Aurelius Avianus, -approximately 376 |
nr95021880 | Symmachus, Q. Aurelius Memmius, -525 |
n82050820 | Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius, approximately 340-402 |
n81055375 | Synesius, of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais |
n83237132 | Syrianus |
n2013027488 | Syrianus, Magister |
n80145600 | Tacitus, Cornelius |
n97067119 | Tarquinius Priscus, Lucius, King of Rome, active 616 B.C.-579 B.C. |
n2003031317 | Teles |
no2015058803 | Telestes |
n79066715 | Terence |
n94117654 | Terentianus Maurus |
n94117654 | Terentianus Maurus |
nr95015084 | Terentius Scaurus, Q. (Quintus) |
nr95015084 | Terentius Scaurus, Q. (Quintus) |
n91128768 | Terpander |
n79091867 | Tertullian, approximately 160-approximately 230 |
n86024245 | Thales, approximately 634 B.C.-approximately 546 B.C. |
no2009006261 | Theaetetus, of Athens, approximately 414 B.C.-369 B.C. |
no2015157537 | Theagenēs, of Rhegium, active approximately 529 B.C.-522 B.C. |
n88648425 | Theano |
n79127090 | Themistius |
n85352471 | Themistocles |
n83177742 | Themistocles, approximately 524 B.C.-approximately 459 B.C. |
n50033430 | Theocritus |
no2016077270 | Theodectes, of Phaselis, approximately 380 B.C.-approximately 340 B.C. |
n83014707 | Theodore bar Konai, active 8th century-9th century |
n84200019 | Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia, approximately 350-428 or 429 |
n85284134 | Theodorus, of Gadara, active 33 B.C. |
no2005103484 | Theodorus, Pediasimus, active 14th century |
n83045220 | Theodosius I, Emperor of Rome, 347-395 |
n93049411 | Theodosius II, Emperor of Rome, 401-450 |
n80013599 | Theodosius, active 1st century B.C. |
n88642248 | Theodosius, active 6th century |
nb2006016481 | Theodosius, Archbishop of Alexandria, -566 |
n2005075440 | Theodosius, Bishop of Jerusalem, active 450 |
no99057736 | Theodosius, of Alexandria, the grammarian |
n92077887 | Theodosius, of the Caves, Saint, approximately 1008-1074 |
nr2004002208 | Theodosius, the Cenobiarch, Saint, -529 |
n79063403 | Theognis |
no2014041430 | Theognōstos, hieromonachos, active 13th century |
n84045624 | Theognostus, of Alexandria, active 3rd century |
nr98005306 | Theon, Aelius, active 1st century |
n86048557 | Theon, of Alexandria, active 364 |
n85813068 | Theon, of Smyrna |
n2006007270 | Theophanes, active 4th century |
no2002041441 | Theophanes, Graptos, bishop of Caesarea, active 9th century |
n82037655 | Theophanes, the Confessor, -approximately 818 |
n87885114 | Theophilos Protospatharios, active 7th century |
nr00022967 | Theophilos, the Indian, Bishop, active 4th century |
no90022848 | Theophilus |
no2008072453 | Theophilus, active 4th century B.C. |
n91060632 | Theophilus, active 6th century |
no96005068 | Theophilus, Archbishop of Alexandria, -412 |
nb2011029113 | Theophilus, of Edessa, 695-785 |
n80015559 | Theophilus, Presbyter, active 12th century |
n85056796 | Theophilus, Saint, active 2nd century |
n79108364 | Theophrastus |
nr90005938 | Theopompus, of Chios |
nb2002083035 | Thespis |
n50078850 | Thomas, Apostle, Saint, active 1st century |
n81090079 | Thomas, Gallus, -1246 |
n82164759 | Thōmas, Magistros, active 1310-1327 |
no2002103966 | Thorius Balbus, L. (Lucius), active 105 B.C.-95 B.C. |
no2016143620 | Thrasymachus, of Chalcedon, active 5th century B.C. |
n79021175 | Thucydides |
no2015134957 | Thugenides, active 5th century B.C. |
no98066120 | Tʻeodoros, Zōravar, Saint, -306 |
n2015031842 | Tʻeopʻile, xucʻesmonazoni, active 9th century |
nb2010016600 | Tiberius II Constantine, Emperor of the East, -582 |
n50049381 | Tiberius, Emperor of Rome, 42 B.C.-37 A.D. |
n91080051 | Tiberius, Sallustius |
n78087625 | Tibullus |
nr95022298 | Ticidas |
n83319387 | Timaeus, of Locri |
n84058439 | Timaeus, of Tauromenium, approximately 356 B.C.-260 B.C. |
no2007085853 | Timaeus, the Sophist |
no2004058055 | Timotheos, active 4th century B.C. |
nr96017632 | Timotheus |
nb2007020093 | Timotheus I, Archbishop of Alexandria, -385 |
no2008090395 | Timotheus, -354 B.C. |
no2002014237 | Timothy Aelurus, Patriarch of Alexandria, -477 |
nr95027995 | Tiro, M. Tullius (Marcus Tullius), 104 B.C. or 103 B.C.- |
nr95027995 | Tiro, M. Tullius (Marcus Tullius), 104 B.C. or 103 B.C.- |
n85297966 | Titinius |
nr95028427 | Titius |
nr95027548 | Titius, C. (Caius), active 2nd century B.C. |
n80108741 | Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81 |
nr95031188 | Trabea, active 2nd century B.C. |
n79055990 | Trajan, Emperor of Rome, 53-117 |
nr95037483 | Trebatius Testa, C. (Caius), active 1st century B.C. |
n2001061805 | Trebonius Rufinus |
n82043686 | Trogus, Pompeius |
n82043686 | Trogus, Pompeius |
n80128532 | Tryphiodorus |
n2001093503 | Trypho |
no2008022234 | Tryphon, active 1st century B.C. |
no2005023424 | Tryphoninus, Claudius, active 2nd century-3rd century |
n83126820 | Tullius |
n2013007205 | Tullius, Servius |
nr95021157 | Turnus |
nr95030634 | Turpilius, Sex. (Sextus), -103 B.C. |
nr93040686 | Tyrtaeus |
n85143186 | Tzetzes, Isaac, -1138 |
n82070470 | Tzetzes, John, active 12th century |
n81125955 | Ulpianus, Domitius, approximately 160-228 |
n81125955 | Ulpianus, Domitius, approximately 160-228 |
no97048246 | Ulpianus, rhetorician |
no2006118513 | Uranius, Johannes Baptista |
nr95020709 | Valerius Aedituus, active approximately 100 B.C. |
nr95029635 | Valerius Antias, Quintus, active 1st century B.C. |
n84216357 | Valerius Flaccus, Gaius, active 1st century |
n84216357 | Valerius Flaccus, Gaius, active 1st century |
n82097560 | Valerius Maximus |
n82097560 | Valerius Maximus |
nr95021466 | Valerius Soranus, Q. (Quintus), approximately 140 B.C.-82 B.C. |
nr95021466 | Valerius Soranus, Q. (Quintus), approximately 140 B.C.-82 B.C. |
nr95037745 | Valerius, L., active 53 B.C. |
nr95016524 | Valgius Rufus, C. |
n83063496 | Varius Rufus, Lucius |
nr95022110 | Varro Atacinus, P. Terentius (Publius Terentius), 82 B.C.-approximately 35 B.C. |
n79060808 | Varro, Marcus Terentius |
nr96012176 | Vatinius, Publius, active 59 B.C.-47 B.C. |
n84238406 | Vegetius Renatus, Flavius |
nr95037749 | Velius Longus, active 2nd century |
nr95037749 | Velius Longus, active 2nd century |
n79041642 | Velleius Paterculus, approximately 19 B.C.-approximately 30 A.D. |
nr95037473 | Veranius, active 1st century B.C.? |
nr95037473 | Veranius, active 1st century B.C.? |
nr95021876 | Verginius Rufus, L. (Lucius), 14-97 |
n92045025 | Verrius Flaccus, Marcus |
n92045025 | Verrius Flaccus, Marcus |
n85014253 | Verus, Lucius Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 130-169 |
n85297348 | Vettius Valens |
n84740836 | Vetus Testamentum Coptice |
nr95040292 | Vibius Crispus, Q. (Quintus), approximately 12-approximately 93 |
no2005060618 | Vibius, Sequester, active 4th century-5th century |
n79060714 | Victorinus, Marius |
n79014062 | Virgil |
n85215402 | Vita Homeri |
n79043913 | Vitruvius Pollio |
n79043913 | Vitruvius Pollio |
nr95021129 | Volcacius Sedigitus, active 100 B.C. |
nr95021127 | Volumnius |
n86120637 | Walahfrid Strabo, 807?-849 |
n2011047900 | Xenarchus (Of Seleucia), 75 B.C.-18 A.D. |
n79136460 | Xeno |
nr97018863 | Xenocrates, of Aphrodisias, active 1st century |
n83319392 | Xenocrates, of Chalcedon, approximately 396 B.C.-approximately 314 B.C. |
n82105600 | Xenophanes, approximately 570 B.C.-approximately 478 B.C. |
n80036673 | Xenophon |
no2016042089 | Xenophon (Comic poet), active approximately 400 B.C. |
n80051712 | Xenophon, of Ephesus |
no2006112351 | Zaleucus |
n87885411 | Zaleucus, active 650 B.C. |
n81025952 | Zeno, Saint, Bishop of Verona, -371 |
n50061829 | Zeno, the Stoic |
n86020791 | Zenobius, active 2nd century |
nr99040089 | Zenobius, Saint, Bishop of Florence, -417? |
no2014074173 | Zenodotus, of Ephesus, approximately 325 B.C.-260 B.C. |
n84094741 | Zēnōn, ho Agreophōntos, -approximately 238 B.C. |
n86017321 | Zonaras, Joannes, active 12th century |
n78036676 | Zosimos, of Panopolis |
n84169983 | Zosimus |
n91001037 | Zosimus, Pope, -418 |