A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 26 - 50 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Erika WeibergResearcherUppsala University

Archaic and classical Greek poetry, especially epic and drama
Women, gender, and class in antiquity

Charlotte KöckertProfessorUnversität Heidelberg

Konversion im antiken Christentum

Asketische Bewegungen im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert

Christliche Theologie im Kontext der antiken Philosophie

Christliche Kosmologie und Anthropologie in Antike und Mittelalter

Auslegungsgeschichte der Bibel

M. Cristina de la Escosura BalbásPost-DocUniversity of Zaragoza

Latin Epigraphy, Ancient History, Roman Republic, Classics, Digital Humanities, Reception, Onomastics

Maureen CarrollChair in Roman ArchaeologyUniversity of York

Maureen is a Roman archaeologist whose key research interests are Roman burial practices, funerary commemoration, and Roman childhood and family studies. She headed up the British team participating in a large EU-funded multi-national project (DressID) on Roman textiles and clothing, her focus being on dress and identity in funerary portraits on the Rhine and Danube frontiers. A further area of interest is the topic of Roman garden archaeology, on which she has published extensively. More recently, Maureen has studied the role of women in votive religion in early Roman Italy.

She has directed excavations in Germany, Italy, Tunisia, and Britain. Her current fieldwork project, funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust, the Roman Society, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and the Rust Family Foundation, is the exploration of a Roman rural estate in imperial possession from the first to the third century A.D. at Vagnari in Puglia (Italy).

Jane CahillSenior Scholar (Associate Professor)University of Winnipeg

Mythology, storytelling, Classical folklore, etymology

Melissa FunkeAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Winnipeg

Greek tragic fragments, gender and sexuality in antiquity, Greek literature of the Roman Empire, Greek colour terminology

Pauline RipatAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Winnipeg

Roman social history, Roman religion, magic, and divination

Allison SurteesAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Winnipeg

Attic vase painting, ancient art history, Greek and Roman sculpture, Dionysian and satyr imagery, gender and sexuality

Mary DeminionPhD candidateUniversity of Western Ontario

Roman law, Imperial history, gender

Elizabeth GreeneAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Western Ontario

Roman military history, epigraphy (military diplomas), and fort archaeology

Lara-Louise O'SullivanLecturerUniversity of Western Australia

Tyrannicide, Greek History

Nadya WilliamsProfessorUniversity of West Georgia

Greek and Roman military history

Mika AhuviaAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Washington

Late antique Jewish history, magical texts, liturgical poetry, mystical literature

http://jewishstudies.washington.edu/portfolio/mika-ahuvia/; http://washington.academia.edu/MikaAhuvia
Sarah Levin-RichardsonAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Washington

Roman material culture, gender and sexuality

https://classics.washington.edu/people/sarah-levin-richardson; http://faculty-washington.academia.edu/SarahLevinRichardson
Kathryn TopperAssociate Professor of ClassicsUniversity of Washington

Greek art and archaeology, ancient painting, gender and sexuality in antiquity, banqueting in antiquity, word and image studies

https://classics.washington.edu/people/kathryn-topper; http://washington.academia.edu/KathrynTopper
Alison CooleyProfessorUniversity of Warwick

Latin epigraphy, Augustus

https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/staff/alisoncooley/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alison_E._Cooley
Suzanne Frey-KupperProfessorUniversity of Warwick

Greek & Roman Numismatics (especially coin finds), Archaeology, Ancient History: Western Mediterranean & Northwestern Provinces

https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/staff/frey-kupper/; http://warwick.academia.edu/SuzanneFreyKupper; http://www.frey-kupper.net/frc/index.htm; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Suzanne_Frey-Kupper
Errietta BissaSenior LecturerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David

The Greek economy, particularly state intervention in trade. Universal historiography, particularly Diodoros. Sexuality and gender in the ancient world. Slavery in classical Athens. The Athenian epimeletai accounts.

Elizabeth MeyerProfessorUniversity of Virginia

Roman law, Greek and Latin epigraphy

Janet SpittlerAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Virginia

New Testament and Early Christianity; apocryphal Christian literature; paradoxography and miraculous stuff

Shana ZaiaUniversitätsassistentin (Assistant Professor)University of Vienna

Assyriology, Ancient Near East, Neo-Assyrian Period, State Religion, Ancient Iraq, Polytheism, Mesopotamia, Empire, Official Ideology, Religious History, Ancient Urbanism, Modern Reception of Ancient History

Laurel BowmanAssociate Professor of New TestamentUniversity of Victoria

Greek literature (tragedy, Hellenistic literature, especially epigram); literature and gender; classical myth; reception studies; myth in popular culture.

Ingrid E. HolmbergAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Victoria

Early Greek poetry: Homer, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and archaic lyric; particular interest in narrative and gender theory.

Alexis ChristensenAssociate Professor (Lecturer)University of Utah

Roman social history, early Roman history, Roman archaeology and art, competitive display in Italo-Roman world, Roman domestic architecture

Isabel MoreiraProfessorUniversity of Utah

France. Western Europe. Late antiquity, early middle ages, Merovingian history, History of Religion, Theology, Patristic authors, Christianity, Purgatory, Hell, Visions, Hagiography, medieval social and cultural history, medieval views of death and the afterlife, saints cults, material culture. Interests include periodization studies, archaeology and material culture.

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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