A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Sara R. Johnson
Position Associate Professor
Institutional Affiliation University of Connecticut (Storrs)
Latitude 41.8077414
Longitude -72.2561692
Research Interests

Hellenistic Judaism

Websites http://languages.uconn.edu/person/sara-johnson/

" Publications:
Historical Fictions and Hellenistic Jewish Identity: Third Maccabees in its Cultural Context. Berkeley:
University of California Press (forthcoming, Dec. 2004).
""Novelistic Elements in Esther: Persian or Hellenistic, Jewish or Greek?"" Accepted for publication by
Catholic Biblical Quarterly . 45 pp. in MS.
“Third Maccabees: A Jewish Novel? Historical Fictions and Jewish Self-Fashioning in the the Hellenistic
Period.” Accepted for publication in an edited volume. Provisional citation: Ancient Fiction and
Early Jewish and Christian Narrative , vol. 2, edited by J. Brant et al. SBL Symposium Series.
Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press. 18 pp. in MS.
“Antiochus IV’s Procession at Daphne (166 BC): A Roman Triumph? A Case Study in the Relations of
Rome and Syria 175-164 BC” JAGNES 4.1 (1993) 23-34.
""'More than the Day of their Victory': Chariton and Thucydides on the Sicilian Expedition."" Under
review at Classical World . 42 pp. (MS, double-spaced, including endnotes)
Book Reviews
Review of C. Habicht, Athens from Alexander to Antony , trans. D. Schneider, Cambridge 1997, New
England Classical Journal , February 2000. 3 pages." from CV of http://languages.uconn.edu/person/sara-johnson/ on 6-6-17.

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