A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Jane Draycott
Position Lecturer
Institutional Affiliation University of Glasgow
Latitude 55.864237
Longitude -4.251806
Research Interests

Health and well-being in the ancient world, the history and archaeology of medicine, impairment, disability, assistive technology and prostheses, botany and horticulture. The history and culture of Graeco-Roman Egypt and the Roman client kingdom of Mauretania.

Websites https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/humanities/staff/janedraycott/

2018 in press Prostheses in Antiquity (London: Routledge)
2017 co-edited with E.-J. Graham Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future (Abingdon: Routledge)
2012 Approaches to Healing in Roman Egypt (British Archaeological Reports International S2416) (Oxford: Archaeopress)

Peer-reviewed Contributions to Periodicals and Edited Volumes
2018 ‘Extremity Prostheses in Ancient Greece and Rome’, in V. Delattre and R. Sallem (edd.) Prosthèses: Amputer, Reparer, Appareiller (Paris: CQFD) 241-244 [2000 words]
2018 ‘Hair Loss as Facial Disfigurement in Ancient Rome?’, in P. Skinner and E. Cock (edd.) Approaching Facial Difference: Past and Present (London: Bloomsbury) 65-83 [8500 words]
2017 ‘When Lived Ancient Religion and Lived Ancient Medicine Meet: The Household Gods, the Household Shrine and Regimen’, Religion in the Roman Empire 3.2: 164-180 [7100 words]
2017 ‘Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: the Use of Real, False and Artificial Hair as Votive Offerings’, J. Draycott and E.-J. Graham (edd.) Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future (Abingdon: Routledge) 77-94 [8000 words]
2017 co-written with E.-J. Graham ‘Introduction: Debating the Anatomical Votive’, in J. Draycott and E.-J. Graham (edd.) Bodies of Evidence: the Ancient Anatomical Votive Past, Present and Future (London: Routledge) 1-19 [8000 words]
2016 ‘Literary and Documentary Evidence for Lay Medical Practice in the Roman Republic and Empire’, in G. Petridou and C. Thumiger (edd.) Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (Leiden: Brill) 432-450 [6000 words]
2015 ‘The Lived Experience of Disability in Antiquity: a Case Study from Roman Egypt’, Greece & Rome 62.2: 189-205 [7000 words]
2015 ‘Smelling Trees, Flowers and Herbs in the Ancient World’, in M. Bradley (ed.) Smell: Senses in Antiquity II (London: Routledge) 60-73 [6000 words]
2014 ‘Who is Performing What, and For Whom? The Dedication, Construction and Maintenance of a Healing Shrine in Roman Egypt', in E. Gemi-Iordanou, S. Gordon, R. Matthew, E. McInnes and R. Pettitt (edd.) Medicine, Healing, Performance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Medicine and Material Culture (Oxford: Oxbow and Philadelphia) 42-54 [6000 words]
2012 ‘The Symbol of Cleopatra Selene: Reading Crocodiles on Coins in the Late Republic and Early Principate’, Acta Classica 55: 43-56 [5500 words]
2012 ‘Dynastic Politics, Defeat, Decadence and Dining: Cleopatra Selene on the So-called ‘Africa’ Dish from the Villa Della Pisanella at Boscoreale’, Papers of the British School at Rome 80: 45-64 [8500 words]
2012 ‘Mauretania’, R. Bagnall, K. Broderson, C. Champion, A. Erskine, and S. Huebner (edd.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) [1000 words]
2011 ‘Size Matters? Reconsidering Horus on the Crocodiles in Miniature’, Pallas: Revue d’études antiques 86: 119-129 [5000 words]
2010 ‘The Sacred Crocodile of Juba II of Mauretania’, Acta Classica 53: 211-217 [2500 words]

2017 ‘C. Laes (ed.) (2017) Disability in Antiquity. Rewriting Antiquity (London & New York)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.06.53 [1500 words].
2017 ‘J. C. McKeown (2017) A Cabinet of Medical Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from the Healing Arts of Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford)’, Times Higher Education 13.04.2017 [550 words].
2016 ‘C. Krötzl, K. Mustakallio, J. Kuuliala (ed.) (2015) Infirmity in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Social and Cultural Approaches to Health, Weakness and Care (Farnham & Burlington, VT)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.11.51 [1500 words].
2015 ‘K. Coleman and P. Derron (edd.) (2014) Le jardin dans l'antiquité: introduction et huit exposés suivis de discussions (Vandoeuvres)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.09.13 [1300 words].
2014 ‘J. Jouanna (2012) Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen: Selected Papers (Brill: Leiden, Boston)’, Social History of Medicine 27.4: 817-818 [1000 words]
2014 ‘H. Bodin and R. Hedlund (edd.) (2013) Byzantine Gardens and Beyond (Uppsala)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.04.55 [1300 words]
2013 ‘J. Toner (2013) Roman Disasters (Malden)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.18.10 [1300 words]
2013 ‘B. Watterson (2011) Women in Ancient Egypt (Stroud)’, Women’s History Magazine 71: 42 [800 words]
2012 ‘D. Langslow and B. Maire (edd.) (2010) Body, Disease and Treatment in a Changing World: Latin Texts and Contexts in Ancient and Medieval Medicine (Lausanne)’, Medical History 56.3: 392-393 [800 words]
2012 ‘G. C. M. Jansen, A. O. Koloski, and E. M. Moormann (edd.) (2011) Roman Toilets: Their Archaeology and Cultural History (Leuven)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.03.34 [1000 words]
2011 ‘L. H. Corcoran and M. Svoboda (2011) Herakleides: A Portrait Mummy from Roman Egypt (Los Angeles)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.03.49 [1600 words]

2012 ‘Rome Fellowship Report: Gardens of Hygieia: The Role of the Hortus in Roman Domestic Medical Practice’, Papers of the British School at Rome 80: 338-339 [600 words]
2012 co-written with E.-J. Graham ‘Conference Report: Bodies of Evidence: Re-defining Approaches to the Anatomical Votive’, Coroplastic Studies Interest Group News 8: 13-14 [1100 words]
2012 ‘Association for the History of Glass Grant Report: Lenses in Roman Egypt: Archaeological and Papyrological Evidence’, Glass News 32: 10-11 [850 words]

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