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Name Rhiannon Evans
Position Senior Fellow
Institutional Affiliation La Trobe University
Latitude -37.720779
Longitude 145.048405
Research Interests

Literature and culture of Ancient Rome and its empire, Latin language, Greek and Roman mythology

Websites https://scholars.latrobe.edu.au/r5evans

Recent publications
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Barbarian Nation: ethnic terms in Caesar's Bellum Gallicum’, Iris (2013)
Evans, Rhiannon ‘The Ghost of Old Rome’: Charles Dickens and the Nineteenth Century Experience of Antiquity’, Amphora (2013)
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Learning to be Decadent: Roman Identity and the Luxuries of Others’, ASCS XXXII Selected Proceedings, ed. Anne Mackay (2011)
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Tacitus Germania’ The Literary Encyclopaedia (2010)
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Tacitus Agricola’ The Literary Encyclopaedia (2010)
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Pliny the Elder’ The Literary Encyclopaedia (2009)
Evans, Rhiannon Utopia Antiqua: readings of the Golden Age and Decline at Rome, Routledge, London (2008).
Evans, Rhiannon ‘The Cruel Sea? Ocean as Boundary Marker and Transgressor in Roman Geography’ Antichthon (2006)
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Geography without people: Mapping in Elder Pliny Historia Naturalis Books 3-6’ Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 34.1 (2005)
Older publications
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Containment and Corruption: The Discourse of Flavian Empire’ in Flavian Rome: Culture, Image, Text, eds A.J. Boyle and W.J. Dominik, Brill, Leiden (2003)
Evans, Rhiannon ’Searching for Paradise: Utopian landscapes in Roman antiquity’, Arethusa (Special Edition on ‘Center and Periphery in the Roman World’ (2003)
Evans, Rhiannon ‘Ethnography’s Freak Show: The Grotesques at the Edges of the Roman Earth’, Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 28.1 (2000)

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