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Name Zsuzsa Varhelyi
Position Associate Professor of Classical Studies
Institutional Affiliation Boston University
Latitude 42
Longitude 71
Research Interests

The social, political, cultural and religious history of the ancient Mediterranean with a focus on Late Republican Rome and the Roman Empire and questions of individuality and community in this period; Latin historiography and literature; theoretical and methodological questions related to writing history, including practice theory, embodiment and the study of gender; Latin epigraphy, prosopography, paleography, and archaeological, art historical and numismatic evidence for the Roman Empire; psychology and the history of trauma in the ancient world


Select books:
The Religion of Senators in the Roman Empire: Power and the Beyond (2010, Cambridge University Press)
With co-editor J. Knust, Sacrifice in the Ancient Mediterranean. Images, Acts, Meanings. (2011, Oxford University Press)
Select articles:
2017: “Statuary and ritualization in imperial Italy,” Ritual matters: material residues and ancient religions. Ed. by J. Knust, C. Moser. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. Suppl. XII., 87-99.
2015: “Gendered agents and embodied religious experience,” Blackwell Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World. Edited by R. Raja, J. Rüpke. 120-130.
2014: “A paradigm of Roman priestly groups? Reconsidering membership in the “religious” collegia of early imperial Italy,” in Sacerdos. Figura del sacro nella società Romana. Ed. by G. Urso. I convegni della Fondazione Niccolò Canussio 12, 239-258.
2013: “Health-care and self-care: religious aspects of health and illness among the imperial elite,” in: J. Rüpke and G. Woolf (eds.) Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 76.) Tübingen, 221-242.
2012: “’To forgive is divine:’ gods as models and guides of forgiveness in early imperial Rome,” in C. Griswold, D. Konstan (eds.) Ancient Forgiveness. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 115-133.
2011-12: (With R. Ast, R. Bagnall and A. Drine) “Two Latin accounts on amphora walls from Gigthi,” Analecta Papyrologica 23-24, 205-236.
2011: “Political murder and sacrifice: from republic to empire,” in J.W. Knust, Zs. Várhelyi (eds.), Sacrifice in the Ancient Mediterranean. Images, Acts, Meanings. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 125-141.
2009: With R.S. Bagnall, “Sites, stratigraphy and materials: ostraka,” in:
A. Drine, E. Fentress, R. Holod (eds.), Studies on Jerba. JRA Supplement, Portsmouth, 330-340.
2008: “Finding a place for religion in Roman historiography: between the Scylla of the Roman Empire and the Charybdis of Late Antiquity,” G. Németh (ed.), Kalendae. Studia sollemnia in memoriam I. Sarkady (Hungarian Polis Studies 16.) Debrecen, 337-344.
2007: “The specters of Roman imperialism: the live burials of Gauls and Greeks in Rome,” Classical Antiquity 26, 277-304.

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