A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 1 - 25 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Karen ActonAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Toronto

Roman imperial history, Roman numismatics

Ryleigh AdamsPhD CandidateUniversity of Tasmania

The Roman Republic, Roman imperialism, Roman provincial management, emotions in antiquity, numismatics, and Latin literature.

Patricia Ahearne-KrollAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Minnesota

Second Temple Judaism, Ptolemaic Egypt, Ptolemaic religion, Diaspora Judaism, and Second Temple Jewish literature

https://apps.cla.umn.edu/directory/profiles/pahearne; http://umn.academia.edu/PatriciaAhearneKroll
Mika AhuviaAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Washington

Late antique Jewish history, magical texts, liturgical poetry, mystical literature

http://jewishstudies.washington.edu/portfolio/mika-ahuvia/; http://washington.academia.edu/MikaAhuvia
Lindsay AllenLecturer in Greek and Near Eastern HistoryKing's College London

Achaemenid Persia, pre Islamic Iran,modern reception of ancient near east

Liza AndersonResident ScholarCollege of Saint Scholastica

Christianity, Syriac, Monasticism, Ecumenism, Interfaith, Early Christianity, Late Antiquity, Medieval Christianity, Episcopal Church, Anglicanism

Diliana AngelovaAssociate ProfessorUC Berkeley

Early Christian and Byzantine art. Her scholarship concerns the intersection of two basic issues: continuity and change in the realm of ideas, and the role of women in ancient societies.

Zosia ArchibaldSenior LecturerUniversity of Liverpool, UK

Ancient economies, Thrace

https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/archaeology-classics-and-egyptology/staff/zosia-archibald/; http://liverpool.academia.edu/ZosiaArchibald
Valentina ArenaReader in Roman HistoryUniversity College London

Roman Republic, political thought, oratory

Rhiannon AshProfessor of Roman HistoriographyUniversity of Oxford

Latin prose literature of the imperial era, above all the Roman historian Tacitus, including syntax and vocabulary of Tacitus' Latin
ancient epistles, Greek and Roman biography, battle narratives, Cicero, Sallust, Livy, Pliny the Elder, and Pliny the Younger, social and cultural history under the Roman empire

Emma AstonAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Reading

Greek religion
Animals in ancient thought

Carol AtackDirector of Studies in Classics, Bye-fellow and assistant tutor, Newnham CollegeCambridge University

Classical Greek and Hellenistic political history, Greek political thought, Greek historiography

Leanne BablitzProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

Roman law and spatiality, Tacitus, courtrooms

http://cnrs.ubc.ca/people/leanne-bablitz/; http://ubc.academia.edu/LeanneBablitz
Lisa BaileyAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Auckland

Early Christianity, Gaul, Late Antiquity

Melissa Bailey KutnerAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County

Numeracy and measurement, Roman economic history, Domestic space, Cognitive history

http://ancientstudies.umbc.edu/faculty/mbailey/; https://classics.stanford.edu/people/melissa-bailey-kutner; http://umbc.academia.edu/MelissaBailey
Sera EC BakerPhD CandidateUniversity of Nottingham, UK

Pompeii; Roman retail trade (shops and workshops); Roman architecture (late Republican and early Imperial); Ostia and Isola Sacra; Roman burial

Mira BalbergProfessorUC San Diego

Late Antiquity, early rabbinic literature, purity systems, sacrifice, and production of knowledge

Victoria BallmesPhD CandidateUC Santa Barbara

Early Christianity, Jewish-Christian Relations, Roman History, Late Antiquity

http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/people/victoria-ballmes; http://ucsb.academia.edu/VBallmes
Cynthia BannonProfessorIndiana University

Roman History, Roman Law, Roman economy, Environmental History

http://classics.indiana.edu/faculty/bannon.shtml; http://indiana.academia.edu/CynthiaBannon
Aneilya BarnesProfessor of HistoryCoastal Carolina University

Women in the early church, material culture, topography, gender, late antiquity, Roman domestic space, Roman games, identity and empire, religion, Christianization of Rome

http://www.coastal.edu/academics/facultyprofiles/humanities/history/aneilyabarnes/; http://coastal.academia.edu/AneilyaBarnes
Nathalie BarrandonProfessorUniversité de Reims Champagne Ardenne

Roman History, War History, Romanization, Republic, Administration of Empire, Hispania

Caitlyn BarrettAssociate ProfessorCornell University

Greco-Roman Egypt, Hellensitic Period, Egyptian and Classical archaeology

http://classics.cornell.edu/caitl%C3%ADn-eil%C3%ADs-barrett; http://cornell.academia.edu/Caitl%C3%ADnEBarrett
Jennifer BarryAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Mary Washington

Late Antiquity, Clerical Exile, Gender/Sexuality, Orthodoxy and Heresy

http://www.umw.edu/directory/employee/jennifer-barry-jbarry/; http://umw.academia.edu/JenniferBarry
Juliana Bastos MarquesProfessora AssociadaUniversidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

História Antiga, Antiguidade Clássica, Historiografia, Estudos Orientais, Tecnologia na Educação, Historiography, Classics, Ancient History, Digital Humanities, Public History

http://www.unirio.br/cch/escoladehistoria/docentes/juliana-bastos-marques; http://unirio.academia.edu/JulianaBastosMarques
Ellen BauerleExecutive Editor (Acquisitions)University of Michigan Press

Greek and Roman history, numismatics, women in academia

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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