Name | Position | Institutional Affiliation | Research Interests | Websites |
Rebecca Sweetman | Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology | University of St Andrews | Greek and Roman Archaeology. Roman and Late Antique Crete and the Peloponnese (especially Sparta). Art and Architecture including; Roman and Late Antique mosaics and architecture of Crete and Greece. Christianization of the Peloponnese. Religious architecture. The Cycladic islands in the Roman and Late Antique periods. Network analysis. | |
Caryn Tamber-Rosenau | Instructional Assistant Professor Jewish Studies | University of Houston | Second Temple Judaism; women and gender in the Hebrew Bible and postbiblical literature; feminist/queer readings of the Bible; Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; early Jewish interpretations of Scripture | |
Christine M. Thomas | Professor | UC Santa Barbara | Archaeological theory, archaeology of Turkey, Ancient Mediterranean Religions | |
Rosalind Thomas | Fellow | Balliol College Oxford | Herodotus, oral tradition, ancient medicine | |
Jessica Tomkins | Visiting Assistant Professor of History | Oglethorpe University | Egyptology, nascent states, power | |
Oya Topçuoğlu | Assistant Professor | Northwestern University | Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian art and archaeology, Anatolian archaeology, looting and illegal trafficking of antiquities, archaeology and politics in the Middle East, archaeology and politics in Turkey, social identity and cultural exchange, and the effects of political change and ideology on the material record of the ancient Middle East. | |
Kathryn Topper | Associate Professor of Classics | University of Washington | Greek art and archaeology, ancient painting, gender and sexuality in antiquity, banqueting in antiquity, word and image studies |; |
Elena Torregaray Pagola | Professor | University of the Basque Country | Roman Republican History; Roman diplomacy, historiography | |
Laurence Totelin | Senior Lecturer | Cardiff University | History of Science, History of Medicine, History of Technology, Greek history, Roman History, Classics, History of gynaecology, History of pharmacology, History of botany, Gender history, Greek and Roman Science, Technology and Medicine. My work is influenced by gender theory, and I have a particular interest in gynaecological treatments, aphrodisiacs, and the properties of milk (especially breast-milk). |; |
Philippa Townsend | Chancellor's fellow | University of Edinburg | Early Christian identity formation; Race and ethnicity in the Greco-Roman world; Sacrifice in the Greco-Roman world; Non-canonical ('Gnostic') Christian texts and the construction of orthodoxy and heresy Greek philosophical traditions (especially Neoplatonism) and their relationship to early Christianity. | |
Susan Treggiari | Emeritus Professor of Classics, Stanford University; Retired member of the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford | Roman social history, especially the family; the Ciceronian age. | ||
Georgia Tsouvala | Associate Professor | Illinois State University | Greek historiography, Plutarch, women's history, epigraphy | |
Sissel Undheim | Professor | Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen | Religion in the Roman Empire, | |
Kristi Upson-Saia | Professor | Occidental College | Late Antiquity, Dress and Performativity, History of Religion, Medicine, and Disability (REMEDHE co-founder), NT Apocrypha, Melania(s), gender | |
Lela Urquhart | Assistant Professor | Georgia State University | Greek archaeology, Greek and Phoenician colonization, and west Mediterranean history | |
Yulia Ustinova | Professor | Department of General History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Ancient Greek religion and its role within the society | |
Riet van Bremen | Senior Lecturer | University College London | Hellenistic History, Greek Epigraphy, Asia Minor | |
Annewies van den Hoek | Lecturer | Harvard Divinity School | Late Antiquity and Early Christianity. Judaism | |
Henriette van der Blom | Senior Lecturer in Ancient History | University of Birmingham | Late Roman Republic; Roman oratory | |
Zsuzsa Varhelyi | Associate Professor of Classical Studies | Boston University | The social, political, cultural and religious history of the ancient Mediterranean with a focus on Late Republican Rome and the Roman Empire and questions of individuality and community in this period; Latin historiography and literature; theoretical and methodological questions related to writing history, including practice theory, embodiment and the study of gender; Latin epigraphy, prosopography, paleography, and archaeological, art historical and numismatic evidence for the Roman Empire; psychology and the history of trauma in the ancient world | |
Jacqueline Vayntrub | Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible | Yale University | Hebrew Bible; Ancient Near East; Early Jewish Literature; Wisdom Literature; Poetry; Aesthetics; Poetics; Philology; Orality; Voice Studies; Prophecy; Political Theology; Epigraphy; Monumentality; History of the Self; History of Emotions; Medical Anthropology |;; |
Lavanya Vemsani | Professor | Shawnee State University | India, History; Asian Studies; Asian American Studies; World History; History of Religions; Asian Religions; Hinduism and Jainism; History of India; Gender Studies; Gandhi and Modern India. | |
Christina Videbech | PhD candidate | University of Bergen | Archaeology, Rome, Late Antiquity | |
Marja Vierros | Associate Professor | University of Helsinki | Greek language and linguistics, Greek papyri, Greco-Roman Egypt, multilingualism, Digital Classics | |
Marijn Visscher | PhD Candidate | Durham University | Hellenistic Greek, Seleukid Empire | |
Name | Position | Institutional Affiliation | Research Interests | Websites |
October 12, 2017