A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 501 - 525 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Katharina WaldnerProfessorUniversität Erfurt

Religionen des antiken Mittelmeerraums:

Polis-Religion und religiöser Pluralismus in der griechisch-römischen Kultur
Religion und philosophischer Diskurs
Religion in der Zweiten Sophistik

Methodologie und Forschungsgeschichte der Religionswissenschaft
Literatur und Religion
Gender Studies

Susanne LutherProfessorGeorg-August-University Göttingen

Sprachethik im Neuen Testament; Hermeneutik; Fiktion, Fiktionalität und Faktualität in frühchristlichen Texten; (Historische) Diskursanalyse; Wundererzählungen im frühen Christentum; Narrative Historiographie und Neues Testament; Lehrprojekt des Gutenberg-Lehrkollegs im WS 2014/15 und SoSe 2015: Übersetzung des Codex Sabaiticus aus dem Griechischen ins Deutsche und vertiefende Masterclass zu Text, Übersetzung und Interpretation frühchristlicher apokrypher Texte am Beispiel des Codex Sabaiticus (Vgl. dazu http://www.glk.uni-mainz.de/745_DEU_HTML.php)

Ida Gilda MastrorosaProfessor associate of Roman HistoryDepartment SAGAS - University of Florence - Italy

Women's role in Roman Society - Motherwood in Late Antiquity - Representation of women in Roman Historiography - Romanization vs gender - Image of Roman Women through YouTube videos on Internet.

Kim BeerdenAssistant Professor (Lecturer)Leiden University

Greek religion, divination, history of food and foodways

Jeanne ReamesAssociate Professor and Director, Ancient Mediterranean Studies ProgramUniv. Nebraska, Omaha

Argead Macedonia & Alexander the Great, Greek and Macedonian social history, Iron-age ANE, Early church

https://www.unomaha.edu/college-of-arts-and-sciences/history/about-us/directory/jeanne-reames.php; http://jeannereames.net/cv.html
Elena Muniz GrijalvoTitular ProfessorUniversidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla

1) Las religiones en el Imperio Romano, especialmente en el Mediterráneo oriental, con interés particular en el cambio religioso, en el estudio de las emociones en el ritual y en la descripción de ritos propios y ajenos desde la perspectiva de la propia identidad religiosa.

2) La utilización del legado intelectual clásico en época moderna y contemporánea: las ideas políticas griegas y romanas como argumento de autoridad para entender y justificar el presente en diferentes épocas de la Historia; la distorsión de las religiones grecorromanas en la obra de los Padres de la Iglesia y en el cristianismo de época moderna (catolicismo y protestantismo).

Christine Luckritz MarquisAssociate ProfessorUnion Presbyterian Seminary

Late antiquity, Syriac Christianity, Coptic studies, Eastern and Western Late Roman Empire, Digital Humanities, monasticism, asceticism, Melania(s)

Kelcy SagstetterAssistant ProfessorUnited States Naval Academy

Ancient tyranny, epigraphy, the Athenian Empire, archaeology

Josine BlokAffiliate ResearcherUtrecht University

political, religious and social history of ancient Greece
Citizenship in Archaic and Classical Greece

Saskia StevensAssistant professorUniversiteit Utrecht

history and archaeology of the Roman Period
Boundaries, urban living conditions, housing
Rome, Ostia and Pompeii

Laurel BowmanAssociate Professor of New TestamentUniversity of Victoria

Greek literature (tragedy, Hellenistic literature, especially epigram); literature and gender; classical myth; reception studies; myth in popular culture.

Ingrid E. HolmbergAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Victoria

Early Greek poetry: Homer, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and archaic lyric; particular interest in narrative and gender theory.

Elizabeth GreeneAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Western Ontario

Roman military history, epigraphy (military diplomas), and fort archaeology

Susan HolmanJohn R. Eckrich Chair and Professor, Religion and the Healing ArtsValparaiso University

intersections of religion and health in history, cross-generational voices, and material culture

https://www.valpo.edu/christ-college/susan-holman/; https://ptochotrophia.wordpress.com/
Bronwen WickkiserProfessorWabash College

Classical Greek history, Greek religion and medicine, Augustan Rome

Nadya WilliamsProfessorUniversity of West Georgia

Greek and Roman military history

Sheena FinniganAssistant Professor of History / PhD CandidateWisconsin Lutheran College / University of Wisconsin-Madison

Roman history, family and maternity, networks, material culture, reception studies

https://www.wlc.edu/faculty/sheena-finnigan/; https://history.wisc.edu/people/finnigan-sheena/
Rebecca BenefielProfessorWashington and Lee University

Graffiti, Pompeii, Roman History and epigraphy

https://www.wlu.edu/directory/profile?ID=x3919; http://wlu.academia.edu/RebeccaBenefiel
Anise K StrongAssociate ProfessorWestern Michigan University

Roman history, gender and sexuality, reception studies

Eliza GettelAssistant ProfessorVillanova University

Roman imperial history, material culture

Aimee SchofieldHonorary Visiting FellowUniversity of Leicester

ancient warfare, greek warfare, roman warfare, catapults, ballistae, ballistas, history of science and technology, women and war, siege warfare,

https://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/archaeology/people; http://leicester.academia.edu/AimeeSchofield
Naoise Mac SweeneyProfessorThe University of Leicester

Ancient History, Ancient Greece, Near East, Turkey, cultural history, identities, archaeology, heritage, antiquity and politics, Iron Age to Classical periods in the ancient Greek world and Anatolia, politics of reception and heritage

April PudseySenior LecturerManchester Metropolitan University

Ancient demography and economy; Roman Egypt; Ancient childhood

Alison CooleyProfessorUniversity of Warwick

Latin epigraphy, Augustus

https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/staff/alisoncooley/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alison_E._Cooley
Suzanne Frey-KupperProfessorUniversity of Warwick

Greek & Roman Numismatics (especially coin finds), Archaeology, Ancient History: Western Mediterranean & Northwestern Provinces

https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/staff/frey-kupper/; http://warwick.academia.edu/SuzanneFreyKupper; http://www.frey-kupper.net/frc/index.htm; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Suzanne_Frey-Kupper
 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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