A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 501 - 525 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Caryn Tamber-RosenauInstructional Assistant Professor Jewish StudiesUniversity of Houston

Second Temple Judaism; women and gender in the Hebrew Bible and postbiblical literature; feminist/queer readings of the Bible; Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; early Jewish interpretations of Scripture

Erika Zimmermann DamerAssociate ProfessorClassics Department, University of Richmond

sexuality and gender; social history of the late Roman Republic and early Empire; Graffiti

Katharine HuemoellerAssistant ProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

Slavery, Roman law, gender and sexuality

Agiatis BenardouSenior Research Associate, Digital Curation UnitAthena Research Center, Greece

Social and Economic history of the Corinthia, Classical Greece.

Eva von DassowProfessor of Classical and Near Eastern Studies/HistoryUniversity of Minnesota

Social and political history of the Near East in the Late Bronze Age
Encoding Canaanite in cuneiform
Freedom, Rights, and Governance in the Ancient Near East

Julietta SteinhauerLecturerUniversity College London

Sociology of ancient religion, political use of religious symbols in antiquity

Susanne LutherProfessorGeorg-August-University Göttingen

Sprachethik im Neuen Testament; Hermeneutik; Fiktion, Fiktionalität und Faktualität in frühchristlichen Texten; (Historische) Diskursanalyse; Wundererzählungen im frühen Christentum; Narrative Historiographie und Neues Testament; Lehrprojekt des Gutenberg-Lehrkollegs im WS 2014/15 und SoSe 2015: Übersetzung des Codex Sabaiticus aus dem Griechischen ins Deutsche und vertiefende Masterclass zu Text, Übersetzung und Interpretation frühchristlicher apokrypher Texte am Beispiel des Codex Sabaiticus (Vgl. dazu http://www.glk.uni-mainz.de/745_DEU_HTML.php)

Fiona HobdenSenior LecturerUniversity of Liverpool, UK

Symposia, Greek social history, Classical Reception

Laura Locke EstesPhD CandidateSaint Louis University

Syriac Christianity, Religion in Late Antiquity, Jewish-Christian-Muslim Interaction, Biblical Interpretation, Apocalyptic Literature

Megan M. DalyAdjunct ProfessorUniversity of North Florida

Tacitus, Germanicus, Roman Germania, Roman imperial history and historiography, book banning and book burning in the ancient world, intellectual freedom in the ancient world, Classics collections in academic libraries, Latin and Greek rare books, text encoding,
Ancient History and Historiography, especially works of Tacitus and Velleius Paterculus

Imperial Literature, including works of Lucan, Seneca, and Suetonius

Roman Provinces, with particular interests in Germania and leadership in the provinces

Museum Studies, especially ancient history museums and archaeological sites

Library Sciences, especially in Latin and Greek rare books and digitization projects

https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-m-daly-ph-d-05947597; https://meganmdaly.wordpress.com/
Charlotte FonrobertAssociate ProfessorStanford University

Talmudic literature and culture; Gender in Jewish culture; relationship between Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity; discourses of orthodoxy and heresy; the connection between religion and space; and rabbinic conceptions of Judaism with respect to GrecoRoman culture

Laura Carlson HaslerAssistant Professor of Religious Studies and Jewish StudiesIndiana University

Texts, Textuality, and Historiography in Jewish Antiquity, History of the Book, Gender and Sexuality in Antiquity, American Biblical Interpretation

Lisa CooperProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

The Archaeology of ‘Greater Mesopotamia’ (ancient Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey)
Ancient Near Eastern urban origins, growth and collapse
History of archaeological exploration and archaeological practice in Mesopotamia, particularly in the early 20th century
Orientalism, colonialism and archaeology
Pottery, and Bronze Age chronologies
The material manifestations of Assyrian imperial growth in the Near East

Charmaine GorrieLecturerUniversity of British Columbia

the art, archaeology, and history of the Severan period
the art and architecture of the Middle Republic
women in antiquity
the reception of the Severan emperors

Errietta BissaSenior LecturerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David

The Greek economy, particularly state intervention in trade. Universal historiography, particularly Diodoros. Sexuality and gender in the ancient world. Slavery in classical Athens. The Athenian epimeletai accounts.

Siobhan McElduffAssociate ProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

the history and theory of ancient and modern translation
history of classical reception, especially among the non-elite of the 18th and 19th century
the history of the book
digital humanities

Nathalie de HaanAssistant professorRadboud University Nijmegen

The history of archaeology; classical reception and heritage studies; Roman baths and ancient bathing culture; Rome, Pompeii and Herculaneum; ancient water supply; Roman historiography

Tracey RihllReaderSwansea University

The history of science and technology, education, slavery and warfare in classical antiquity.

Ryleigh AdamsPhD CandidateUniversity of Tasmania

The Roman Republic, Roman imperialism, Roman provincial management, emotions in antiquity, numismatics, and Latin literature.

Zsuzsa VarhelyiAssociate Professor of Classical StudiesBoston University

The social, political, cultural and religious history of the ancient Mediterranean with a focus on Late Republican Rome and the Roman Empire and questions of individuality and community in this period; Latin historiography and literature; theoretical and methodological questions related to writing history, including practice theory, embodiment and the study of gender; Latin epigraphy, prosopography, paleography, and archaeological, art historical and numismatic evidence for the Roman Empire; psychology and the history of trauma in the ancient world

Susanna BraundProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

The translation history of Virgil, imperial Latin literature including epic and tragedy, reception of Roman antiquity

Lisa KalletFellow; Associate ProfessorUniversity College Oxford

Thucydides, ancient economy

Sophie ChavarriaGraduate StudentUniversity of Kent

Tunisia, Roman pottery, Spain, Visigoths, fall of Rome, public history, swimming, Mediterranean, North Africa, ancient history, Roman Empire, Silk Road

Shannon MartinoFull time FacultyMorton College

Turkey, Bulgaria, Pottery, Figurines, Prehistory, the shared use of ceramic technologies around the Black Sea during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age, particularly in Turkey and Bulgaria.

Lara-Louise O'SullivanLecturerUniversity of Western Australia

Tyrannicide, Greek History

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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