Name | Position | Institutional Affiliation | Research Interests | Websites |
Beate Dignas | Fellow - Associate Professor | Somerville College, University of Oxford | Asia Minor, religious history |; |
Helen Dixon | Assistant Professor | ECU | Phoenicia, Phoenician language, ancient Lebanon, ancient Syria, Iron Age archaeology, Near Eastern history, Near Eastern inscriptions, Phoenician history, Phoenician religion, antiquities trade, Levantine archaeology, Middle Eastern history, Mediterranean history, first millennium BCE, | |
Hazel Dodge | Associate Professor | Trinity College Dublin | Roman archaeology and history, Urbanization, Eastern Mediterranean | |
Maria Doerfler | Assistant Professor of Religious Studies (Late Antiquity) | Yale University | Late Antiquity, Social History, Roman law, monastic and clerical formation in Latin West, Melania(s); law and justice; death of children and migrants; gender, sexuality, virginity in Christian sources. |; |
Colleen Donahoe | PhD Candidate | Brown University | Roman military history, archeology | |
Amelia Dowler | Curator | The British Museum | Numismatics, Ancient Economics, Hellenistic Asia Minor, Aksum | |
Melissa Dowling | Associate Professor | Southern Methodist University | Heliodorus; clemency | |
Abigail Dowling | Associate Professor | Mercer University | Environmental History, Landscape History, History of healthscaping, disease, Black Death, gender, History pedagogy, Garden and landscape history, natural resource management, archaeology, Medieval Europe, Late Antiquity, digital history | |
Susanna Drake | Associate Professor | Macalester College | Late antiquity, Jewish/Christian relations, gender/sexuality, veiling practices, Melania(s) | |
Jane Draycott | Lecturer | University of Glasgow | Health and well-being in the ancient world, the history and archaeology of medicine, impairment, disability, assistive technology and prostheses, botany and horticulture. The history and culture of Graeco-Roman Egypt and the Roman client kingdom of Mauretania. | |
Lindsay Driediger-Murphy | Associate Professor | University of Calgary | Roman social and political history, Roman religion, historiography |; |
Elena Duce Pastor | Post-Doc | Universitat Rovira i Virgili | Ancient Greece, Spain, England, Gender, Marriage, Dowry, Women studies, History, Reception | |
Casey Dué Hackney | Professor of Classical Studies. Director, Program in Classical Studies. Executive Editor, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D. C. | University of Houston | (1) Homeric poetry (2) Greek oral traditions (3) Greek tragedy (4) textual criticism | |
Pinar Durgun | Visiting Assistant Professor of Archaeology and the Ancient World | Joukowsky Institute, Brown University | Archaeology of death and burial, ancient and modern cemeteries, objects and texts of death, Anatolian Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Aegean Archaeology, Experimental Archaeology, Archaeological Ceramics, Flint Knapping, World Prehistory and Human Evolution, Museums and Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, Public Archaeology | |
Jen Ebbeler | Associate Professor | UT-Austin | Late antique and imperial Roman history, specialty in Augustine |; |
Lisa Eberle | Assistant Professor | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | Greek and Roman legal history | |
Catharine Edwards | Professor of Classics and Ancient History | Birkbeck College, University of London | My work focuses on the cultural history of the Roman world, particularly Rome in the late republic and early principate. The complex literary strategies of Roman texts (I have worked particularly on Seneca, Ovid and more recently Cicero) are an intrinsic part of that world’s fabric. I am interested in the ways in which conceptions of gender and other aspects of personal and social identity operate through, and are inflected by, language. Another important strand in my research has been the reception of antiquity in later centuries, particularly the C19th, and how receptions of antiquity are implicated in strategies of cultural formation and self-construction (I have published on the reception of Rome in Gibbon, in Mme de Stael, T.B.Macaulay, Nathaniel Hawthorne and in C19th guidebooks, particularly the work of Augustus Hare). | |
Esther Eidinow | Professor of Ancient History | University of Bristol, UK | Ancient Greek culture, especially Ancient Greek religion and magic, Cognitive science. | |
Susanna Elm | Sidney H. Ehrman Professor | UC-Berkeley | Roman Empire, social, economic, legal, cultural history, Augustine, slavery, masculinities, dress, imperial representation, war, ethnicities. | |
Immacolata Eramo | Assistant Professor | University of Bari (Italy) | Philology, Classical and Byzantine Polemography |; |
Kendra Eshleman | Associate Professor | Boston College | Second Sophistic, early Christianity, intellectual historiography, heresiology |; |
Rhiannon Evans | Senior Fellow | La Trobe University | Literature and culture of Ancient Rome and its empire, Latin language, Greek and Roman mythology | |
Judith Evans Grubbs | Professor | Emory University | Late ancient law | |
Elizabeth Fagan | Assistant Professor | Virginia Commonwealth University | ancient Mediterranean history, Armenia, Roman history, archaeology, eastern Mediterranean, epigraphy, numismatics, South Caucasus, | |
Rebecca Stephens Falcasantos | Assistant Professor | Amherst College | Christianity in Late Antiquity, Religious Ritual in Late Antiquity, Landscape and Memory in Cult and Civic Architecture, Religious Diversity and Boundary-Construction in Late Antiquity, Pilgrimage and Relic Economies, Religion and Violence | |
Name | Position | Institutional Affiliation | Research Interests | Websites |
October 12, 2017