A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 1 - 25 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Zsuzsa VarhelyiAssociate Professor of Classical StudiesBoston University

The social, political, cultural and religious history of the ancient Mediterranean with a focus on Late Republican Rome and the Roman Empire and questions of individuality and community in this period; Latin historiography and literature; theoretical and methodological questions related to writing history, including practice theory, embodiment and the study of gender; Latin epigraphy, prosopography, paleography, and archaeological, art historical and numismatic evidence for the Roman Empire; psychology and the history of trauma in the ancient world

Zosia ArchibaldSenior LecturerUniversity of Liverpool, UK

Ancient economies, Thrace

https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/archaeology-classics-and-egyptology/staff/zosia-archibald/; http://liverpool.academia.edu/ZosiaArchibald
Yurie HongAssociate ProfessorGustavus Adolphus College

Greek literature; Women, sex, and gender in antiquity; Ancient medicine; Classics and social justice

https://gustavus.edu/profiles/yhong; https://gustavus.academia.edu/YurieHong
Yulia UstinovaProfessorDepartment of General History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Ancient Greek religion and its role within the society

Virginia BurrusProfessorSyracuse University

Late Antiquity, Greco-Roman Religions, Literary and Cultural History of Christianity, Gender/Sexuality, Orthodoxy/Heresy

http://asfaculty.syr.edu/pages/rel/burrus-virginia.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Burrus; http://syr.academia.edu/VirginiaBurrus
Virginia ClossAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst

Imperial Latin Poetry, especially Neronian and Flavian; Poetic influences in Latin Historiography; Latin epigraphy

https://www.umass.edu/classics/member/virginia-closs; http://umass.academia.edu/GinnaCloss
Virginia CampbellIndependent Scholar

Pompeii, epigraphy and graffiti, literacy, tombs, Roman history, archaeology, Roman art & architecture, politics & elections.

Virginia LewisAssistant ProfessorFlorida State University

Greek literature, especially archaic Greek poetry, Pindar, and tragedy; Greek cultural history

Victoria BallmesPhD CandidateUC Santa Barbara

Early Christianity, Jewish-Christian Relations, Roman History, Late Antiquity

http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/people/victoria-ballmes; http://ucsb.academia.edu/VBallmes
Victoria LeonardResearch FellowCoventry University

Late Antiquity; Ancient History; Early Medieval History; Early Christianity; Classics; Religion; Roman History; Historiography; Gender and Sexuality; Women; The Body; Digital Humanities; Network Analysis; Databases; Prosopography; Equality and Diversity in Higher Education; Open Access Knowledge and Learning; Wikipedia

Vanessa B. GormanProfessorUniversity of Nebraska, Lincoln

Ancient Greek History and Historiography; Athenian Democracy, Greek Philology, Roman History

Valentina ArenaReader in Roman HistoryUniversity College London

Roman Republic, political thought, oratory

Ulrike KrotscheckAssociate ProfessorThe Evergreen State College

Archaic Greek Colonies East and West; Economic History; Maritime History; Archaeology; Ceramics

Ulla RajalaResearcherStockholm University

Archaeology, epigraphy, funerary archaeology, settlement archaeology, GIS, network analysis, survey

Tracey RihllReaderSwansea University

The history of science and technology, education, slavery and warfare in classical antiquity.

Tracene HarveyDirector/Curator, Museum of AntiquitiesUniversity of Saskatchewan

Art Coins, Roman Empresses Empresses in art Kings and rulers in numismatics Livia,--Empress, consort of Augustus, Emperor of Rome, Numismatics Portrait sculpture in numismatics Rome (Empire) Women in numismatics Women--Social conditions

Tina ShepardsonProfessorUniversity of Tennessee

Late Antiquity, Geography, place, material culture, Syriac Christianity, Chrysostom, Judaism, anti-Judaism, Melania(s)

Tiggy McLaughlinAdjunct Professor of HistoryGannon University

late antique Mediterranean - education, Christianity, preaching, pedagogy

Teresa MorganProfessor of Graeco-Roman historyUniversity of Oxford

Early Christianity, education in antiquity, ancient ethics, historiography

Teresa RamsbyProfessorUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst

Latin poetry, particularly the works of Ovid
; Roman social interactions and their manifestations in literature
; Latin pedagogy and teacher training

Tara MulderAssistant ProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

Roman social and cultural history, history of medicine, Greek epigraphy

T. M. (Tracy Maria) LemosAssociate ProfessorHuron University College

Ancient Israel, Ancient West Asia, Hebrew Bible, Early Judaism, History of Violence

Sydnor RoyAssociate ProfessorTexas Tech

Greek historiography, Political history, Herodotus

Svetla Slaveva-GriffinAssociate ProfessorFlorida State University

Ancient Philosophy with focus on Platonism and Neoplatonism; The dialogue of ancient philosophy with areas “outside of its box:” literary genre, poetry, myth, religion, medicine, Eastern thought, and Sufism; Intellectual History
Ancient Numerology; Ancient Medicine; Ancient Healing Cults and Centers

Suzanne Frey-KupperProfessorUniversity of Warwick

Greek & Roman Numismatics (especially coin finds), Archaeology, Ancient History: Western Mediterranean & Northwestern Provinces

https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/staff/frey-kupper/; http://warwick.academia.edu/SuzanneFreyKupper; http://www.frey-kupper.net/frc/index.htm; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Suzanne_Frey-Kupper
 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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