A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 26 - 50 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Suzanne OnstineAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Memphis

Ancient Egypt, Egyptology, Ancient History, Egyptian history, Gender History, Women's history, Archaeology, ancient Thebes, mortuary archaeology, social history, women and gender, religion, archaeology, Theban Tombs, New Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period, Late Period, Predynastic era, Nubia.

http://www.memphis.edu/history/faculty/faculty/suzanne-onstine.php; http://memphis.academia.edu/SuzanneOnstine
Susanne LutherProfessorGeorg-August-University Göttingen

Sprachethik im Neuen Testament; Hermeneutik; Fiktion, Fiktionalität und Faktualität in frühchristlichen Texten; (Historische) Diskursanalyse; Wundererzählungen im frühen Christentum; Narrative Historiographie und Neues Testament; Lehrprojekt des Gutenberg-Lehrkollegs im WS 2014/15 und SoSe 2015: Übersetzung des Codex Sabaiticus aus dem Griechischen ins Deutsche und vertiefende Masterclass zu Text, Übersetzung und Interpretation frühchristlicher apokrypher Texte am Beispiel des Codex Sabaiticus (Vgl. dazu http://www.glk.uni-mainz.de/745_DEU_HTML.php)

Susanna DrakeAssociate ProfessorMacalester College

Late antiquity, Jewish/Christian relations, gender/sexuality, veiling practices, Melania(s)

Susanna ElmSidney H. Ehrman ProfessorUC-Berkeley

Roman Empire, social, economic, legal, cultural history, Augustine, slavery, masculinities, dress, imperial representation, war, ethnicities.

Susanna BraundProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

The translation history of Virgil, imperial Latin literature including epic and tragedy, reception of Roman antiquity

Susan ShapiroAssociate ProfessorUtah State University

Herodotus, Greek intellectual history, Catullus, classical reception.

Susan LapeProfessorUniversity of Southern California

"Research Specialties
Greek Drama, Law, Cultural History, Athenian Democracy"/
from https://dornsife.usc.edu/cf/faculty-and-staff/faculty./cfm?pid=1008191 on 8/24/17.

Susan StephensProfessorStanford University

Papyrology, "the political and social dimensions of Hellenistic literature (and its later reception) and ancient Greek fiction writing."
from https://classics.stanford.edu/people/susan-stephens on 8/24/17.

Susan RahyabGraduate studentColumbia University

Greco-Roman Egypt, archives, Ptolemaic and Roman administration, writing offices, documentary papyri, epistolary studies, censorship/damnatio memoriae.

Susan TreggiariEmeritus Professor of Classics, Stanford University; Retired member of the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford

Roman social history, especially the family; the Ciceronian age.

Susan HolmanJohn R. Eckrich Chair and Professor, Religion and the Healing ArtsValparaiso University

intersections of religion and health in history, cross-generational voices, and material culture

https://www.valpo.edu/christ-college/susan-holman/; https://ptochotrophia.wordpress.com/
Stephanie CobbProfessorUniversity of Richmond

Gender, women, martyrdom, masculinity, second century, Melania(s), early Christianity

Stephanie CravenLearning Specialist, Course Support & InsctructionUniversity of Texas at Austin

Hellenistic history, Greek epigraphy, Greek mercenaries and military history

https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/classics/faculty/spc485; https://utexas.academia.edu/StephanieCraven
Stephanie LarsonProfessor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean StudiesBucknell University

ancient and Byzantine Greek Thebes, ancient and Byzantine Boiotia, ancient Greek ethnicities and identities, Sappho, Herodotus, women's lives in the ancient world, epic

Stephanie BudinIndependent ScholarIndependent Scholar

ancient history, ancient Greece, ancient Near East, women's history, ancient sexuality, ancient prostitution, mythology, ancient religion, History, Ancient Near East, and Hebrew Bible

Sophie ChavarriaGraduate StudentUniversity of Kent

Tunisia, Roman pottery, Spain, Visigoths, fall of Rome, public history, swimming, Mediterranean, North Africa, ancient history, Roman Empire, Silk Road

Sonia ZakrzewskiAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Southampton

bioarchaeology, human remains, medicine, health, disease, disability, migration, race, Egypt, Iberia, Anglo-Saxon, skeletons, death, biological anthropology, race, human diversity and variability, and the study of the human body to understand aspects of migration and mobility, diet, identity, religious practice and social organisation in past populations.

https://www.southampton.ac.uk/archaeology/about/staff/srz.page; http://soton.academia.edu/SoniaZakrzewski
Soledad MilánProfessorUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid

Aegean Bronze Age, Greek Ancient History

Sofie RemijsenAssistant professorUniversity of Amsterdam

Late Antiquity, papyri, sports and games, calenders, use of time

Smitha Mandre-JacksonFounder & PrincipalMandre- Jackson Consulting

Gender equity and diversity, student equity, holustic dibersity and inclusion, dsta science and evifence based methrics to must myselks, intersectiobality and critucal race theory.

Sissel UndheimProfessorDepartment of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen

Religion in the Roman Empire,
Roman religion
Church Fathers
Sacred virgins, virgin martyrs, male virgins
Gender, sexuality, asceticism and sanctity

Siobhan McElduffAssociate ProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

the history and theory of ancient and modern translation
history of classical reception, especially among the non-elite of the 18th and 19th century
the history of the book
digital humanities

Simona StoyanovaResearch FellowUniversity of Oxford

Greek epigraphy, Latin epigraphy, Palaeography, Digital Humanities

Silvia OrlandiAssociate ProfessorSapienza University of Rome

Latin Epigraphy
Roman History
History of Scholarship

Sian LewisSenior LecturerUniversity of St Andrews, UK

Ancient Animals, Tyranny, Greek Iconography, Ancient Media.

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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