A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 1 - 25 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Kathryn SteedAdjunct Assistant ProfessorSt. Olaf College

Roman history (especially of the Republic), Greek and Roman law and oratory

Beth Ann JudasAdjunct facultyUniversity of Pennsylvania

Middle and New Kingdom Egypt; Bronze Age Aegean; Keftiu; interconnections; trade; diplomacy; New Kingdom ceramics; Bronze Age Aegean ceramics; archaeology

Jacquelyn ClementsAdjunct InstructorJohns Hopkins University

Greek and Roman archaeology and history; antiquities provenance research; digital art history and linked open data

Emily ColeAdjunct LecturerNYU Abu Dhabi

Graecoroman Egypt; history of multilingualism; social history

Dina GuthAdjunct ProfessorUniversity of Manitoba

Greek history, epigraphy, Athenian democracy, political history

http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/classics/staff/Dina%20Guth.html; http://umanitoba.academia.edu/DinaGuth
Megan M. DalyAdjunct ProfessorUniversity of North Florida

Tacitus, Germanicus, Roman Germania, Roman imperial history and historiography, book banning and book burning in the ancient world, intellectual freedom in the ancient world, Classics collections in academic libraries, Latin and Greek rare books, text encoding,
Ancient History and Historiography, especially works of Tacitus and Velleius Paterculus

Imperial Literature, including works of Lucan, Seneca, and Suetonius

Roman Provinces, with particular interests in Germania and leadership in the provinces

Museum Studies, especially ancient history museums and archaeological sites

Library Sciences, especially in Latin and Greek rare books and digitization projects

https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-m-daly-ph-d-05947597; https://meganmdaly.wordpress.com/
Kira JonesAdjunct ProfessorEmory University

Roman, portraiture, Ancient Rome, Flavian, Minerva, Domitian, Roman propaganda, Imperial Rome, William Wetmore Story, Italy, self-representation in the ancient world, the use of myth and religion in Imperial Roman propaganda, shamanic art of the Ancient Americas, and classical reception

http://arthistory.emory.edu/home/people/students/graduate_student_pages/jones.html; http://emory.academia.edu/KiraJones
Kristin HarperAdjunct ProfessorMissouri State University

Childhood Studies, Woman in Late Antique Rome, Late Antiquity, Epigraphic Habit, Late Antique Poetics

Gaia GianniAdjunct ProfessorUniversity of Alabama

Roman epigraphy, history of the family, children in the ancient world, fictive kinship, slavery and education, digital epigraphy

Tiggy McLaughlinAdjunct Professor of HistoryGannon University

late antique Mediterranean - education, Christianity, preaching, pedagogy

Jeanette NicewinterAdjunct Professorial LecturerAmerican University

Peru, Mexico, Art, Latin America, Peru, Pre-Columbian, Cajamarca, Empires, Inka, Colonialism, Spain, Mesoamerica, Mexica, Ceramics, Textiles, Native American Art, fineware ceramics and painted imagery from the Cajamarca culture as indicative of the Cajamarca’s cultural identity.

https://www.american.edu/cas/faculty/jnicewin.cfm; https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanette-nicewinter-5b6a6842
Josine BlokAffiliate ResearcherUtrecht University

political, religious and social history of ancient Greece
Citizenship in Archaic and Classical Greece

Christine MorrisAndrew A. David Senior Lecturer in Greek Archaeology and HistoryTrinity College Dublin

Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age

Harriet FlowerAndrew Fleming West Professor of Classics and Head of Mathey CollegePrinceton University

- Roman History and Religion
- Epigraphy
- Latin Literature
- Spectacle and memory in Roman culture

Astrid D'EreditàArchaeologistThe Superior Institute for Conservation and Restoration (external collaborator)

Archaeology, Gender Archaeology, Roman History, Social Media, Public Archaeology, Museology

Nicole NowbaharAssistant Director, National and International Scholarships ProgramUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Roman clothing, ancient cross-dressing, gender in antiquity

Karen ActonAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Toronto

Roman imperial history, Roman numismatics

Melissa Bailey KutnerAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County

Numeracy and measurement, Roman economic history, Domestic space, Cognitive history

http://ancientstudies.umbc.edu/faculty/mbailey/; https://classics.stanford.edu/people/melissa-bailey-kutner; http://umbc.academia.edu/MelissaBailey
Monica BertiAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Leipzig

Ancient History, Fragmentary Texts, Digital Humanities

http://www.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/team/monica-berti/; http://uni-leipzig.academia.edu/MonicaBerti; http://www.monicaberti.it/
Naomi T. CampaAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Texas at Austin

Greek political and intellectual history

Caroline CheungAssistant ProfessorPrinceton

Roman archaeology and history

Nina C. CoppolinoAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Connecticut (Storrs)

Latin epic and didactic poetry; Greek and Latin languages; Greek and Roman Civilizations; Greek and Latin literature in translation; Greek rhetoric and historiography

Jacqueline DiBiasie SammonsAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Mississippi

Latin epigraphy; graffiti; Roman archaeology; Roman private life; domestic space

Lisa EberleAssistant ProfessorEberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Greek and Roman legal history

Immacolata EramoAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Bari (Italy)

Philology, Classical and Byzantine Polemography

https://persone.ict.uniba.it/rubrica/immacolata.eramo; https://uniba-it.academia.edu/ImmaEramo
 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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