A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 26 - 50 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Lisl WalshAssociate ProfessorBeloit College, WI

Historiography, gender and sexuality, history of self, theatre history

Christy ConstantakopoulouProfessorBirkbeck College, London

Aegean world and its islands, network theory, Greek Historiography

http://www.bbk.ac.uk/history/our-staff/academic-staff/christyconstantakopoulou; http://birkbeck.academia.edu/ChristyConstantakopoulou
Catharine EdwardsProfessor of Classics and Ancient HistoryBirkbeck College, University of London

My work focuses on the cultural history of the Roman world, particularly Rome in the late republic and early principate. The complex literary strategies of Roman texts (I have worked particularly on Seneca, Ovid and more recently Cicero) are an intrinsic part of that world’s fabric. I am interested in the ways in which conceptions of gender and other aspects of personal and social identity operate through, and are inflected by, language.

Another important strand in my research has been the reception of antiquity in later centuries, particularly the C19th, and how receptions of antiquity are implicated in strategies of cultural formation and self-construction (I have published on the reception of Rome in Gibbon, in Mme de Stael, T.B.Macaulay, Nathaniel Hawthorne and in C19th guidebooks, particularly the work of Augustus Hare).

Kendra EshlemanAssociate ProfessorBoston College

Second Sophistic, early Christianity, intellectual historiography, heresiology

http://www.bc.edu/schools/cas/classics/Faculty/Kendra-Eshleman.html; https://bc.academia.edu/KendraEshleman
Zsuzsa VarhelyiAssociate Professor of Classical StudiesBoston University

The social, political, cultural and religious history of the ancient Mediterranean with a focus on Late Republican Rome and the Roman Empire and questions of individuality and community in this period; Latin historiography and literature; theoretical and methodological questions related to writing history, including practice theory, embodiment and the study of gender; Latin epigraphy, prosopography, paleography, and archaeological, art historical and numismatic evidence for the Roman Empire; psychology and the history of trauma in the ancient world

Becky MartinAssociate Professor of Greek Art and ArchitectureBoston University

Greek and Phoenician art and archaeology; contact theory; identity

Caitlin GillespieAssistant ProfessorBrandeis University

Roman Historiography, Women in Antiquity (esp. the Imperial family), Latin Literature of the Early Empire

http://classics.columbia.edu/caitlin-gilespie/; https://columbia.academia.edu/CaitlinGillespie
Cecilia PeekAssociate Professor of Classics and Ancient HistoryBrigham Young University

Hellenistic and Roman History; Greek and Latin Prose Literature; Classical Historiography

Shelly MatthewsProfessor of New TestamentBrite Divinity School, Texas Christian University

Early Christianity, Feminist Historiography, New Testament World

Kate FulcherPost-DocBritish Museum

Egyptology, heritage science, museums, Sudan, coffins, archaeology, conservation

https://www.katefulcherconservation.com; http://britishmuseum.academia.edu/KateFulcher
Raffaella BucoloResearch Fellow / Adjunct LecturerBritish School at Rome; UniversitĂ  di Roma Sapienza; Tor Vergata

History of Archaeology; History of Collections; Roman Sculpture; Christian Iconography

Danielle L. KelloggAssociate ProfessorBrooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Greek history (especially the political and social history of Attica), Greek epigraphy, topography

Liv Mariah YarrowProfessorBrooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Numismatics, Historiography, Late Republic, symbols and discourses of power

Colleen DonahoePhD CandidateBrown University

Roman military history, archeology

Kelly Nguyen SutherlandPhD Student, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient WorldBrown University

Roman social history, archaeology of the Roman provinces, Greek and Latin epigraphy

Adele ScafuroProfessor of ClassicsBrown University

Greek Law and Epigraphy, Attic Orators, Greek Social History, Greek and Roman Drama, Greek Historiography, Comparative Cultural History

Johanna HaninkAssociate ProfessorBrown University

Athens, Greece, ancient Greece, classical antiquity, education in early America

Candace RiceAssistant ProfessorBrown University

Mediterranean maritime trade and economic development during the Roman period, Mediterranean ports and harbours, Roman merchants and trading communities, and Roman villas (from pottery to mosaics).

Stephanie LarsonProfessor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean StudiesBucknell University

ancient and Byzantine Greek Thebes, ancient and Byzantine Boiotia, ancient Greek ethnicities and identities, Sappho, Herodotus, women's lives in the ancient world, epic

Amanda PodanyProfessor of HistoryCalifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Bronze Age Mesopotamia and Syria, chronology, transnational history

Carol AtackDirector of Studies in Classics, Bye-fellow and assistant tutor, Newnham CollegeCambridge University

Classical Greek and Hellenistic political history, Greek political thought, Greek historiography

Mary BeardProfessorCambridge University

Roman history, epigraphy, and regina of ancient history

http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk/directory/mary-beard; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Beard_(classicist)
Joyce M. ReynoldsEmerita Reader in Roman Historical EpigraphyCambridge University

Greek epigraphy, Latin epigraphy, Roman History, Ancient Libya

Rebecca KrawiecProfessorCanisius College

early Christianity, monasticism, asceticism, Coptic Studies, Digital Humanities, late antiquity, women, gender, Egypt, Shenoute, Melania(s)

Joy SchroederProfessorCapital University

Reformation, Luther, church history, Middle Ages, sexual violence, rape, domestic violence, biblical interpretation, feminism in medieval thought and Old Testament studies.

https://www.capital.edu/academics/faculty/joy-schroeder/; http://www.tlsohio.edu/faculty/20-faculty/faculty-profiles/51-schroeder
 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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