A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 526 - 531 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Sheena FinniganAssistant Professor of History / PhD CandidateWisconsin Lutheran College / University of Wisconsin-Madison

Roman history, family and maternity, networks, material culture, reception studies

https://www.wlc.edu/faculty/sheena-finnigan/; https://history.wisc.edu/people/finnigan-sheena/
Kathryn MilneAssociate Professor of HistoryWofford College

Roman military and intellectual history

Laura NasrallahBuckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and InterpretationYale Divinity School

early Christianity and its sociopolitical context, including Roman archaeology

Maria DoerflerAssistant Professor of Religious Studies (Late Antiquity)Yale University

Late Antiquity, Social History, Roman law, monastic and clerical formation in Latin West, Melania(s); law and justice; death of children and migrants; gender, sexuality, virginity in Christian sources.

http://religiousstudies.yale.edu/people/maria-doerfler; https://isaw-nyu.academia.edu/MEDoerfler
Jacqueline VayntrubAssociate Professor of Hebrew BibleYale University

Hebrew Bible; Ancient Near East; Early Jewish Literature; Wisdom Literature; Poetry; Aesthetics; Poetics; Philology; Orality; Voice Studies; Prophecy; Political Theology; Epigraphy; Monumentality; History of the Self; History of Emotions; Medical Anthropology

https://hcommons.org/members/vayntrub; https://divinity.yale.edu/faculty-and-research/yds-faculty/jacqueline-vayntrub; https://renewedphilology.yale.edu/
Mary FranksPhD candidateYork University

"Roman political and cultural history, Roman religion, and historiography" from https://libraryofantiquity.wordpress.com/about/ on 6-13-17.

https://libraryofantiquity.wordpress.com/about/; http://history.gradstudies.yorku.ca/students/
 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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