A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 51 - 75 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Eve MacDonaldLecturerCardiff University

North Africa and Middle East, Mediterranean, Carthage, Hannibal, memory, war, gender, North Africa, Persians, Sasanians, Near East. frontiers, late antiquity, Romans, Mediterranean, reception, Caucasus, Arabian Peninsula,Iran, Zenobia, Shirin, Dido, Sophonisba, the social history and archaeology of the opponents of Rome and the Roman Empire. I have worked previously on the Carthaginians and am now researching and teaching on the Sasanians Persians.

https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/947215-macdonald-eve; http://cardiff.academia.edu/EveMacDonald
Laurence TotelinSenior LecturerCardiff University

History of Science, History of Medicine, History of Technology, Greek history, Roman History, Classics, History of gynaecology, History of pharmacology, History of botany, Gender history, Greek and Roman Science, Technology and Medicine. My work is influenced by gender theory, and I have a particular interest in gynaecological treatments, aphrodisiacs, and the properties of milk (especially breast-milk).

https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/73040-totelin-laurence; http://cardiff.academia.edu/LaurenceTotelin
Jaclyn NeelAssistant ProfessorCarleton

Republican history, early Rome, ancient religion

Sarah Brown FerrarioAssociate ProfessorCatholic University

Greek history and literature, particularly of the fifth and fourth centuries BC

Robin Darling YoungAssociate ProfessorCatholic University of America

Melania(s), early Christianity, Syriac, Syriac Christianity, Armenian, Evagrius, monasticism, asceticism, women, gender

Kelly MurphyAssociate ProfessorCentral Michigan University

Hebrew Bible; Early Judaism; Gender; Economics; Monsters/Horror

Lily VuongAssociate ProfessorCentral Washington University

Early Judaism; Early Christianity; Gender and Sexuality in Late Antiquity; Apocrypha

Nirvana SilnovićPhD CandidateCEU, Budapest

Roman archaeology and art, Mystery cults, Roman religion

Blanka MisicInstructorChamplain College

Roman religion and ritual, cognitive science of religion, cognition, emotion, Roman provincial archaeology, Roman Pannonia, Latin epigraphy.

Anna ClarkAssociate ProfessorChrist Church, University of Oxford

Roman religion, Roman Republican history

Nicola Denzey LewisProfessorClaremont Graduate University

late antiquity, social and cultural history of Rome; Christian epigraphy

Erika Zimmermann DamerAssociate ProfessorClassics Department, University of Richmond

sexuality and gender; social history of the late Roman Republic and early Empire; Graffiti

Ronin Margueritepermanent research fellowCNRS Paris

Roman law - Roman history - legal history - environmental history - economic history - Irrigation – drainage – Rural production – rural economy - agriculture - natural resources – impérialism – suburbium – construction materials – environmental risks – urban risks – aqueducts – river transport – fishing – Justinian's Digeste

Aneilya BarnesProfessor of HistoryCoastal Carolina University

Women in the early church, material culture, topography, gender, late antiquity, Roman domestic space, Roman games, identity and empire, religion, Christianization of Rome

http://www.coastal.edu/academics/facultyprofiles/humanities/history/aneilyabarnes/; http://coastal.academia.edu/AneilyaBarnes
Katie Stringer ClaryAssistant ProfessorCoastal Carolina University

public history, museums, accessibility, access, inclusion, human remains, cultural heritage, museum history, museum ethics, south carolina, ancient world, egypt,

Meira KenskyJoseph E. McCabe Associate ProfessorCoe College

New Testament and Early Christianity, Early Christian literature, Second Temple Literature, and Rabbinic Judaism

Angela ZiskowskiAssociate ProfessorCoe College

Greek archaeology; Archaic Greece, polis formation, history of Corinth, pottery and iconography, identity and ethnicity

Jennifer GerrishAssistant ProfessorCollege of Charleston

Roman historiography, intertextuality, civil wars

Liza AndersonResident ScholarCollege of Saint Scholastica

Christianity, Syriac, Monasticism, Ecumenism, Interfaith, Early Christianity, Late Antiquity, Medieval Christianity, Episcopal Church, Anglicanism

Judy E. GaughanAssociate ProfessorColorado State University-Pueblo

Roman Republic, Roman Law, Pedagogy

http://csupueblo.academia.edu/JudyGaughan; https://www.csupueblo.edu/history/contact-us.html
Elizabeth IrwinAssociate ProfessorColumbia University

Herodotus, Thucydides, Political and Ethical Debates of the later Fifth Century, Athenian Empire, Archaic Greek Poetry and History

Shulamit ShinnarPostdoctoral Core Faculty FellowColumbia University

Ancient Medicine, Cultural History of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, Biblical Reception, Rabbinic Literature,

Susan RahyabGraduate studentColumbia University

Greco-Roman Egypt, archives, Ptolemaic and Roman administration, writing offices, documentary papyri, epistolary studies, censorship/damnatio memoriae.

Mar RodriguezGraduate StudentComplutense University of Madrid

Greece, Sparta, gender studies, women, Greek religion, landscape,

https://www.ucm.es/directorio?id=28039; https://ucm.academia.edu/MªdelMarRodr%C3%ADguezAlcocer
Caitlyn BarrettAssociate ProfessorCornell University

Greco-Roman Egypt, Hellensitic Period, Egyptian and Classical archaeology

http://classics.cornell.edu/caitl%C3%ADn-eil%C3%ADs-barrett; http://cornell.academia.edu/Caitl%C3%ADnEBarrett
 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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