A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 1 - 25 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Mary FranksPhD candidateYork University

"Roman political and cultural history, Roman religion, and historiography" from https://libraryofantiquity.wordpress.com/about/ on 6-13-17.

https://libraryofantiquity.wordpress.com/about/; http://history.gradstudies.yorku.ca/students/
Maria DoerflerAssistant Professor of Religious Studies (Late Antiquity)Yale University

Late Antiquity, Social History, Roman law, monastic and clerical formation in Latin West, Melania(s); law and justice; death of children and migrants; gender, sexuality, virginity in Christian sources.

http://religiousstudies.yale.edu/people/maria-doerfler; https://isaw-nyu.academia.edu/MEDoerfler
Jacqueline VayntrubAssociate Professor of Hebrew BibleYale University

Hebrew Bible; Ancient Near East; Early Jewish Literature; Wisdom Literature; Poetry; Aesthetics; Poetics; Philology; Orality; Voice Studies; Prophecy; Political Theology; Epigraphy; Monumentality; History of the Self; History of Emotions; Medical Anthropology

https://hcommons.org/members/vayntrub; https://divinity.yale.edu/faculty-and-research/yds-faculty/jacqueline-vayntrub; https://renewedphilology.yale.edu/
Laura NasrallahBuckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and InterpretationYale Divinity School

early Christianity and its sociopolitical context, including Roman archaeology

Kathryn MilneAssociate Professor of HistoryWofford College

Roman military and intellectual history

Sheena FinniganAssistant Professor of History / PhD CandidateWisconsin Lutheran College / University of Wisconsin-Madison

Roman history, family and maternity, networks, material culture, reception studies

https://www.wlc.edu/faculty/sheena-finnigan/; https://history.wisc.edu/people/finnigan-sheena/
Anise K StrongAssociate ProfessorWestern Michigan University

Roman history, gender and sexuality, reception studies

Serena WitzkeVisiting Assistant ProfessorWesleyan University, Classics Department

Roman comedy and elegy • Roman historians • Greek comedy • ancient sex and gender • classical reception

Elizabeth FaueProfessorWayne State University

Archaic and Classical Greek history, gender, comparative history, and the soul

Jennifer Sheridan MossAssociate ProfessorWayne State University

Roman Egypt, esp. Late antiquity, taxation, women's history; Cleopatra studies

Rebecca BenefielProfessorWashington and Lee University

Graffiti, Pompeii, Roman History and epigraphy

https://www.wlu.edu/directory/profile?ID=x3919; http://wlu.academia.edu/RebeccaBenefiel
Katherine ShanerAssociate ProfessorWake Forest University, School of Divinity

New Testament and Early Christianity, including Roman archaeology and intersectional methodologies

Bronwen WickkiserProfessorWabash College

Classical Greek history, Greek religion and medicine, Augustan Rome

Marije MartijnProfessorVrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Neoplatonic philosophy, especially theories of knowledge, nature and mathematics

Rose Mary SheldonProfessorVMI

ancient military history, ancient intelligence and spying

http://www.vmi.edu/academics/departments/history/faculty-and-staff/; http://vmi.academia.edu/RSheldon
Shaily PatelAssistant ProfessorVirginia Tech, Department of Religion and Culture

Early Christianity • Graeco-Roman Religions • Magic in Antiquity • Critical Theory • Ideological Criticism

Elizabeth FaganAssistant ProfessorVirginia Commonwealth University

ancient Mediterranean history, Armenia, Roman history, archaeology, eastern Mediterranean, epigraphy, numismatics, South Caucasus,

Eliza GettelAssistant ProfessorVillanova University

Roman imperial history, material culture

Susan HolmanJohn R. Eckrich Chair and Professor, Religion and the Healing ArtsValparaiso University

intersections of religion and health in history, cross-generational voices, and material culture

https://www.valpo.edu/christ-college/susan-holman/; https://ptochotrophia.wordpress.com/
Leonora NevilleJohn W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Professor of Byzantine HistoryUW-Madison

gender, civic religion and religious aspects of political culture, and historical memory and historiography

Inger KuinAssistant ProfessorUVA

Ancient Religion; Cultural History of the Roman East; Latin Epigraphy

Josine BlokAffiliate ResearcherUtrecht University

political, religious and social history of ancient Greece
Citizenship in Archaic and Classical Greece

Susan ShapiroAssociate ProfessorUtah State University

Herodotus, Greek intellectual history, Catullus, classical reception.

Jen EbbelerAssociate ProfessorUT-Austin

Late antique and imperial Roman history, specialty in Augustine

http://liberalarts.utexas.edu/classics/faculty/jve1; https://utexas.academia.edu/JenniferEbbeler
Ayelet Haimson LushkovAssociate ProfessorUT-Austin

Roman political history during the Republic

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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