A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 26 - 50 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Julia HamiltonPostdoctoral FellowUniversity of Leiden

Ancient Egyptian social history, personal names and naming practices; epigraphy (personal names), ancient Egyptian graffiti, feminist pedagogy in Egyptology.

Carolyn HigbieProfessor EmeritaSUNY Buffalo

Ancient Greece – epic poetry, history, and historiography

Fiona MitchellTeaching FellowUniversity of Birmingham

ancient Greece, ancient literature (Reading Antiquity) and iconography (Classical Mythology and Art), ancient Greek literature and myth, and their interaction with other cultures in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. I am developing a project on the interactions between ancient Greek creation narratives and those found in ancient Indian sources.

Elena Duce PastorPost-DocUniversitat Rovira i Virgili

Ancient Greece, Spain, England, Gender, Marriage, Dowry, Women studies, History, Reception

Jenna RicePhD CandidateUniversity of Missouri-Columbia

Ancient Greek and Macedonian Military History, Violence, Just War, Animals in Military, Alexander the Great, Macedonian Empire

Lindsey MazurekAssistant ProfessorIndiana University

Ancient Greek and Roman history, material culture, orientalism, Egyptian cults, social history, Mediterranean Studies, concepts of ethnicity, religious identity, and foreignness from a material culture perspective, classical archaeology, classical civilization, ancient sculpture, migration studies

http://uoregon.academia.edu/LindseyMazurek; https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsey-mazurek-1174982a
Gillian ShepherdSenior LecturerLa Trobe University

Ancient Greek colonisation of Sicily and Italy, archaeology and art of Greece and Magna Graecia, burial customs

Esther EidinowProfessor of Ancient HistoryUniversity of Bristol, UK

Ancient Greek culture, especially Ancient Greek religion and magic, Cognitive science.

Lilah Grace CanevaroLecturer in GreekUniversity of Edinburgh

Ancient Greek epic
Greek didactic poetry
New Materialisms in Greek poetry and prose

Julia ShearSenior Associate Member; CHS Fellow in Hellenic StudiesAmerican School of Classical Studies at Athens; Harvard University

Ancient Greek history and classical archaeology; ancient Greek religion and epigraphy; ancient Athens, democracy, identity, and memory.

http://hist.boun.edu.tr/content/julia-shear-0; http://boun.academia.edu/JuliaLShear
Vanessa B. GormanProfessorUniversity of Nebraska, Lincoln

Ancient Greek History and Historiography; Athenian Democracy, Greek Philology, Roman History

Lynette MitchellProfessorUniversity of Exeter

Ancient Greek history, city-state politics

Yulia UstinovaProfessorDepartment of General History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Ancient Greek religion and its role within the society

Jennifer Martinez MoralesHonorary Research FellowUniversity of Liverpool, UK

Ancient Greek social and cultural history, Greek warfare, violence, gender

http://liverpool.academia.edu/JenniferMartinez; https://ou.monmouthcollege.edu/academics/classics/faculty.aspx
Edith HallProfessor of ClassicsKings College

Ancient Greek Social and Intellectual History
Ancient Greek literature
Ancient Greek and Roman Performance Culture
Tragedy and Comedy
Ethnicity, gender, and class
The Reception of ancient Greece and Rome

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Hall; https://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/classics/people/academic/hall/index.aspx
Helen KingProfessor EmeritaThe Open University

Ancient Greek women, gender, sexuality, gynecology, obstetrics; history of medicine; reception of ancient medicine to 1900

Alex MullenAssociate Professor of HistoryUniversity of Nottingham, Department of Classics and Archaeology

Ancient History
Ancient Sociolinguistics
Gaul and Britain (c. 600 BC to AD 400)
Multilingualism and Contact Linguistics

Stephanie BudinIndependent ScholarIndependent Scholar

ancient history, ancient Greece, ancient Near East, women's history, ancient sexuality, ancient prostitution, mythology, ancient religion, History, Ancient Near East, and Hebrew Bible

Naoise Mac SweeneyProfessorThe University of Leicester

Ancient History, Ancient Greece, Near East, Turkey, cultural history, identities, archaeology, heritage, antiquity and politics, Iron Age to Classical periods in the ancient Greek world and Anatolia, politics of reception and heritage

Monica BertiAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Leipzig

Ancient History, Fragmentary Texts, Digital Humanities

http://www.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/team/monica-berti/; http://uni-leipzig.academia.edu/MonicaBerti; http://www.monicaberti.it/
Emma NicholsonLecturerUniversity of Exeter

Ancient history, Hellenistic history, Polybius, Macedonia, historiography, ancient Greek history, Philip V of Macedon, the Antigonids, Hellenistic kingship, ancient political thought, cultural politics, rhetoric and interstate relation.

https://humanities.exeter.ac.uk/classics/staff/enicholson/; http://exeter.academia.edu/EmmaNicholson
Sara Casamayor MancisidorPhDUniversidad de Salamanca

Ancient History; Ancient Rome; Gender History in Ancient Rome; History of Old Age in Antiquity; Roman Women; Disability History; History of Care Practices; Scientific Communication

Kristina NeumannAssistant Professor of Roman and Digital HistoryUniversity of Houston

Ancient Imperialism; Digital Humanities; Roman Politics and Systems; Numismatics; Pottery; Eastern Mediterranean; Antioch

T. M. (Tracy Maria) LemosAssociate ProfessorHuron University College

Ancient Israel, Ancient West Asia, Hebrew Bible, Early Judaism, History of Violence

Martha HimmelfarbProfessorPrinceton University

Ancient Judaism from the Second Temple period to the rise of Islam

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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