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Name Valentina Arena
Position Reader in Roman History
Institutional Affiliation University College London
Latitude 51.524472
Longitude -0.133665
Research Interests

Roman Republic, political thought, oratory

Department Affiliation n79039816
Pleiades IDs 1052 (Italia = Roman History)
Websites http://www.ucl.ac.uk/history/people/academic-staff/valentina-arena

"The Orator and His Audience: The Rhetorical Perspective in the Art of Deliberation
Chapter; 2013;
Libertas and the Practice of Politics in the Late Roman Republic
Book; 2012;
Roman Sumptuary Legislation: Three Concepts of Liberty
Journal article; 2011; European Journal of Political Theory
Invocation to Liberty and Invective of Dominatus at the End of the Roman Republic
Journal article; 2007; Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
Libertas and Virtus of the Citizen in Cicero's De Re Publica
Journal article; 2007; Scripta Classica Israelica
Semantic Battles: Servius and the Statue of Marsyas
Chapter; 2017;
Trials in the late Roman Republic: 149 BC to 50 BC
Book; 2017;
Popular Sovereignty in the Late Roman Republic: Cicero and the Notion of Popular Will
Chapter; 2016;
Review of Y. Baraz 'A Written Republic: Cicero's Philosophical Politics'
Journal article; 2016; Klio: Beitraege zur Alten Geschichte
The Roman Republic of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Journal article; 2016; History of Political Thought
Review of Jonathan Zarecki, Cicero's Ideal Statesman in Theory and Practice. London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014
Journal article; 2015; Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Informal Norms, Values, and Social Control in the Roman Participatory Context
Chapter; 2014;
Review of J.S. Richardson 'The Language of Empire: Rome and the Idea of Empire from the Third Century BC to the Second Century AD' (Cambridge, 2008)
Journal article; 2012; Journal of Roman Studies
Review of D. Hammer 'Roman Political Thought and the Modern Theoretical Imagination' (Oklahoma, 2008)
Journal article; 2011; Classical Review
The Consulship of 78: Catulus versus Lepidus, an Optimas versus a Popularis Affair?'
Chapter; 2011;
Tolerance, Intolerance, Religious Liberty at Rome: An Investigation in the History of Ideas
Chapter; 2011;
Ancestral Tradition
Other; 2010;
Other; 2010;
Historians reflect on the Coalition Government: Coalition Government and Roman Concordia?
Journal article; 2010; Cambridge History Undergraduate Journal
Review of B. Strauss 'The Spartacus War' (New York-London, 2009)
Journal article; 2009; BBC History Magazine
Review of G.D. Farney 'Ethnic Identity and Aristocratic Competition in Republican Rome' (Cambridge, 2007)
Journal article; 2009; American Journal of Philology
Review of T.P. Wiseman 'The Myths of Rome' (Exeter, 2004)
Journal article; 2007; Phoenix
Roman Oratorical Invective
Chapter; 2007;
Liberti and Libertas: A Call for Civic Freedom
Chapter; 2006;
Review of K. J. Hölkeskamp 'Rekonstruktionen einer Republik. Die politische Kultur des antiken Rom und die Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte' (Historische Zeitschrift Beiheft 38, Munich, 2004)
Journal article; 2006; Classical Review
New Macedonian Acquisitions of the British Museum
Journal article; 2003; Numismatic Chronicle
Not so democratic after all? Review of H. Mouritsen 'Plebs and Politics in the Late Roman Republic' ( Cambridge: Cambridge, 2001)
Journal article; 2003; Classical Review
Review of E. Narducci (ed.) 'Cicerone Prospettiva 2000. Atti del I Symposium Ciceronianum Arpinas. Arpino 5 Maggio 2000' (Firenze, 2001) and E. Narducci (ed.) 'Interpretare Cicerone. Percorsi della critica contemporanea. Atti del II Symposium Ciceronianum Arpinas. Arpino 18 Maggio 2001' (Firenze, 2002)
Journal article; 2003; Journal of Roman Studies
Review of G.S. Aldrete 'Gestures and Acclamations in Ancient Rome' ((Baltimore-London, 1999)
Journal article; 2002; JACT Review
Fighting Corruption: Political Thought and Practice in the Late Roman Republic
Roman Reflections on Voting Practices: a Philosophical Affair
from http://www.ucl.ac.uk/history/people/academic-staff/valentina-arena on 6-21-17.

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