Name | Caitlin Gillespie |
Position | Assistant Professor |
Institutional Affiliation | Brandeis University |
Research Interests | Roman Historiography, Women in Antiquity (esp. the Imperial family), Latin Literature of the Early Empire |
Websites |; |
Publications | "PUBLICATIONS – Books in Progress Mother of the Fatherland: Livia and the Politics of Virtue. in progress. PUBLICATIONS – Refereed Articles and Chapters “Voiceless Grief: Domestic Disruption and the Failure of Fecundity in Lucan’s Bellum Civile,” in L. Fratantuono and C. Stark, eds. Blackwell Companion to Latin Epic, 14-96 CE. West Sussex, Wiley-Blackwell. forthcoming. “The Wolf and the Hare: Boudica’s Political Bodies in Tacitus and Dio,” Classical World 108.3 (2015) 403-429. “Poppaea Venus and the Ptolemaic Queens: An Alternative Biography,” Histos 8 (2014) 122-145. “Agrippina the Younger: Tacitus’ Unicum Exemplum,” in J. Ker and C. Pieper, eds. Valuing the Past in the Greco-Roman World. Proceedings from the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values VII. Leiden, Brill (2014) 269-293. “Girlhood, Interrupted: Unstable Transitions in Euripides’ Medea,” in S. Moraw and A. Kieburg, eds. Mädchen im Altertum/Girls in Antiquity. Conference Publication. Berlin, Waxmann (2014) 205-219. “Creating Chloe: Education in Eros through Aesthetics in Longus’ Daphnis and Chloe,” in R. Rosen and I. Sluiter, eds. Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity. Leiden, Brill (2012) 421-446. PUBLICATIONS – Reviews S. J. V. Malloch, ed. The Annals of Tacitus: Book II. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Classical Journal-Online, 2015.04.02. Sharon L. James and Sheila Dillon, eds. A Companion to Women in the Ancient World. Chichester and Maldon, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Classical Journal-Online, 2013.05.03. Aldo Luisi and Nicoletta F. Berrino. L'ironia di Ovidio verso Livia e Tiberio. Quaderni di ""Invigilata Lucernis"" 38. Bari: Edipuglia, 2010. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.12.41. Melanie Geiser. Personendarstellung bei Tacitus: am Beispiel von Cn. Domitius Corbulo und Ser. Sulpicius Galba. Verlag, 2007. (co-author with Cynthia Damon and members of the UPenn Tacitus seminar, Fall 2007). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.02.39. |
October 12, 2017