Refereed Journal Articles
“Architecture and the Construction of Communal Memory: The Emergence of the ‘Grand
gue’ in Antiquity” (
Studia Patristica
Manuscripts in Preparation
In Progress
Discourses of Empowerment: Narrative and Counter-Narrative in the Late Roman Empire
Encyclopedia Articles
“Constantine.” In
The Encyclopedia of Global Religion
. Eds. Wade Clark Roof and Mark Juergensmeyer. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Coptic Christianity.” In
The Encyclopedia of Global Religion
. Eds. Wade Clark Roof and Mark Juergensmeyer. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. 2012
“The Gospel of Judas.” In
The Encyclopedia of Global Religion
. Eds. Wade Clark Roof and Mark Juergensmeyer. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
“The Gospel of Thomas.” In
The Encyclopedia of Global Religion
. Eds. Wade Clark Roof and Mark Juergensmeyer. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
“Manichaeism.” In
The Encyclopedia of Global Religion
. Eds. Wade Clark Roof and Mark Juergensmeyer. Los Angeles: Sage Publications."
from on 6-21-17.