A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Caitlyn Barrett
Position Associate Professor
Institutional Affiliation Cornell University
Latitude 42.4534
Longitude -76.4735
Research Interests

Greco-Roman Egypt, Hellensitic Period, Egyptian and Classical archaeology

Pleiades IDs 766
Websites http://classics.cornell.edu/caitl%C3%ADn-eil%C3%ADs-barrett; http://cornell.academia.edu/Caitl%C3%ADnEBarrett



Domesticating Empire: Egyptian Landscapes in Pompeian Gardens (under contract; anticipated publication 2018). Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
Egyptianizing Figurines from Delos: A Study in Hellenistic Religion (2011). Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition 36. Leiden/Boston: Brill. [731 pp. + 80 plates]

Figurines grecques en contexte: Présence muette dans le sanctuaire, la tombe et la maison (2015), eds. S. Huysecom-Haxhi and A. Muller (editors-in-chief) and C. Aubry, C. Barrett, C. Blume, and T. Kopestonsky (collaborating editors). Archaiologia. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. [534 pp.]

""Magical Gems as Material Texts"" (forthcoming). In Textual Archaeology of the Ancient Near East: Are We Doing It Wrong?, ed. Y. Heffron. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
""The Valuation of Terracotta Figurines in Domestic Contexts: Reconsidering the Gap between Material and Ritual"" (forthcoming). In Stuff of the Gods: The Material Aspects of Religion in Ancient Greece, eds. M. Haysom, M. Mili, and J. Wallensten. Athens: Swedish Institute at Athens.
""Egypt in Roman Visual and Material Culture"" (in press). In G. Williams (ed.), Oxford Handbooks Online in Classical Studies. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
""Archaeology of Ancient Religions"" (in press). In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion, eds. J. Barton et al. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
""Avant-propos"" (with C. Aubry, C. Blume, S. Huysecom-Haxhi, T. Kopestonsky, and A. Muller) (2015). In Figurines grecques en contexte: Présence muette dans le sanctuaire, la tombe et la maison, eds. S. Huysecom-Haxhi et al., 7-9. Archaiologia. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. [3 pp.]
""Terracotta Figurines and the Archaeology of Ritual: Domestic Cult in Greco-Roman Egypt"" (2015). In Figurines grecques en contexte: Présence muette dans le sanctuaire, la tombe et la maison, eds. S. Huysecom-Haxhi et al., 401-420. Archaiologia. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. [20 pp.]
""Harpocrates on Rheneia: Two Egyptian Figurines from the Necropolis of Delos"" (2015). In Figurines de terre cuite en Méditerranée orientale grecque et romaine. II: Iconographie et contextes, eds. E. Laflı and A. Muller, 187-200. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
""Material Evidence for Ancient Greek Religion"" (2015). In Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion, eds. E. Eidinow and J. Kindt, 113-130. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [18 pp.]
""Hellenistic and Roman Egypt"" (2015). In D.L. Clayman (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Classics. New York: Oxford University Press. [87 pp.]
""The Perceived Value of Minoan and Minoanizing Pottery in Egypt"" (2009). Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 22.2: 211-234. [24 pp.]
""Was Dust Their Food and Clay Their Bread? Grave Goods, the Mesopotamian Afterlife, and the Liminal Role of Inana/Ishtar"" (2007). Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 7: 7-65. [59 pp.]

""Figurines"" (with E. Darby) (2016). In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, ed. E. Orlin, 344-346. New York: Routledge. [3 pp.]
""Harpokrates"" (2016). In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, ed. E. Orlin, 388. New York: Routledge. [1 p.]
""Gems"" (with V. Platt) (2015). In Cornell Collection of Antiquities, ed. A. Alexandridis and V. Platt (http://antiquities.stg.library.cornell.edu/gems). [3 pp.]
""Plaster Perspectives on 'Magical Gems': Rethinking the Meaning of 'Magic' in Cornell's Dactyliotheca"" (2015). In Cornell Collection of Antiquities, ed. A. Alexandridis and V. Platt (http://antiquities.stg.library.cornell.edu/gems/plaster-perspectives-on-magical-gems).
""Terracotta Figurines of Harpocrates from Greco-Roman Egypt"" (2013). In C.M. Manassa (ed.), Echoes of Egypt: Conjuring the Land of the Pharaohs (http://echoesofegypt.peabody.yale.edu/overview/harpocrates-figurines). Online exhibit catalog for a 2013-2014 exhibition at the Yale Peabody Museum. [4 pp.]
""'Campana' Relief with Roman Nilotic Landscape"" (2013). In C.M. Manassa (ed.), Echoes of Egypt: Conjuring the Land of the Pharaohs (http://echoesofegypt.peabody.yale.edu/overview/campana-relief-roman-nilotic-landscape). Online exhibit catalog for a 2013-2014 exhibition at the Yale Peabody Museum. [3 pp.]
""Egyptianizing Graeco-Roman Objects"" (with C.M. Manassa) (2013). In C.M. Manassa (ed.), Echoes of Egypt: Conjuring the Land of the Pharaohs, pp. 15-16 [print edition]. New Haven: Yale Peabody Museum. Exhibit catalog for a 2013-2014 exhibition at the Yale Peabody Museum. [2 pp.]

Review (2013) of M. Trümper, Die 'Agora des Italiens' in Delos: Baugeschichte, Architektur, Ausstattung und Funktion einer späthellenistischen Porticus-Anlage. Journal of Hellenic Studies 133: 116-117. [2 pp.]
Review (2012) of B. Rabe, Zwischen Entwurf und Produkt: Die griechisch-römischen Gipsformen aus Ägypten im Museum August Kestner, Hannover. Coroplastic Studies Interest Group Book Reviews (http://www.coroplasticstudies.org/reviews-rabe.html)."
from http://classics.cornell.edu/caitl%C3%ADn-eil%C3%ADs-barrett on 6-21-17.

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