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Name Marie-Claire Beaulieu
Position Associate Professor
Institutional Affiliation Tufts University
Latitude 42.403685
Longitude -71.120482
Research Interests

Greek religion, Greek epigraphy, Medieval Latin, Digital Humanities

Websites https://ase.tufts.edu/classics/people/facultyBeaulieu.htm

- The Sea in the Greek Imagination, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.
-Volume Editor, A Cultural History of the Sea (Antiquity), Bloomsbury, 2020.
-Co-Editor, Water in Greek Religion, Papers of the 2015 Conference, Kernos supplement
Peer-Reviewed Articles
-“The Myths of the Three Glauci”, Hermes, 141(2), 2013, p. 121-141.
- “Developing a New Integrated Editing Platform for Source Documents in Classics” (with
Bridget Almas), Literary and Linguistic Computing, (2013) 28 (4): 493-503.
-“L’héroïsation du poète Hésiode en Grèce ancienne”, Kernos, 17, 2004, p.103-117.
-Forthcoming: “Ulysse et l’Hadès brumeux”, Les Études Classiques, 2016.
-Forthcoming: “Θεῶν ἅγνισμα μέγιστον: la mer et la purification en Grèce
Ancienne”, Kernos supplement, Winter 2016.
Book Chapters
-(with J. M. Harrington and F. Mambrini): “Towards a Digital Editio Princeps: Using Digital
Technologies to Create a More Complete Scholarly Edition in the Classics”, Lire
Demain/Reading Tomorrow, Papers of the International Conference “From Ancient Manuscripts
to the Digital Era. Readings and Literacies, Lausanne, 23-25 August 2011, Clivaz, C. et al.
eds, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 2012
(ebook), p. 393-414.
-Forthcoming: “The Dolphin in Classical Mythology and Religion”, in P. Jonhston, A.
Mastrocinque and S. Papaioannou, Animals In Greek And Roman Religion And
Myth, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.
Marie-Claire BEAULIEU 2
-Forthcoming (with Bridget Almas): “Scholarship for all!”, Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber:
Teaching, Collaboration, Outreach and Public Engagement, Gabriel Bodard & Matteo
Romanello eds., Ubiquity Press.
Work in Progress
-In preparation: “Polymetry in Fourth-Century Greek Verse-Epitaphs: Enjambment and
-In preparation: “Mapping the Islands of the Western Ocean from Homer to the Age of
-In preparation: “Mists on the Map. The Boundaries of the World in Ancient Mythology and
Online Research
Perseids Collaborative Editing Platform: http://sites.tufts.edu/perseids/
Philoglogist Epigraphical Collection (demo): http://services.perseus.tufts.edu/epifacs/
Encyclopedia Article
“Oceanus”, Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Roger S. Bagnall ed., Wiley-Blackwell,
2012. (online and in print)
Book Reviews
In Progress: Hadrian Mihail, L’Hades Celeste, Paris, 2015: Sehepunkte, 2016.
Pevnick, Seth D., ed. Poseidon and the Sea: Myth, Cult, and Daily Life, Tampa 2014: AJA 119
(1), 2015: http://www.ajaonline.org/online-review-book/1961
Kimmel-Clauzet, Flore. Morts, tombeaux et cultes des poètes grecs. Étude de la survie des grands poètes
des époques archaïque et classique en Grèce ancienne. Scripta Antiqua, 51. Ausonius Éditions,
2013: Kernos 27, 2014, p. 457-459.
R. Parker, On Greek Religion, Ithaca, 2011: NECJ, 38(4) 2011, p. 295-297.
M. Fantuzzi & R. Hunter, Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry, Cambridge, 2004:
LEC, 73 (1), 2005, p. 79-80.
G. Nisbet, Greek Epigram in the Roman Empire. Martial’s Forgotten Rivals, Oxford, 2003: LEC,
72 (1-2), 2004, p. 153-154.
A. Cavarzere, A. Aloni & A. Barchiesi (eds), Iambic Ideas. Essays on a Poetic Tradition from
Archaic Greece to the Late Roman Empire, Lanham, 2001: LEC, 71(3) 2003, p. 293.
G. Lambin, Anacréon. Fragments et imitations, collection Interférences, Rennes, 2002: LEC,
71(2), 2003, p. 198-199.
G.M. Ledbetter, Poetics before Plato. Interpretation and Authority in Early Greek Theories of
Poetry, Princeton, 2002: LEC, 71(1), 2003, p. 123-124.
E. Spentzou & D. Fowler (eds), Cultivating the Muse. Struggles for Power and Inspiration in
Classical Literature, Oxford, 2002: LEC, 70(4), 2002, p. 405.
Publisher Invited Reviews
Peer-Reviewed an article for NECJ, December 2015.
Greek Mythology in Context, Oxford University Press, 2015. (reviewed the manuscript and
will class-test in September 2015).
C. López-Ruiz (ed.), Gods, Heroes, and Monsters: A Sourcebook of Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern
Myths in Translation, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Reviewed proposal for a new Classical mythology textbook, OUP, 2013.
Marie-Claire BEAULIEU 3
-Anonymous article review for the Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
-Anonymous article review for the New England Classical Journal"
from https://ase.tufts.edu/classics/documents/cvBeaulieu.pdf on 6-21-17.

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