Research Interests |
My main area of research concerns the social history of jewelry in Greece and Etruria (1st millennium B.C.E.) Much of this subject focuses on women, but I also consider the role of jewelry in the life course of both sexes, and its use as a marker of social identities (sex, age, status, ethnicity, and ritual).
Publications |
Work in Progress
Jewelry in Greece and Etruria (900-200 BCE): A Social History [manuscript]
“Bejeweled Vases: Perceiving Jewelry on Attic Vases” [in prep]
“Male Ornaments East and West,” Material Connections and Cultural Exchange – The Case
of Etruria and Anatolia, edited by E. Baughan and L. Pieracini [under review]
“Macedonian Lionesses: A New Paradigm for Female Jewelry Use (c. 325-275 BC) 2017
Journal of Greek Archaeology 2: 235-256
“Surface Tensions on Etruscan and Greek Gold Jewelry,” in M. Cifarelli and 2017
L. Gawlinski, eds, “What Shall I Say of Clothes?” Theoretical and Methodological
Approaches to the Study of Dress in Antiquity: 83-100 (AIA Publications)
“Etruscan Jewelry and Identity” in S. Bell and A. Carpino, eds., The Blackwell Companion 2016
to the Etruscans: 275-292 (Wiley-Blackwell)
“Children’s Jewelry in the Ancient World” Jewellery History Today 19 (Winter): 3-4 2014
“Jewelry,” in M. Gagarin and E. Fantham, eds. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. 2010
vol. 4: 120-122 (Oxford University Press)
“Etruscan Horseshoe Earrings: Exploring a Native Jewelry Type,” Mitteilungen des 2010
Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung 116: 159-204
“Late Classical Representations of Jewelry: Identifying Costume Trends in Etrusco- 2010
Italic Art” Etruscan Studies 13: 31-48
“An Early Hellenistic Jewelry Hoard from Poggio Colla,” Memoirs of the American 2009
Academy in Rome 54: 245-262
“Archaic Greek Earrings: An Interim Survey,” Archäologischer Anzeiger 2008: 1-34 2008
“Grave Garb: Archaic and Classical Macedonian Funerary Costume,” in 2008
C. Colburn and M. Heyn, eds., Reading a Dynamic Canvas: Adornment in the
Ancient Mediterranean World: 115-145 (Cambridge Scholars Press)
“Protecting Athena’s Children: Amulets in Classical Athens.” C. C. Mattusch, A.A. Donohue 2006
and A. Brauer, eds. Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities.
Acta of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology 2003: 625-627
“A Bejeweled Siren from Memphis,” Abstract AJA 106: 268-269 2002
“Trappings of Gold: Thracian Equine Ornaments of the Fourth and Third Centuries B.C.” 2000
Abstract AJA 104: 341-342