A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Adele Scafuro
Position Professor of Classics
Institutional Affiliation Brown University
Latitude 41.826793
Longitude -71.406129
Research Interests

Greek Law and Epigraphy, Attic Orators, Greek Social History, Greek and Roman Drama, Greek Historiography, Comparative Cultural History

Websites https://vivo.brown.edu/display/ascafuro

Publications 2017-1994
i. Books
--2011: Demosthenes. Speeches 39-49. (U. of Texas series, edited by M. Gagarin
--1997: The Forensic Stage: Settling Disputes in Graeco-Roman New Comedy
(Cambridge University Press 1997, xxii + 512 pp.)
ii. Edited volumes:
--2014: Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy. Edited with Michael Fontaine. (Forty- two essays plus two appendices; 896 pp.) Reviewed: Lech CR 2015.
Paperback edition: 2018
--1994: Athenian Identity and Civic Ideology (Johns Hopkins University Press. 239 pp.) Edited with Alan Boegehold. Paperback edition, 2002.
iii. Refereed Journal Articles and Chapters in Books:
[2018. ‘Justifying Murder and Castigating Revenge: Hypothetical Arguments and Imaginary Lawcourts in the Oresteian Tragedies (Aesch. Oresteia; Sophocles Electra; Euripides Electra and Orestes).’ In Andreas Markantonatos and Eleni Volonaki (eds.) Attic Drama and Oratory, Trends in Classics (DeGruyter). Submitted and accepted.]
[2018. ‘Historical Readings of Demosthenes,’ in G. Martin (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Demosthenes. OUP. Submitted and accepted]
[2017 or 2018. ‘Greek Sexual Offences and their Remedies: Honor and the Primacy of Family,’ pp. 29-47. In I. Peled (ed.), Structures of Power: Law and Gender across the Ancient Near East and Beyond, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, no. 12. In proofs.]
2017: ‘Reply to J. Velissaropoulos-Karakostas: phialai exeleutherikai,’ pp. 91-98. In M. Gagarinand D. Leao (eds.) Symposion 2015: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte.
2015. ‘The economics of the Athenian Law Court System,’ pp. 363-392. In A. Matthaiou and N. Papazarkadas (eds.). Festschrift for Ron Stroud. Greek Epigraphic Society.
2014. ‘Decrees for foreign judges: judging conventions—or epigraphic habits?’ pp. 365-395. In M. Gagarin and. A. Lanni (eds.) Symposion 2013: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte
2014.‘Penalty and punishment formulae in fifth century Attic decrees,’ pp. 199-226. In A. Matthaiou and R. Pitt (eds.), Ἀθηναίων ἐπίσκοπος. Studies in honour of Harold B. Mattingly (Greek Epigraphic Society and the British School at Athens).
2014. ‘Ancient Comedy: the longue durée,’ pp. 1-28. In M. Fontaine and A. Scafuro (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy.
2014. ‘Comedy in the late fourth and early third centuries BCE,’ pp. 199-217. In M. Fontaine and A. Scafuro (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy.
2014. ‘Menander,’ pp. 218-238. In M. Fontaine and A. Scafuro (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy.
2013: ‘Menander: Personal Address and Addressing the Audience, Tokyo Classical Studies, vol. 8: 103-33.
2013.‘Roman Comedy and Renaissance Revenge Drama: Titus Andronicus as Exemplary Text,’ pp. 537-564. In S. Douglas Olson (ed.), Ancient Comedy and Reception. de Gruyter 2013.
2013. ‘Keeping Record, Making Public: the Epigraphy of Government,’ pp. 400-416. In Hans Beck (ed.) A Companion to Ancient Greek Government (Wiley-Blackwell).
2012. ‘The Legal Horizon of Euripides’ Ion: A Response to Delfim Leão,’ pp. 153-164. In B. Legras and G. Thür (eds.) Symposion 2011: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte. Köln, Weimar, and Vienna.
2010. ‘Conservative trends in Athenian law: documents pertaining to the Mysteries,’ pp. 23-46. In G. Thür (ed.) Symposion 2009: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte. Köln, Weimar, and Vienna.
2009. ‘Eudikos’ Rider: IG I3 38-47,’ pp. 47-66. In A. A. Themos and N. Papazarkadas (eds.), Attica Epigraphica: Studies in honour of Christian Habicht. Athens.
2009. ‘The Crowning of Amphiaraos,’ pp. 59-86. In L. Mitchell and L. Rubinstein (eds.), Greek History and Epigraphy. Essays in honour of P.J. Rhodes. Swansea 2009.
2008. ‘Comic Strategies in Livy's Bacchanalia.’ In J. Chaplin and C. Kraus (eds.), Oxford Studies in Livy. (OUP). Reprint of Scafuro 1989b.
2007. ‘Public Arai in Greek Laws: A Response to Lene Rubinstein,’ pp. 287-90. In Eva Cantarella and Alberto Maffi (eds.), Symposion 2005: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte. Köln, Weimar, and Vienna.
2006. ‘Magistrates with hegemony in the courts of Athens,’ pp. 27-52. in Symposion 2003: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte. Köln, Weimar, and Vienna. Ed. A. Rupprecht.
2006. ‘Finding the Kernel of Solonian Laws,’ pp. 175-96. In J. Blok and A. Lardinois (eds.), Solon of Athens. Leiden.
2005. ‘Parent abusers, military shirkers, and accused killers: the authenticity of Dem. 105B’, pp. 51-69 in Symposion 2001: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte. Köln, Weimar, and Vienna. Ed. M. Gagarin. (2005)
2005. ‘Dem. 21.10: The role of the prosecutor and Athenian legal procedure,’ Dike 7: 113-33.
2004: ‘Lokale Gerichtsbarkeit in den attischen Demen,’ ZSS vol. 121: 94-109.
2003/04: ‘The rigmarole of the parasite’s contract for a prostitute in Asinaria: legal documents in Plautus and his predecessors,’ Leeds International Classical Studies 3: 1-21. Electronic publication. (http://www.leeds.ac.ak/classics/lics)
2003. ‘When A Gesture Was Misinterpreted: didonai titthion in Menander’s Samia,’ pp. 113-35 in Gestures. Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy presented to Alan L. Boegehold, ed. J. Bakewell and J. Sickinger. Oxbow.
2003. ‘Laymen Judges and Moral Calculators in Rome in the Second Century B.C.,’ in O Qui Complexus et Gaudia Quanta Fuerunt, Festschrift for M.C.J. Putnam, edd J. Pucci and J. DeBrohun (Providence, private publication)
2003. ‘IG II2 204: Boundary Setting and Legal Process in Classical Athens’ pp. 123-43 in Symposion 1999: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte. Köln, Weimar, and Vienna. Ed. G. Thür.
1994. 'Introduction. Bifurcations, Gaps, and Intersections,' pp. 1-20. In Boegehold and Scafuro, Athenian Identity and Civic Ideology (1994).
1994. ‘Witnessing and False Witnessing: Proving Citizenship and Kin Identity in Fourth Century Athens,' pp. 156-199 in Boegehold and Scafuro, Athenian Identity and Civic Ideology (1994).

iv. Encyclopedia articles:
2012: Ten entries in Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (on-line):
(1) Atimia, (2) Anakrisis, (3) Antigraphe, -eus, (4) Arbitration, legal (Athens and Rome), (5) Diaitetai, (6) Draco, (7) Enktesis, (8) Ephetai, (9) Phasis, (10) Witnesses (Greece and Rome)
2009. ‘Arbitration in Athens’, pp. 212-15 in Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History.
v. Book reviews:
2017. Review. E. Eidinow. Envy, Poison, and Death. Women on Trial in Classical Athens (OUP 2016). In Sehepunkte, 17. Nr. 9, 2017 (online)
2016. Review: M. Carnevaro, The Documents in the Attic Orators. Laws and Decrees in the Public Speeches of the Demosthenic Corpus. (OUP 2013). In Grammateion 5: 73-82.
2007. Review: Sian Lewis, The Athenian Woman: An Iconographic Handbook. In AJA 111.2.
2004. Review: Mary Ebbott, Imagining Illegitimacy in Classical Greek Literature. (Lexington Books. 2003) NECR 2004.
2004: Review: J.F. McGlew Citizens on Stage. Comedy and Political Culture in the Athenian Democracy. (U. of Mich. 2002). In AHR June 2004: 955.
2003: Review: Law and Social Status in Classical Athens. Edd. V. Hunter and J. Edmondson. In The Historian 65.2 (2003) 1461-3.
2003: Review: Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy. Edd. R. Osborne and S. Goldhill. In JHS 2003: 225-28.
2002: Review of Grosse Prozesse im antiken Athen, Edd. Leonhard Burckhardt/Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg. In ZSS vol. 111, 2002: 417-24.
2001: Review of T. Moore, The Theater of Plautus. In Classical World 2001.94.3.283-84.
vi. Abstracts:
2014. ‘New Inscriptions from Thalamai (Ancient Lakonia),’ with Andronike Makres, pp. 552-53 in XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae 27. – 31 Augusti MMXII Akten (Berlin/Boston).
2009. ‘Euripides’ ‘Orestes’ (408 BCE) and the Rule of Law,’ s.v. ‘Law and Drama in Athens,’ (Nov. 2009) http://www.legalhistorian.org./conferences/2009conference/abstracts/index
2007. ‘Crowns for the asking: Athenian requests to honor Athenians, the epigraphical evidence: 337/6-279 B.C.’ Acts of the 13th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

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