Publications |
2018 - Scholarly publications
Stevens, S.L.M. (2018). The emperor and the plough - (re)founding the city and extending the empire. BABESCH (Bulletin Antieke Beschaving)
Stevens, S.L.M. (2018). The Roman urban borderscape an arena for social, political and cultural interaction. In Miko Flohr (Eds.), Urban Life and the Built Environment in the Roman World
2017 - Scholarly publications
Stevens, Saskia (2017). City boundaries and urban development in Roman Italy. (323 p.). Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
Stevens, S.L.M. (14.12.2017) Invited speaker Nationale Wetenschaps Agenda: Route Levend Verleden Amsterdam (14.12.2017) Het Romeinse Grenslandschap in Nederland
Stevens, S.L.M. (2017). Visiting the Ancestors - Ritual Movement in Rome’s Urban Borderland. In Troels Myrup Kristensen & Wiebke Friese (Eds.), Excavating Pilgrimage - Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Travel and Movement in the Ancient World (pp. 152-165) (14 p.). Routledge.
2017 - Other output
Stevens, Saskia (2017). Visiting the Ancestors - Ritual movement in Rome’s urban borderland . (14 p.).
2016 - Scholarly publications
Stevens, S.L.M. (2016). Candentia Moenia - The symbolism of Roman city walls. In Rune Frederiksen , Mike Schnelle , Silke Muth & Peter Schneider (Eds.), Focus on Fortifications - New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East (pp. 288-299). Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
Stevens, S.L.M. (2016). De Romeinse jacht op triomfen - Review van C.H. Lange / F.J. Vervaet (eds), The Roman Republican triumph. Beyond the Spectacle (Rome 2014). Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis, 129 (3), (pp. 460-463) (3 p.).
2016 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens (17.03.2016) NKV Amersfoort
S.L.M. Stevens (09.12.2016) The urban borderscape as an arena for social, political and cultural interaction.
2015 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens (28.03.2015) Paper: Shifting borderscapes. The development and transformation of Rome’s urban edge.
2014 - Popularising publications
Stevens, Saskia (2014). Gluren bij de buren - Inkijk in de Romeinse domus.. Article, 13, (pp. 10-13).
2014 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens (22.09.2014) Landuse and Landownership in Republican and Imperial Ostia. The Porta Romana Area.
2013 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens (15.03.2013) Re-using Roman city walls
2012 - Other output
Stevens, Saskia (2012). Candentia Moenia - The symbolism of Roman city walls..
2011 - Scholarly publications
Stevens, S.L.M. (2011). Review van A. Coralini (ed.), Cultura abitativa nella Cisalpina Romana 1. Forum Popili. Flos Italiae. Documenti di archeologia della Cisalpina Romana 9 (Firenze 2010). Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2011 (04.29).
Stevens, S.L.M. (2011). Review van B. Longfellow, Roman Imperialism and Civic Patronage. Form, Meaning, and Ideology in Monumental Fountain Complexes (Cambridge 2011). Classical Review, 62 (2), (pp. 650-652).
2011 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens (29.01.2011) Exploring the edge: an examination of the appearance and significance of Roman urban boundaries
2010 - Scholarly publications
Stevens, S.L.M. (06.03.2010). City Boundaries and Urban Development in Roman Italy (4th century BC - AD 271).
2009 - Other output
Stevens, S.L.M. (2009). Note sul sistema di approvvigionamento idrico delle Case a Giardino.
2008 - Scholarly publications
Stevens, S.L.M. (2008). Review van H. von Hesberg, Römische Baukunst (München 2005). BABESCH (Bulletin Antieke Beschaving), 83, (pp. 227-228).
2008 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens (17.12.2008) Negotiating the Boundaries of Ancient Rome
S.L.M. Stevens (22.03.2008) Roman urban borderlands: the city of the living vs. the city of the dead
2007 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens (31.10.2007) Dealing with the Dead. Urban development and city boundaries in Roman Italy.
2006 - Professional publications
Stevens, Saskia (2006). Wonen op Niveau - Romeinse Hoogbouw in Ostia. Lampas, 39 (4), (pp. 381) (397 p.).
2005 - Scholarly publications
Stevens, Saskia (2005). Reconstructing the Garden Houses at Ostia - Exploring Water Supply and Building Height. . BABESCH (Bulletin Antieke Beschaving), 80, (pp. 123) (133 p.).
0 - Other output
S.L.M. Stevens () Paper: City boundaries and Urban Expansion in Roman Italy.
S.L.M. Stevens () Paper: Qua aratrum ductum est. The location of the dead in the Roman urban landscape.
S.L.M. Stevens () Presentation: Boundary disputes. The impact of urban expansion on city boundaries.
S.L.M. Stevens () Roman Urban Borderlands. Exploring the Fringes of the Roman City.
S.L.M. Stevens () Stadsgrenzen en stedelijke ontwikkeling in Romeins Italie
S.L.M. Stevens () Urban boundaries in Roman Italy
S.L.M. Stevens () Urbis principium - defining and marking the Roman city