A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Virginia Burrus
Position Professor
Institutional Affiliation Syracuse University
Latitude 43.0392
Longitude -76.1351
Research Interests

Late Antiquity, Greco-Roman Religions, Literary and Cultural History of Christianity, Gender/Sexuality, Orthodoxy/Heresy

Department Affiliation no2010044534
Websites http://asfaculty.syr.edu/pages/rel/burrus-virginia.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Burrus; http://syr.academia.edu/VirginiaBurrus

The Life of Saint Helia: Critical Edition, Translation, Introduction, and Commentary.
Early Christian Texts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. (Co-author with Marco
Seducing Augustine: Bodies, Desires, Confessions. NY: Fordham University Press,
2010. (Co-author with Mark Jordan and Karmen MacKendrick)
Saving Shame: Martyrs, Saints, and Other Abject Subjects. Divinations: Rereading Late
Ancient Religion. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.
Toward a Theology of Eros. NY: Fordham University Press, 2006. (Co-editor with
Catherine Keller)
Late Ancient Christianity: A People’s History of Christianity, Volume 2. Minneapolis:
Fortress Press, 2005. (Editor)
The Sex Lives of Saints: An Erotics of Ancient Hagiography. Divinations: Rereading
Late Ancient Religion. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.
French translation: La vie sexuelle des saints: L’art érotique de l’hagiographie
ancienne, translated by Elsa Boyer. Montrouge: Bayard, 2011.
Italian translation: La vita erotica dei Santi, translated by Marta Albertella.
Genova: Il Melangolo, 2011.
Czech translation: Sexuální životy svatých: Erotika středověké hagiografie,
translated by Zuzana Gabajová. Prague: Academia, 2015.
“Begotten, Not Made”: Conceiving Manhood in Late Antiquity. Figurae: Reading
Medieval Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000.
The Making of a Heretic: Gender, Authority, and the Priscillianist Controversy.
Transformation of the Classical Heritage. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
Chastity as Autonomy: Women in the Stories of Apocryphal Acts. Women in Religion.
Lewiston & Queenston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987.
“Reading the Bride of Christ in Late Antiquity, and Now: Slippages and Subversions,” in
Braut Christi: Familienformen in Europa im Spiegel der sponsa, ed. Susanna Elm and
Barbara Vinken (Wilhelm Fink Verlag, forthcoming).
“Torture, Truth, and the Witnessing Body: Reading Christian Martyrdom with Page
duBois,” in Torture, Truth, and Slavery: Engaging the Work of Page duBois, ed. Albert
Harrill, Special issue of Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Issues, 25.1
“Between Fragment and Compilation: A Virgin’s Vision of the Afterlife,” Sacris Erudiri
54 (2015) 201-224. With Marco Conti.
“‘Nec sanabatur vulnus illud meum’ (Conf. 6.15): Trauma, Time, and Voice in
Augustine’s Confessions,” Trauma and Traumatization in Individual and Collective
Dimensions: Insights from Biblical Studies and Beyond, ed. Eve-Marie Becker, Jan
Dochhorn, and Else Holt (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014), 100-110.
“History, Theology, Orthodoxy, Polydoxy.” Modern Theology 30 (2014) 7-16.
“Gender, Eros, and Pedagogy: Macrina’s Pious Household.” Ascetic Culture, edited by
Blake Leyerle and Robin Darling Young. University of Notre Dame Press, 2013. Pages
“Seducing Theology.” Theology and Sexuality 18:2 (2013).
“Augustine, Rosenzweig, and the Possibility of Experiencing Miracle.” Material Spirit,
edited by Carl Good, Manuel Asensi, and Gregory Stallings. New York: Fordham
University Press, 2013. Pages 94-110
“Nothing is Not One: Revisiting the ex nihilo.” Modern Theology 29.2 (2013): 33-48.
“‘Honor the Fathers’: Exegesis and Authority in the Life of Saint Helia.” Asceticism and
Exegesis in Early Christianity: The Reception of New Testament Texts in Ancient Ascetic
Discourses, edited by Hans-Ulrich Wiedemann. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck and
Ruprecht, 2013. Pages 445-57.
“‘The Passover Still Takes Place Today’: Exegesis, Asceticism, Judaism, and Origen’s
On Passover.” Asceticism and Exegesis in Early Christianity: The Reception of New
Testament Texts in Ancient Ascetic Discourses, edited by Hans-Ulrich Wiedemann.
Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2013. Pages 235-45.
“Bodies, Desires, Confessions: Shame in Plotinus, Antony, and Augustine.” Shame
between Penance and Punishment, edited by Bénédicte Sère and Jörg Wettlaufer.
Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013. Pages 23-48.
“Augustine’s Bible.” Ideology, Culture, and Translation, edited by Scott Elliott and
Roland Boer. Semeia Studies. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012. Pages 69-
""Wyschogrod's Hand: Saints, Animality, and the Labor of Love."" Philosophy Today
(Winter 2011): 412-421.
“Seeing God in Bodies: Augustine, Rosenzweig, Wolfson.” Reading Forwards and
Backwards: Postmodern Readings of Ancient Christian Texts, edited by Scot Douglass
and Morwenna Ludlow. London: T&T Clark, 2011. Pages 44-59.
“2010 NAPS Presidential Address: ‘Fleeing the Uxorious Kingdom’: Augustine’s Queer
Theology of Marriage.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 19 (2011): 1-20.
“A Saint of One’s Own: Emmanuel Levinas, Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, and Eulalia of
Mérida.” L'Esprit Créateur 50 (2010): 6-20. Special issue on “Sanctity,” edited by Cary
“Carnal Excess: Flesh at the Limits of Imagination.” Journal of Early Christian Studies
17 (2009): 247-265.
""Torture and Travail: Producing the Christian Martyr."" A Feminist Companion to
Patristic Literature, ed. Amy-Jill Levine and Maria Mayo Robbins. London: T&T Clark,
2008. Pages 56-71.
""The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles."" A Postcolonial Commentary on the
New Testament Writings, ed. Fernando F. Segovia and R. S. Sugirtharajah. London: T&T
Clark, 2007. Pages 133-155.
""Confessing Monica."" Feminist Interpretations of Augustine, ed. Judith Chelius Stark.
University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State Press, 2007. Pages 119-145. Coauthored
with Catherine Keller.
""Queer Father: Gregory of Nyssa and the Subversion of Identity."" Queer Theology:
Rethinking the Western Body, ed. Gerard Loughlin. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Pages 147-62.
""Mapping as Metamorphosis: Initial Reflections on Gender and Ancient Religious
Discourse."" Mapping Gender in Ancient Religious Discourse, ed. Todd Penner and
Caroline Vander Stichele. Leidon: E.J. Brill, 2006.
""Introduction: Theology and Eros after Nygren."" Toward a Theology of Eros:
Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline, ed. Virginia Burrus and Catherine
Keller. New York: Fordham University Press, 2006. Pages xiii-xxi.
""Praying is Joying: Musings on Love in Evagrius Ponticus."" Toward a Theology of Eros:
Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline, ed. Virginia Burrus and Catherine
Keller. New York: Fordham University Press, 2006. Pages 194-204.
“Feminist Religious History: Roundtable Discussion.” Journal of Feminist Studies in
Religion 22 (2006): 53-59.
“Radical Orthodoxy and the Heresiological Habit: Engaging Graham Ward’s
Christology.” Interpreting the Postmodern, ed. Marion Grau and Rosemary Radford
Ruether. Continuum/T&T Clark, 2006. Pages 36-53.
“Life After Death: The Martyrdom of Gorgonia and the Birth of Female Hagiography.”
Gregory of Nazianzus: Images and Reflections, ed. Jostein Bortnes and Tomas Hagg.
Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2006. Pages 153-70.
“Elizabeth Clark’s History, Theory, Text: A (Somewhat) Confessional Reading.” Church
History 74 (2005): 812-816.
""Hybridity as the Subversion of Orthodoxy? Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity.""
Beyond Syncretism: Rethinking Religious Hybridity, ed. Otto Maduro and Meredith
McGuire. Social Compass 52 (2005): 431-41. Co-authored with Daniel Boyarin.
“Introduction: Shifting the Focus of History.” Late Ancient Christianity: A People’s
History of Christianity, Volume 2, ed. Virginia Burrus. Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
2005. Co-authored with Rebecca Lyman.
“Mimicking Virgins: Colonial Ambivalence and the Ancient Romance.” Arethusa 38
(2005): 49-88.
“Creatio ex libidine: Reading Ancient Logos Differantly.” Derrida and Religion: Other
Testaments, ed. Kevin Hart and Yvonne Sherwood. London: Routledge, 2005. Pages
“Pollution and Purity, Sin and Absolution: Christianity.” Religions of the Ancient World:
A Guide, ed. Sarah Iles Johnston. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004.
Pages 511-13.
“Afterword to ‘Household Management and Women’s Authority.’” The Feminist
Companion to the Acts of the Apostles, ed. Amy-Jill Levine with Marianne Blickenstaff.
Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic Press, 2004. Pages 171-76. Co-authored with Karen
J. Torjesen.
“Unsafe Sex: Feminism, Pornography, and the Song of Songs.” Biblical Interpretations
11 (2003) 24-52. Co-authored with Stephen Moore.
“Performing Sadomasochism in the Song of Songs.” Women and Performance: A
Journal of Feminist Theory 25 (2002) 129-146.. Co-authored with Stephen Moore.
“Hailing Zenobia: Anti-Judaism, Trinitarianism, and John Henry Newman.” Culture and
Religion 3 (2002) 163-177.
“Revelation Revealed or Reveiled? ‘Jewish’ and ‘Christian’ Interpretation in Late
Antiquity.” Textual Reasonings, ed. Peter Ochs and Nancy Levene. London: SCM
Press, 2002. Pages 76-81.
“Queer Lives of Saints: Jerome’s Hagiography.” Journal of the History of Sexuality 10
(2001) 442-479.
“Is Macrina a Woman? Gregory of Nyssa’s Dialogue on the Soul and the Resurrection.”
The Companion to Postmodern Theology, ed. Graham Ward. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers, 2001. Pages 249-264.
“Orthodoxy, Subjectivity and Institutionalization.”Orthodoxie, christianisme, histoire:
Orthodoxy, Christianity, history, ed. Susanna Elm, Eric Rebillard, and Antonella
Romano. Rome: Ecole francaise de Rome, 2000. Pages 356-360.
""Spanish Correspondence: Translation and Introduction."" Religions of Late Antiquity in
Practice, ed. Richard Valantasis. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. Coauthored
wth Tracy Keefer. Pages 330-339.
""Priscillianism."" Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World, ed. G.W.
Bowersock, Peter Brown, Oleg Grabar. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of
Harvard University, 1999. Pages 652-653.
""An Immoderate Feast: Augustine Reads John's Apocalypse."" Augustinian Studies 30.2
(1999) 183-194. [This essay also appears in History, Apocalypse, and the Secular
Imagination: New Essays on Augustine’s City of God, ed. Mark Vessey, Karla Pollman,
and Allan Fitzgerald. Bowling Green, Ohio: Philosophy Documentation Center, 1999.
Pages 183-194].
""'In the Theater of this Life': the Performance of Orthodoxy in Late Antiquity."" The
Limits of Ancient Christianity: Essays on Late Antique Thought and Culture in Honor of
R.A. Markus, ed. William Kingshirn and Mark Vessey. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press, 1999. Pages 80-96.
“Resistance by the Book? Some Questions in Response.” Semeia 79 (1997) 93-96.
""Priscillianist Duplicity Reconsidered."" Studia Patristica 33 (1997) 401-406.
Introduction to The Markings of Heresy: Body, Text, and Community in Late Antiquity,
Mark Vessey, ed. (special issue). Journal of Early Christian Studies 4 (1996) 403-407.
""'Equipped For Victory': Ambrose and the Gendering of Orthodoxy."" Journal of Early
Christian Studies 4 (1996) 461-475.
""Reading Agnes: The Rhetoric of Gender in Ambrose and Prudentius."" Journal of Early
Christian Studies 3 (1995) 25-46.
""Word and Flesh: The Bodies and Sexuality of Ascetic Women in Christian Antiquity.""
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 10 (1994) 27-51. Also published in Spanish:
“Palabra y carne: los cuerpos y la sexualidad de las mujeres ascetas en la antiguedad
cristiana.” Hijas de Afrodita. La Sexualidad Femenina en los Pueblos del Mediterraneo,
ed. A. Perez Jimenez, G. Cruz Andreotti. Madrid: Ediciones Clasicas, 1995
“Household Management and Women’s Authority.” When Women Were Priests:
Women’s Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of Their Subordination in the
Rise of Christianity, by Karen J. Torjesen. San Francisco: Harper, 1993. Pages 53-87.
Chapter co-authored with Karen Torjesen.
""Ascesis, Authority, and Text: The Acts of the Council of Saragossa."" Semeia 58 (1992)
“Blurring the Boundaries: A Response to Howard C. Kee.” Theology Today 49.2 (1992)
""The Heretical Woman as Symbol in Alexander, Athanasius, Epiphanius, and Jerome.""
Harvard Theological Review 84.3 (1991) 229-248.
“Canonical References to Extra-Canonical ‘Texts’: Priscillian’s Defense of the
Apocrypha.” SBL Seminar Papers (1990) 60-67.
""The Story of Mygdonia and Tertia from the Acts of Thomas: Introduction and
Translation."" In Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook, ed. Vincent
L. Wimbush. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990. Pages 370-386. With Karen Torjesen.
""Rhetorical Stereotypes in the Portrait of Paul of Samosata."" Vigiliae Christianae 43
(1989) 215-225.
""Hierarchicalization and Genderization of Leadership in the Writings of Irenaeus."" Studia
Patristica 21 (1989) 42-48.
""Chastity as Autonomy: Women in the Stories of Apocryphal Acts."" Semeia 38 (1986)
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