Religion in the making: the Lived Ancient Religion Approach. / Raja, Rubina; Albrecht, Janico; Degelmann, Christopher; Gasparini, Valentino; Gordon, Richard; Patzelt, Maik; Petridou, Georgia; Rieger, Anna-Katharina; Rüpke, Jörg; Sippel, Benjamin ; Weiss, Lara; Urciuoli, Emiliano Rubens.
In: Religion, 2018, p. 1096-1151.
Journal article
Ceramics from the Northern Quarter in Jerash: Narratives and numbers. / Raja, Rubina; Lichtenberger, Achim.
2017. Abstract from Cilician Wine, African Plates, Italian Cooking, Højbjerg, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Ceramics in Context. / Raja, Rubina; Lichtenberger, Achim.
2017. 8-9 Abstract from Specialist workshop for the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project , Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Outline. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
2017. 4-5 Abstract from Specialist workshop for the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project , Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
The Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project. / Raja, Rubina; Lichtenberger, Achim.
2017. 6-7 Abstract from Specialist workshop for the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project , Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
City and wadi : Exploring the environs of Jerash. / Holdridge, Genevieve; Kristiansen, Søren Munch; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina; Simpson, Ian A.
In: Antiquity, Vol. 91, No. 358, e7, 01.08.2017, p. 1-6.
A new inscribed amulet from Gerasa (Jerash). / Gordon, Richard; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Syria, Vol. 94, 2017, p. 297-306.
Journal article
A newly excavated private house in Jerash. Reconsidering aspects of continuity and change in material culture from Late Antiquity to the early Islamic period. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina; Eger, Christoph ; Kalaitzoglou, Georg; Sørensen, Annette Højen.
In: Antiquite Tardive, Vol. 24, 2017, p. 317-359.
Journal article
A virtual market for illegal trade in cultural goods: Palmyra in Syria as an example. / Raja, Rubina.
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2017. 3 p.
Animal bones from the North-West Quarter. / Bangsgaard, Pernille; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Gerasa/Jerash. From the urban periphery. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 107-114.
Book chapter
Archaeological Research in Jerash and the Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project 2011-2016. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from The Archaeology and History of Jerash. 110 Years of Excavations, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Between fashion phenomena and status symbols : Contextualising the wardrobe of the so-called "former priests" of Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
Textiles and Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean. ed. / Cecilie Brøns; Marie-Louise Nosch. Oxford & Philadelphia : Oxbow Books, 2017. p. 209-229.
Book chapter
Book review: Emesa zwischen Klientelreich und Provinz. Identität und Identitätswandel einer lokalen Fürstendynastie im Spiegel der archäologischen Quellen; Baalbek in nachantiker Zeit. Untersuchungen zur Stadtbaugeschichte vom 5. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. / Raja, Rubina.
In: Levant, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2017, p. 224-226.
Literature review
Contextualizing the Sacred in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East: Religious Identities in Local, Regional, and Imperial Settings - A Quest for New Lines of Enquiry. / Raja, Rubina.
Contextualizing the Sacred in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East : Religious Identities in Local, Regional, and Imperial Settings. ed. / Rubina Raja. Brepols Publishers, 2017. p. 1-10.
Book chapter
Contextualizing the sacred in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East : Religious Identities in Local, Regional, and Imperial Settings. / Raja, Rubina (Editor).
Brepols Publishers, 2017. 256 p.
Danish pioneers at Palmyra: Historiographic aspects of Danish scholarship on Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Pearl of the Desert. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 21-29.
Book chapter
Danske Pionerer i Palmyra. Den danske Palmyra-forskning i et historiografisk perspektiv. / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Ørkenens Perle. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 21-31.
Book chapter
Dyreknogler fra Nordvest kvarteret. / Bangsgaard, Pernille; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Gerasa/Jerash. Fra den urbane periferi. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 107-114.
Book chapter
Editors' preface. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Gerasa/Jerash. From the Urban Periphery. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 3.
Book chapter
Funerary Sculpture in Palmyra: The Palmyra Portrait. / Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from 118th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto, Canada.
Conference abstract for conference
Gerasa/Jerash. From the Urban Periphery. / Lichtenberger, Achim (Editor); Raja, Rubina (Editor).
Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. 137 p.
Gerasa/Jerash: Fra den urbane periferi. / Lichtenberger, Achim (Editor); Raja, Rubina (Editor).
Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. 137 p.
Going individual: Roman period portraiture in classical archaeology. / Raja, Rubina.
The Diversity of Classical Archaeology. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Brepols Publishers, 2017. p. 271-286.
Book chapter
Grouping together in Lived Ancient Religion: Individual Interacting and the formation of groups. / Lichterman, Paul; Raja, Rubina; Rieger, Anna-Katharina; Rüpke, Jörg.
In: Religion in the Roman Empire, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2017, p. 3-10.
Journal article
High-definition narratives in grand-narrative regions: The case of the Decapolis city Gerasa. / Raja, Rubina.
2017. 19 Abstract from High Definition Narratives, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Introduction: The Diversity of Classical Archaeology. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
The Diversity of Classical Archaeology. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Brepols Publishers, 2017. p. 1-6.
Book chapter
It stays in the Family. Palmyrene priests and their iconography. / Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from Representations of women and children in Roman period Palmyra, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Landscape stability and water management around the ancient city Jerash, Jordan. / Holdridge, Genevieve; Kristiansen, Søren Munch; Raja, Rubina; Lichtenberger, Achim; Simpson, Ian .
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-19394, 2017.
Conference abstract in journal
Mosaicists at work: the organisation of mosaic production in Early Islamic Jerash. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Antiquity, Vol. 91, No. 358, 2017, p. 998-1010.
Journal article
Network Evolutions - conference outline. / Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from Network Evolutions, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Networking beyond Death. Priests and their family networks explored through teh funerary sculpture. / Raja, Rubina.
Sinews of Empire: Networks in the Roman Near East and Beyond. ed. / Eivind Heldaas Seland; Håkon Fiane Teigen. Oxford : Oxbow Books, 2017. p. 121-136.
Book chapter
New Archaeological Research in Ancient Gerasa (Jerash): The Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project. / Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from 118th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto, Canada.
Conference abstract for conference
New Research in the Northwest Quarter of Jerash and its impact on Roman Gerasa. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from Regional Networks. Technological Transfers? Production and consumption patterns in Roman Pottery of the Decapolis, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Nordic research on Palmyra: From the editor. / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Pearl of the Desert. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 7-9.
Book chapter
Open Data - UrbNet's challenges and possiblities. / Raja, Rubina.
Open Access to Data - it's not that simple. Kbh : The Danish National Research Foundation, 2017. p. 12-13.
Report chapter
Palmyra - Pearl of the Desert. / Raja, Rubina (Editor).
Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. 111 p.
Palmyra - ørkenens Perle. / Raja, Rubina (Editor).
Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. 111 p.
Palmyra-forskningen i Norden. Redaktørens indledning. / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Ørkenens Perle. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 7-11.
Book chapter
Palmyra. Ørkenens Perle. / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Ørkenens Perle. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 11-20.
Book chapter
Palmyra: Pearl of the Desert. / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Pearl of the Desert. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 10-19.
Book chapter
Palmyrene Priests. Positions or professions? / Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from 118th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto, Canada.
Conference abstract for conference
Powerful images of the Deceased. Palmyrene funerary portrait culture between local, Greek and Roman representations. / Raja, Rubina.
Bilder der Macht. Das griechische Porträt und seine Verwendung in der antiken Welt.: Morphomata. ed. / Dietrich Boschung; Francois Queyrel. Vol. 34 Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2017. p. 319-348.
Article in proceedings
Priesthood in Palmyra: Public office or social status? / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Pearl of the Desert. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 77-85.
Book chapter
Production Economy - questions and lines of enquiry: The case of Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
Conference abstract for conference
Præster i Palmyra. Et embede eller en social status? / Raja, Rubina.
Palmyra - Ørkenens Perle. ed. / Rubina Raja. Aarhus : SUN-TRYK, Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 77-87.
Book chapter
Public and funerary portraiture in Palmyra: portrait habits at a crossroad. / Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from Funerary portraiture in Greater Roman Syria, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Representations of women and children in Palmyrene banqueting reliefs and sarcophagus scenes. / Raja, Rubina; Krag, Signe.
In: Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie, Vol. 10, 2017, p. 196-227.
Journal article
Reveiw: Martha Sharp Joukowsky. Petra Great Temple volume 3: Brown University excavations 1993–2008, architecture and material culture. 2016, Oxbow. / Raja, Rubina.
In: Antiquity, Vol. 91, No. 360, 2017, p. 1677-1679.
Literature review
Review of QUINN, JOSEPHINE CRAWLEY – NICHOLAS C. VELLA (ed.), The Punic Mediterranean. Identities and Identification from Phoenician Settlement to Roman Rule. British School at Rome Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. / Raja, Rubina.
In: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, Vol. 133, No. 2, 2017, p. 240-242.
Literature review
Roman period portrait habit in the funerary sculpture of northern Jordan: Local and foreign influences and their implications. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
2017. 23 Abstract from Funerary portraiture in Greater Roman Syria, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Shifting the paradigms: research on the funerary portraiture of greater Roman Syria. / Blömer, Michael; Raja, Rubina.
2017. 9 Abstract from Funerary portraiture in Greater Roman Syria, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
The Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project at Jarash: Results from the 2011-2013 seasons. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Studies in the history and archaeology of Jordan XII (2016): Transparent Borders. Amman : Department of Antiquities, 2017. p. 173-187.
Article in proceedings
The Diversity of Classical Archaeology. / Lichtenberger, Achim (Editor); Raja, Rubina (Editor).
Brepols Publishers, 2017. 356 p.
The Function of Attributes in Palmyrene Portraiture. / Heyn, Maura; Raja, Rubina.
2017. Abstract from 118th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto, Canada.
Conference abstract for conference
The so-called "curtain of death" in the Palmyrene funerary sculpture. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
2017. 21 Abstract from Revisiting the religious life of Palmyra, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
To be or not to be depicted as a priest in Palmyra. A matter of representational spheres and societal values. / Raja, Rubina.
Positions and Professions in Palmyra: Palmyrene Studies 2. ed. / Tracey Long; Annette Højen Sørensen. Vol. 2 Copenhagen : Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2017. p. 115-130.
Book chapter
Urban archaeology and the understanding of the past: Antiochia on the Chrysorrhoas, also called Gerasa. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Gerasa/Jerash. From the urban periphery. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 9-20.
Book chapter
Urban arkæologi og et blik ind i fortiden: Antiochia-ved-Chrysorrhoas-også-kaldet-Gerasa. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Gerasa/Jerash. Fra den urbane periferi. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 9-20.
Book chapter
Vandforvaltning i Nordvest-kvarteret i Jerash. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Gerasa/Jerash. Fra den urbane periferi.. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 121-130.
Book chapter
Water management in the North-West Quarter of Gerasa/Jerash. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Gerasa/Jerash. From the urban periphery. ed. / Achim Lichtenberger; Rubina Raja. Aarhus : Fællestrykkeriet SUN Aarhus Universitet, 2017. p. 121-130.
Book chapter
Zeus Olympios, Hadrian and the Jews of Antiochia-on-the-Chrysorrhoas-formerly-called Gerasa. / Raja, Rubina.
Text and the Material World. Essays in Honour of Graeme Clarke.. ed. / Elizabeth Minchin ; Heather Jackson. Uppsala : Åströms förlag, 2017. p. 171-185.
Book chapter
‘You can leave your hat on.’ Priestly representations from Palmyra: Between visual genre, religious importance and social status. / Raja, Rubina.
Beyond Priesthood: Religious entrepreneurs and innovators in the Roman Empire. ed. / Richard Gordon; Georgia Petridou; Jörg Rüpke. Walter de Gruyter, 2017. p. 417-442.
Book chapter
Review of: Annie Sartre, Maurice Sartre, Palmyre. Vérités et légendes (Perrin, 2016). / Raja, Rubina.
In: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Vol. 2016.12.24, 13.12.2016.
Literature review
Byzantine and Umayyad Gerasa. Results and findings from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
2016. Abstract from Conspicuous productions: Gerasa’s pottery finds from Byzantine to Umayyad times in Context, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Abstract. / Raja, Rubina.
The World of Palmyra. ed. / Andreas Kropp; Rubina Raja. København : Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2016. p. 1.
Conference abstract in proceedings
The World of Palmyra. / Kropp, Andreas (Editor); Raja, Rubina (Editor).
Copenhagen : Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2016. 246 p.
The World of Palmyra at Copenhagen. / Kropp, Andreas; Raja, Rubina.
The World of Palmyra. ed. / Andreas Kropp; Rubina Raja. Copenhagen : Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2016. p. 7-16.
Book chapter
Jerash in the Middle Islamic period. Connecting texts and archaeology through new evidence from the Northwest Quarter. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, Vol. 132, 05.2016, p. 63-81.
Journal article
Illegal trade and export of cultural goods. The case of the Palmyrene funerary portraiture. / Raja, Rubina.
Fighting the looting of Syria's cultural heritage: Report from the Sofia conference 16 September 2015. ed. / Dima Chahin; Inge Lindblom. NIKU Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research, 2016. p. 11-12.
Report chapter
Biographies of cities and rivers. The case of the golden river at Gerasa in the Decapolis. / Raja, Rubina; Lichtenberger, Achim.
2016. Abstract from Biographies of Place , Aarhus, .
Conference abstract for conference
Living with and on the river-side. The example of Roman Antiochia-on-the-Chrysorrhoas-formerly-called-Gerasa. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
Water of Life. : Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus 11. ed. / John Kuhlmann Madsen; Niels Overgaard Andersen; Ingolf Thuesen. Vol. 11 Copenhagen : Orbis Publishing House, 2016. p. 98-115.
Article in proceedings
An Umayyad Period Magical Amulet from a Domestic Context in Jerash, Jordan. / Larsen, John Møller; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina; Gordon, Richard L.
In: Syria, Vol. 93, 2016, p. 269-286.
Journal article
Becoming Urban. / Raja, Rubina.
In: Norwegian Archaeological Review, Vol. 49, No. 1, 2016, p. 76-78.
Journal article
Christen, Juden und Soldaten im Gerasa des 6. Jahrhunderts. / Haensch, Rudolf; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Chiron, Vol. 46, 2016, p. 177-204.
Journal article
Danske Pionerer i Palmyra : Den Danske Palmyra-forskning i et historiografisk perspektiv. / Raja, Rubina.
Carlsbergfondets Årsskrift 2016: 140 års jubilæumsårsskrift. ed. / Jane Benarroch; Anne Marie Nielsen; Peter Thostrup. Carlsbergfondet, 2016. p. 56-63.
Article in proceedings
De makedonske kongers grave : Vergina 1977. / Raja, Rubina.
50 fund: Højdepunkter i arkæologien. ed. / Vinnie Nørskov; Peter Pentz. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2016. p. 236-241.
Book chapter
En romersk skulpturgruppe : Laokoon 1506. / Raja, Rubina.
50 fund: Højdepunkter i arkæologien. ed. / Vinnie Nørskov; Peter Pentz. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2016. p. 10-15.
Book chapter
Epochalisation and religious innovations in pre-Augustan and Augustan Rome. / Raja, Rubina; Rüpke, Jörg.
2016. Abstract from Epochalisation and religious innovations in pre-Augustan and Augustan Rome, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
In and Out of Contexts: Explaining religious complexity through the banqueting tesserae from Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
In: Religion in the Roman Empire, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2016, p. 340-371.
Journal article
Jarash Northwest Quarter Project. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 120, No. 4, 2016, p. 643.
Journal article
Jødernes Fæstning : Masada 1959. / Raja, Rubina.
50 fund: Højdepunkter i arkæologien. ed. / Vinnie Nørskov; Peter Pentz. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2016. p. 186-191.
Book chapter
Middle Islamic Jerash: New evidence and perspectives. / Raja, Rubina.
2016. Abstract from Mamluk Pottery: Material Culture and History in the Middle Islamic Period, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference abstract for conference
Representations of Priests in Palmyra: Methodological Considerations on the Meaning of the Representation of Priesthood in the Funerary Sculpture from Roman Period Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
In: Religion in the Roman Empire, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2016, p. 125-146.
Journal article
Representations of Women and Children in Palmyrene Funerary Loculus Reliefs, Loculus Stelae and Wall Paintings. / Krag, Signe; Raja, Rubina.
In: Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie, Vol. 9, 2016, p. 134-178.
Journal article
The Significance of Objects : Considerations on Agency and Context. / Raja, Rubina (Editor); Weiss, Lara (Editor).
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2016.
The Significance of Objects: Considerations on Agency and Context. / Raja, Rubina; Weiss, Lara.
In: Religion in the Roman Empire, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2016, p. 297-306.
Journal article
The creation of an epoch: Octavian, Herod and Epochalisation seen from the East. / Raja, Rubina.
Conference abstract for conference
The history and current situation of World Heritage Sites in Syria : The case of Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
Cultural Heritage at Risk: The role of museums in war and conflict . ed. / Kurt Almqvist; Louise Belfrage. Stockholm : Axess Publishing AB, 2016. p. 27-47.
Book chapter
A virtual market for illegal trade with cultural goods. The case of Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
2015, PowerPoint presentation.
Net publication - Internet publication
Antikke besværgelser. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Weekendavisen, Vol. Ideer, No. 50, 11.12.2015, p. 4-5.
Contribution to newspaper - Newspaper article
Revealing text in a complexly rolled silver scroll from Jerash with computed tomography and advanced imaging software. / Barfod, Gry; Larsen, John Møller; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 17765, 09.12.2015.
Journal article
A Hoard of Byzantine and Arab-Byzantine coins from the excavations at Jerash. 6. Jerash 2014. / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Numismatic Chronicle, Vol. 175, 12.2015, p. 299-308.
Journal article
Cultic dining and religious patterns in Palmyra : The case of the palmyrene banqueting tesserae. / Raja, Rubina.
Antike. Architektur. Geschichte: Festschrift für Inge Nielsen zum 65. Geburtstag. ed. / Stephan Faust; Martina Seifert; Leon Ziemer. Vol. 3 Shaker Verlag, 2015. p. 181-200.
Book chapter
Intentional cooking pot deposits in Late Roman Jerash (Northwest Quarter). / Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina.
In: Syria, Vol. 92, 12.2015, p. 309-328.
Journal article
Review of : Nathanael Andrade "Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World - Greek Culture in the Roman World". Cambridge University Press 2013. / Raja, Rubina.
In: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, Vol. 131, No. 2, 12.2015, p. 217-219.
Literature review
Review of A. J . M Kropp's "Images and monuments of Near Eastern Dynasts". / Raja, Rubina.
In: Syria, Vol. 92, 12.2015, p. 473-475.
Literature review
The history and current situation of World heritage sities in Syria with special attention to Palmyra. / Raja, Rubina.
Conference abstract for conference
The “Beauty of Palmyra” and Qasr Abjad (Palmyra): new discoveries in the archive of Harald Ingholt. / Raja, Rubina; Sørensen, Annette Højen.
In: Journal of Roman Archaeology, Vol. 28, No. 1, 10.2015, p. 439-450.
Journal article
Palmyras minder. / Haugbølle, Sune; Raja, Rubina.
In: Weekendavisen, Vol. Ideer, No. 29, 17.07.2015, p. 7-8.
Contribution to newspaper - Newspaper article
Aus der Traum vom Kulturerbe : Ein Strassenbau zerstört Teile der antiken Stadtmauer von Jerash in Jordanien. / Raja, Rubina; Lichtenberger, Achim.
In: Frankfurter Allgemeine, Vol. Feuilleton, 08.04.2015.
Contribution to newspaper - Newspaper article