A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Suzanne Onstine
Position Associate Professor
Institutional Affiliation University of Memphis
Latitude 35.119058
Longitude -89.935714
Research Interests

Ancient Egypt, Egyptology, Ancient History, Egyptian history, Gender History, Women's history, Archaeology, ancient Thebes, mortuary archaeology, social history, women and gender, religion, archaeology, Theban Tombs, New Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period, Late Period, Predynastic era, Nubia.

Websites http://www.memphis.edu/history/faculty/faculty/suzanne-onstine.php; http://memphis.academia.edu/SuzanneOnstine

Representative Publications
Books Published/Accepted for Publication

The Graves of Mesaid: MFA excavations in a Predynastic Egyptian cemetery. (In development with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

The Tomb of Panehsy in Dra abu el-Naga: a study of use and reuse in the Theban necropolis (under contract with E.J Brill of Leiden).

The Role of the Chantress (Smayt) in Ancient Egypt (2005, British Archaeological Reports, London)

Journal Articles
"Women's participation in the religious hierarchy of Ancient Egypt" in Women in Antiquity: Real Women Across the Ancient World (2016)

"Prosthesis for the Afterlife. Mummified Individuals Found in the Ramesside Tomb of Panehsy, Theban Tomb (TT) 16. Luxor Egypt." Co-authored with Jesus HerrerĂ­n, Miguel Sanchez, Elizabeth Warkentin, Virginia Reckard, and Tiffany Redman. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 50, (2014).

"A Preliminary Report on the Clearance of Theban Tomb 16 in Dra abu el Naga at Thebes" Book chapter (invited) in Archaeological Research in the Valley of the Kings and Ancient Thebes (2013). Ed. Pearce Paul Creasman. pgs. 227 - 240

"A brief report on the University of Memphis mission to Theban Tomb 16 in Dra abu el-Naga." Newsletter of the Society of the Study for Egyptian Antiquities summer 2012.

"University of Memphis Mission to Theban Tomb 16: The life of Panehsy, chanter and priest" Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 47, 2011, p. 231-236.

"Gender and the Religion of Ancient Egypt" in Religion Compass online journal of religion http://http://www.blackwell-compass.com/subject/religion/article_view?article_id=reco_articles_bpl178

"Mesaid Miscellanea", Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities vol. 32(2005) [published 2007].

"Musician Priestesses in Ancient Egypt", The Ostracon. Vol. 13, no. 2; Summer 2002.

"Women in Ancient Egypt" Egypt Revealed June, 2001.

"The Relationship between Re and Osiris in the Book of Caverns", Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities vol. 25 (1995) [published 1998].

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