A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Candida Moss
Position Cadbury Professor of Theology
Institutional Affiliation University of Birmingham
Latitude 52.450702
Longitude -1.930704
Research Interests

martyrdom, early Christianity, resurrection, afterlife, disability in the ancient world, suffering, constructions of the self in antiquity

Websites https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/tr/moss-candida.aspx

Bible Nation: The United States of Hobby Lobby. With Joel S. Baden. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017.
“Matthew and Mark.” In Disability and the Bible – A Commentary. Edited by Amos Yong, Sarah Melcher, and Mikeal C. Parsons. Waco, Tx: Baylor University Press, 2017.
The Other Side: Apocryphal Perspectives on Early Christian Orthodoxies. Co-edited with Tobias Nicklas, Christopher Tuckett, and Jos Verheyden. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.
“The Cult of the Martyrs and Donatism.” In Donatism. Edited by Richard Miles. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2017.
“Christian Funerary Banquets and Martyr Cults.” In Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship, and the Eucharist. Late Antiquity, Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Edited by David Hellholm. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017.
“A Riddle Wrapped in an Enigma: Ignatius, To the Romans, the Antiochean Acts of Ignatius, and the Remaking of Ignatius and Paul.” In Intertextuality in the Second Century: The Apostolic Fathers. Edited by Jeffrey D. Bignham and Clayton Jefford. Bible in the Second Century Series; Leiden: Brill, 2016.
Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness. With Joel S. Baden. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2015.
“The Redemption of Suffering in Christianity.” in Religion: Perspectives from the Engelsberg Seminar 2014. Edited by Kurt Almquist and Alexander Linklater. Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Stockholm, 2015.
“Roman Imperialism and the Political Context of the Early Christian Apocrypha.” In The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha. Edited by Andrew F. Gregory and Christopher Tuckett. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
“Constructing Insiders and Outsiders in the Acts of the Martyrs.” Pages 146-160 in Sensitivity to Outsiders: Exploring the Dynamic Relationship Between Mission and Ethics in the New Testament and Early Christianity. Edited by Kobus Kok and Tobias Nicklas, Dieter T. Roth, and Christopher M. Hays. WUNT 2.364. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, 2013.
“The Justification of the Martyrs,” Pages 104-118 in Tertullian and Paul. Vol. 1 of Paul Among the Fathers. Edited by David E. Wilhite and Todd Still. New York: T & T Clark, 2013.
“Nailing Down and Tying Up: Lessons in Intertextual Impossibility from the Martyrdom of Polycarp.” Vigiliae Christianae 67:2 (2013): 117-136.
The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Dangerous Legacy. San Francisco: HarperOne, 2013. Paperback 2014.
“Resisting Pain in Early Christian Martyrdom: Miracles, Philosophy, and Physiology,” Pages 284-302 in Credible, Incredible. The Miraculous in the Ancient Mediterranean. Edited by Tobias Nicklas and Janet Spittler. WUNT 1.321. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.
“Current Trends in the Study of Early Christian Martyrdom.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion 41:3 (2012): 22-29.
“Christly Possession and Weakened Bodies: A Reconsideration of the Function of Paul's Thorn in the Flesh (2 Cor. 12:7-10).” Journal of Religion Disability and Health 16:4 (2012): 319-333.
“Polycarphilia and the Origins of Martyrdom.” Pages 342-354 in The Rise and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries C.E. Edited by Jens Schröter and Clare K. Rothschild. WUNT 1.301. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.
“The Discourse of Voluntary Martyrdom: Ancient and Modern.” Church History 81:3 (2012): 531-551.
“Standing at the Foot of the Staircase: Christology and Narrative Structure in Heb 1:1-4” Pages 319-333 in Portraits of Christ: Essays in Christology. Edited by Susan E. Myers. WUNT 2.321. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.
“The Devastation of Darkness: Disability in Exodus 10:21-23, 27, and the Intensification of the Plagues.” Co-authored with Jeffrey Stackert. Journal of Religion 92:3 (2012): 362-372.
“1 Thess 4:13-18 in Rabbinic Perspective.” Co-authored with Joel S. Baden. New Testament Studies 58 (2012): 1-16.
Ancient Christian Martyrdom: Diverse Practices, Ideologies, and Traditions. Yale Anchor Reference Library. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2012.
“Blurred Vision and Ethical Confusion: The Rhetorical Function of Matt 6:22-23.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 73:4 (2011): 757-76.
“The Origin and Interpretation of sara ‘at in Leviticus 13-14.” Co-authored with Joel S. Baden. Journal of Biblical Literature 130:4 (2011): 643-661.
“Heavenly Healing: Eschatological Cleansing and the Resurrection of the Dead in the Early Church.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 79: 3 (2011) 1-27.
Disability Studies and Biblical Literature. Co-Edited with Jeremy Schipper. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
“On the Dating of Polycarp: Rethinking the Place of the Martyrdom of Polycarp in the History of Christianity.” Early Christianity 1:4 (2010): 539-574.
“The Man with the Flow of Power: Porous Bodies in Mark 5:25-34.” Journal of Biblical Literature 129:3 (2010): 507-519.
“Blood Ties: Martyrdom, Motherhood, and Family in the Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas.” Pages 183-202 in Women and Gender in Ancient Religions: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Edited by Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll, James A. Kelhoffer, Paul A. Holloway. WUNT 1.263. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010.
The Other Christs: Imitating Jesus in Ancient Christian Ideologies of Martyrdom. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Paperback edition 2012.
“The Transfiguration: An Exercise in Markan Accommodation.” Biblical Interpretation 12:4 (2004): 69-89.

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