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Name Christy Constantakopoulou
Position Professor
Institutional Affiliation Birkbeck College, London
Latitude 51.521975
Longitude -0.1326507
Research Interests

Aegean world and its islands, network theory, Greek Historiography

Websites http://www.bbk.ac.uk/history/our-staff/academic-staff/christyconstantakopoulou; http://birkbeck.academia.edu/ChristyConstantakopoulou

Aegean Interactions: Delos and its Networks in the Third Century, Oxford University Press 2017.
Co-edited volume: Irad Malkin, Christy Constantakopoulou and Katerina Panagopoulou eds. Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean, London and New York, Routledge 2009. Originally published as Special Issue of the journal Mediterranean Historical Review 22, 2007. Paperback edition, January 2012.
The Dance of the Islands: Insularity, Networks, the Athenian Empire and the Aegean World, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2007, Oxford Classical Monographs Series. Paperback edition, July 2010.
Articles and chapters
Forthcoming articles
‘Η οικονομική διαχείρηση πολέμου μακράς διαρκείας: ο Αθηναϊκός ιμπεριαλισμός, η πληρωμή του φόρου και οι μικρές κοινότητες του Αιγαίου τον 5ο αιώνα π.Χ.’ [The financial management of a long war: Athenian imperialism and the payment of tribute for the small communities of the Aegean during the 5th century BC], in V. Seirinidou and S. Ploumpidis eds. Histories of War in South- Eastern Europe: An Approach in the Longue Durée, Athens 2018 forthcoming.
‘The Aegean islands between isolation and connectivity’, in Ariadne, 2018, forthcoming, 5,000 words.
‘The Delian network of honours in the period of Independence’, in M. Dana and I. Savalli-Lestrade eds. La cité interconnectée: transferts et réseaux institutionnels, religieux et culturels aux époques hellénistique et imperiale, Paris 2018, forthcoming.
Published articles
‘Delian Reactions to Athenian Imperialism’, in A. Powell and K. Meidani eds. The Eyesore of Aigina: anti-Athenian attitudes in Greek, Hellenistic and Roman history, Swansea, Classical Press of Wales, 2016, 125-46.
‘Centrality and Peripherality: Insularity and the Appeal of the Religious Networks of Delos and Samothrace in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods’, in Reinhard von Bendemann, Annette Gerstenberg, Nikolas Jaspert and Sebastian Kolditz eds. Constructions of Mediterranean Insularities, Mittelmeerstudien, Fink and Schöningh, 2016, 75-93.
‘The Social Dynamics of Dedication in the Delian Inventories of the Third Century: Audience, Function and Temporality’, Center for Hellenic Studies Research Bulletin 3, 2015, available online.
‘Beyond the Polis: Island Koina and Other Non-Polis Entities in the Aegean’, in C. Taylor and K. Vlassopoulos eds. Communities and Networks in the Ancient Greek World, Oxford University Press 2015, 213-36.
‘Religious Groups, Amphictyonies and Other Leagues’, in E. Eidinow and J. Kindt eds. Oxford Handbook for Greek Religion, Oxford University Press, 2015, 273-89.
‘Semonides of Samos or of Amorgos? The Archaeology of the Samians and the Question of the Archaic Colonization of Amorgos Reconsidered’, in G. Bonnin and E. Le Quéré eds. Powers, Islands and Sea: Forms, Terms and Conditions of Hegemony in the Ancient Cyclades (7th c. BC – 3rd C. AD), Bordeaux 2014, 257-68.
‘Tribute, the Athenian empire and small states and communities in the Aegean’, in A. Slawisch (ed.), Handels- und Finanzgebaren in der Ägäis im 5. Jh. v. Chr., Trade and finance in the fifth century BC Aegean world, BYZAS 18, German Archaeological Institute, Istanbul, 2013, 25-42.
‘Beyond the Polis: Island Koina and Other Non-Polis Entities in the Aegean’, Revue des Etudes Anciennes 114.2, 2012, 301-31.
‘Identity and Resistance: the Islanders’ League, the Aegean Islands, and the Hellenistic Kings’, in P. Ceccarelli ed. Water and Identity, Special issue of Mediterranean Historical Review 27, 2012, 51-72.
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Dionysius Scytobrachion (BNJ 32) for Brill's New Jacoby. Editor in Chief: Ian Worthington (University of Missouri) . Brill, 2010. Brill Online.
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Anonymous authors on Delos (BNJ 401a, 401b, 401c, 401d) for Brill's New Jacoby. Editor in Chief: Ian Worthington (University of Missouri). Brill, 2010. Brill Online .
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Deinarchos (FGrH 399), in BNJ (Brill New Jacoby) 399, editor in chief: Ian Worthington, Brill 2010, Brill online,
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Phanodikos (BNJ 397) for Brill's New Jacoby. 2500 words. Editor in Chief: Ian Worthington (University of Missouri) . Brill, 2010. Brill Online .
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Eudemos (FGrH 497), in BNJ (Brill New Jacoby) 497, editor in chief: Ian Worthington, Brill, 2010, Brill online
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Philteas (FGrH 498), in BNJ (Brill New Jacoby) 498, editor in chief: Ian Worthington, Brill, 2010, Brill online,
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Eparchides (FGrH 437), in BNJ (Brill New Jacoby) 437, editor in chief: Ian Worthington, Brill 2011, Brill online,
Critical edition, translation and commentary of Semonides (FGrH 534), in BNJ (Brill New Jacoby) 534, editor in chief: Ian Worthington, Brill, 2011, Brill online,
Introduction (co-authored with Irad Malkin and Katerina Panagopoulou) to the edited volume Greek and Roman networks in the Mediterranean, Routledge 2009, pp. 1-11.
'Proud to Be an Islander: Island Identity in Multi-Polis Islands in the Classical and Hellenistic Aegean', Mediterranean Historical Review 20 (2005): 1-34.
'Placing Goats in Context: Heracleia, IG XII.7 509 and the Mini Island Networks of the Aegean' in Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Greek Islands and the Sea, The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway 21-22 September 2001, (2004), 15-32.
'Connectivity in the Aegean: The Practice of Porthmeutice and its Importance for Small-Scale Interaction', Journal of Mediterranean Studies 12.1, 2002.
Marxism and Ancient History: An Interview with Geoffrey de Ste Croix, with an introduction on his life and work' (in Greek), Utopia 44, March 2001.
Entries ‘Mytilene’, ‘Kalaureia’, ‘Mykonos’, ‘Paros’, ‘Siphnos’, ‘Seriphos’, and ‘Thalassocracy’ for R. Bagnal et al. eds. Wiley – Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Blackwell.
Review articles
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 59.1, 2012, p. 117-32.
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 58.2, 2011, p. 255-61.
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 58.1, 2011, p. 119-29.
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 57.2, 2010, p. 392-96.
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 57.1, 2010, p. 135-9.
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 56.2, 2009, p. 257-61.
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 56.1, 2009, p. 109-16.
Review article with Peter Liddel: ‘Greek History’, Greece and Rome 55.2, 2008, p. 287-93.
Review of T.J. Bent, The Dodecanese: further travels among the insular Greeks, edited by G. Brisch, Oxford 2015, in JHS 136, 2016.
Review of G. Parmeggiani ed., Between Thucydides and Polybius: The Golden Age of Greek Historiography, Washington 2014, in JHS 136, 2016.
Review of Alexander V. Podossinov ed. The Periphery of the Classical World in Ancient Geography and Cartography, Leuven 2014, in JHS 136, 2016.
Review of K. Geus & M. Thiering eds. Features of Common Sense Geography: Implicit Knowledge Structures in Ancient Geographical Texts, Zürich 2014, in JHS 136, 2016.
Review of R. Etienne, N. Kourou & E. Simantoni-Bournia, Η αρχαία Τήνος, Αthens 2013, in JHS 135, 2015, 282-83.
Review of Philipp Scheibelreiter, Untersuchungen zur vertragsrechtlichen Struktur des Delisch-attischen Seebundes, Wien 2013, in www.sehepunkte.de/2014/05/24196.html May 2014.
Review of Z. Archibald, Ancient Economies of the Northern Aegean, fifth to first centuries BC, Oxford 2013, in Hermathena 193, 2012, 101-4.
Review of J.-M. Kowalski, Navigation et géographie dans l’antiquité Gréco-romaine. La terre vue de la mer, Paris 2012, in Journal of Hellenic Studies 134, 2014, 199-200.
Review of K. Bourazelis and K. Meidani eds. Apotamieuse kai diacheirise chrematos sten ellenike istoria, Athens 2011, in JHS 134, 2014, 204-05.
Review of F. Prontera, Geografia e storia nella Grecia Antica, Firenze 2011, in Journal of Hellenic Studies 134, 2014, 200-01.
Review of I. Malkin, A small Greek world. Networks in the ancient Mediterranean, Oxford 2011, in Hermathena 190, 2011, 129-32.
Review of N. Demand, The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History, Oxford 2011, in Revue des Etudes Anciennes 114, 2012, p. 649-50.
Review of John Ma, Nikos Papazarkadas and Robert Parker eds. Interpreting the Athenian empire, Oxford 2009, in Mnemosyne 64, 2011, p. 1-4
Review of F. Chankowski, Athènes et Délos à l’époque classique: recherches sur l’administration du sanctuaire d’Apollon délien, Paris, 2008, in Journal of Hellenic Studies 130, 2010, p. 224-5.
Review of F. Lätsch, Insularität und Gesellschaft in der Antike. Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung der Insellage auf die Gesellschaftsentwicklung, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005, in Classical Review 57, 2007, p. 138-40.
Review of H.R. Goette and O. Palagia eds. Ludwig Ross und Griechenland. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums, Internationale Archaeologie. Studia honoraria; Bd. 24. Rahden, Westfalen: Verlad Marie Leidorf, 2005, in Journal of Hellenic Studies 128, 2008, p. 297."
from http://www.bbk.ac.uk/history/our-staff/academic-staff/christyconstantakopoulou on 6-21-17.

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