A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Ulla Rajala
Position Researcher
Institutional Affiliation Stockholm University
Latitude 59.3
Longitude 18.1
Research Interests

Archaeology, epigraphy, funerary archaeology, settlement archaeology, GIS, network analysis, survey


Rajala, U., and Mills, P., 2017a. ‘Introduction: from taskscape to ceramiscene and beyond’, in U. Rajala and P. Mills (eds.). Forms of dwelling: 20 years of taskscapes in archaeology, 1-15. Oxford: Oxbow.
Rajala, U., and Mills, P., 2017b. ‘Interpreting a ceramiscene: characterising late republican and imperial landscapes’, in U. Rajala and P. Mills (eds.). Forms of dwelling: 20 years of taskscapes in archaeology, 62-84. Oxford: Oxbow.
Rajala, U., 2016. ‘Nested identities and mental distances: Archaic burials in Latium Vetus’, in E. Perego and R. Scopacasa (eds.). Burial and Social Change in Ancient Italy 9th–5th century BC: Approaching Social Agents, 161-193. Oxford: Oxbow.
Rajala, U., 2016. ‘Pre-colonial Latin colonies and the transition to the Middle Republican period: Orientalizing and Archaic settlement evidence from the Nepi Survey’, Papers of the British School at Rome 84, 1-72.
Rajala, U., 2016. ‘Separating the Emotions: Archaeological Mentalities in Central Italian Funerary Archaeology’, in H. Williams and M. Giles (eds.). Archaeologists and the Dead: Mortuary Archaeology in Contemporary Society, 68-96. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rajala, U., 2016. ‘The town and territory of Nepi: the population of the earliest Nepi’, in P. Attema, J. Seubers and S. Willemsen (eds.), Early States, Territories and Settlements in Protohistoric Central Italy. Proceedings of a specialist conference at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the University of Groningen, 2013. Corollaria Crustumina, 2, 111-123. Groningen: Groningen Institute of Archaeolog and Barkhuis.

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