Publications |
Writing, Teachers, and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt (Atlanta 1996)
Gymnastics of the Mind: Greek Education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt (Princeton 2001)
The School of Libanius in Late Antique Antioch (Princeton 2007)
Roger Bagnall and Raffaella Cribiore, Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt 300 BC-AD 800 (Ann
Arbor) 2006; more extensive electronic version
R. Cribiore, Martina’s Town [a book of 10 stories for children] Legas Press (New York 2010)
Libanius the Sophist: Rhetoric, Reality and Religion in the Fourth Century (Ithaca 2013)
R. Cribiore, one of six coauthors (Bagnall, Aravecchia, Davoli, Kaper, McFadden) An Oasis City
(New York 2015). Online at
Between City and School: Selected Orations of Libanius TTH 65 (Liverpool 2016)
""A Personal Letter,"" BASP 27 (1990) 21-27
""The Happy Farmer: A Student's Composition from Roman Egypt,"" GRBS 33 (1992) 247-63
""A Table of Squares,"" BASP 30 (1993) 23-25
""A Homeric Exercise from the Byzantine Schoolroom,"" CdE 68 (1993)145-54
""P.Vars. 7: Not a School Exercise,"" BASP 30 (1993) 83-86
""A Homeric Writing Exercise and Reading Homer in School,"" Tyche 9 (1994) 1-8
""A Hymn to the Nile,"" ZPE 106 (1995) 97-106
""A School Tablet from the Hearst Museum,"" ZPE 107 (1995) 263-70
""Two Personal Letters,"" P.Col. X (Atlanta 1996) 130-38
""Request to the Bibliophylakes with Report of Proceedings,"" P.Col. X (Atlanta 1996) 164-72
""Gli esercizi scolastici dell'Egitto greco-romano: Cultura letteraria e cultura popolare nella scuola,""
La letteratura di consumo nel mondo greco-latino, O. Pecere and A. Stramaglia eds. (Cassino
1996) 505-25
""A Fragment of Basilius of Caesarea,"" in Akten des 21.Internationalen Papyrologenkongr. Archiv,
Beiheft 3 (1997) 187-93
""Literary School Exercises,"" ZPE 116 (1997) 53-60
""A Stele from Terenouthis,"" BASP 34 (1997) 5-10
""A School Tablet: A List of Names and Numbers,"" BASP 35 (1998) 145-51
""Greek and Coptic Education in Late Antique Egypt,"" in Ägypten und Nubien in spätantiker und
christlicher Zeit: Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses, ed. S. Emmel et al.
(Wiesbaden 1999) 2: 279-86
""Windows on a Woman's World: Some Letters from Roman Egypt,"" in Making Silence Speak:
Women's Voices in Greek Literature & Society, A. Lardinois and L. McClure eds. (Princeton 2001)
""School Papyri and the Textual Tradition of Homer,"" XXII Cong.Int.Pap. (Florence 2001) 279-86
""The Grammarian's Choice: The Popularity of Euripides' Phoenissae in Hellenistic and Roman
Education"" in Yun Lee Too, ed., Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity (Leiden 2001) 241-59
""Schreibübungen,"" Der Neue Pauly, Band 11 (2001) 231-32
""The Women in the Apollonios' Archive and their Use of Literacy,"" in Le rôle et le statut de la
femme en Égypte Hellénistique, Romaine et Byzantine (Leuven 2002) 149-66
“Libanius' Letters of Evaluation,"" Actes de la 16 table ronde XX Congrès International des Études
Byzantines (Paris 2003) 11-20.
“Harpokration, Fronto, and Paean Chanters in an account (Col. inv. 500r)” P.Horak 15
(Gedenkschrift Ulrike Horak, Vienna 2004)
""Le grammairien et la poésie: Les Phéniciennes d' Euripide,"" in J.-M. Pailler and P. Payen, Que
reste-t-il de l’éducation classique? (Tolouse 2004) 219-25
“A Coptic Letter from two Women,” R.S. Bagnall, R. Cribiore, T. Renner, Studi di egittologia e di
papirologia 2 (2005) 33-35.
“A Ptolemaic School Ostracon,” Fayyum Studies 2 (2006) 91-93
“Lucian, Libanius, and the Short Road to Rhetoric,” GRBS 47 (2007) 71-86.
“Latin Literacy in Egypt,” KODAI Journal of Ancient History 13/14 (2003/04) 111-18
“Coptic School Exercises in the Collection of Columbia University” Proceedings xxiii Congress of
Papyrology (Vienna 2007) 127-30
“P.Col.Inv. 179c(2): The Letter of a Teacher to an Old Student,” Proceedings xxiv Congress of
Papyrology (Helsinki 2007) 199-204
“Higher Education in Early Byzantine Egypt: Rhetoric, Latin, and the Law,” in R. Bagnall ed.
Egypt in the Byzantine World 300-700 (Cambridge 2007) 47-66.
“Spaces for Teaching in Late Antiquity.” In Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late
Antique Education, T. Derda, T. Markiewicz, and E. Wipszycka, Journal of Juristic Papyrology,
Supplement, Warsaw, 2009, pp. 143-50.
""The Schools of Oxhyrhynchus,"" in Oxyrhynchus: A City & its Texts (Oxford 2007) 287-95.
“Menander the Poet or Menander Rhetor? An Encomium of Dioscoros Again,” GRBS 48 (2008)
“Fun with the Alphabet,” Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 1.2 (2008) 166-68
“Vying with Aristides in the fourth century: Libanius and his friends,” in W. Harris and B. Holmes,
Aelius Aristides Between Greece, Rome, and the Gods (Leiden 2008) 263-78.
“Homer on a Puzzling Ostrakon,” BASP 45 (2008) 41-44
R.S. Bagnall, R. Cribiore, and J. Keenan “Ostraka from the Collection of Naphtali Lewis,”
Festschrift K. Worp Pap.Lugd.Bat. 33 (2009) 329-42.
“The Value of a Good Education: Libanius and Public Authority.” In P. Rousseau ed., A
Companion to Late Antiquity (Oxford 2009) 233-45.
“Education in the Papyri.” In R. Bagnall ed. Oxford Handbook of Papyrology (Oxford 2009)
“Writing Materials” in Oxford Encyclopedia for Ancient Greece and Rome, Oxford 2009.
“Letters, Letter Writing, Greece and Rome” Encyclopedia of Ancient History edited by Roger S.
Bagnall et al. at
“The Education of Orphans: A Reassessment from the Evidence of Libanius,” in S.R. Huebner and
D.M. Ratzan eds. Growing up Fatherless in Antiquity (Cambridge 2008): 257-72.
“A Teacher’s Dipinto from Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis)” R. Cribiore, P. Davoli, and D. Ratzan, JRA
21 (2008) 170-91.
“The Use of Books in Late Antique Higher Education, in L. Del Corso and O. Pecere eds. Libri di
Scuola e Pratiche Didattiche dall’Antichità al Rinascimento Cassino (2010) 153-68.
R. Cribiore and P.Davoli, “Una scuola di greco del IV secolo D.C. a Trimithis (Oasi di Dakhla,
Egitto.” Atti del I Congresso Nazionale dell’ Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica, Quaderni di
Atene e Roma 1 (2010) 73-87.
R. Cribiore and R. Bagnall, “O. Florida inv. 21: An amorous triangle.” Chronique d’ Égypte 85
(2010) 213-23
“Defending Julian: Libanius and Or. 37,” in Lagacherie and Malosse, Libanios, le promier
humaniste (Alessandria 2011) 167-75
“A list of Words of Christian Origin from the Kelsey Museum” in R. Ast et al. eds.
Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall (Durham, NC 2012): 61-66
Contributions to R.S. Bagnall and G.R. Ruffini (eds.), Amheida 1, Ostraka from Trimithis Vol. 1:
Texts from the 2004 - 2007 Seasons, New York 2012.
R. Cribiore and R. Bagnall, “Christianity on Thoth’s Hill,” Oasis Paper 6, Project 15: 409-416
R. Cribiore and P. Davoli, “New Literary Texts from Amheida, Ancient Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis,
Egypt,” ZPE 187 (2013) 1-14.
“The Rhetorical Context: Traditions and Opportunities,” in L. van Hoof ed. Libanius (Cambridge,
2014) 59-78.
“School Structures, Apparatus and Materials” in W.M. Bloomer, A Companion to Ancient
Education, Malden, MA 2015: 149-59.
R. Cribiore, G. Vittman & R. Bagnall, “Inscriptions from Tombs at Bir esh-Shaghala” Chronique d’
Égypte 90 (2015) 335-49.
“Multifunctionality of Spaces in a Late Roman House,” in K. Tuori and L. Nissin, Public and
Private in the Roman House and Society, JRA Suppl. 102 (2015) 149-59 .
Contributions to R. Ast & R.S. Bagnall (eds.), Amheida III: Ostraka
from Trimithis, Volume 2: Greek texts from the 2008 - 2013 Seasons, New York 2016.
“The conflict between Rhetoric and Philosophy and Zacharias’ Ammonius,” in E. Amato, A.
Corcella, D. Lauritzen, L’école de Gaza: Espace littéraire et identité culturelle dans l’antiquité
tardive (Leuven 2017) 73-84.
“Classical Decadence or Christian Aesthetics? Libanius, John Chrysostom and Augustine on
Rhetoric,” in R. Flower and M. Ludlow ‘Rhetoric and Religious Identity in Late
Antiquity,’ (Oxford University Press) forthcoming.
“Genetic criticism and the Papyri: Some Suggestions,” in N. Reggiani ed. Greek Medical PapyriText,
Context, Hypertext. Proceedings of the DIGMEDTEXT Final Conference held in Parma on
November 2016, 2-4 (Berlin 2017) forthcoming.
“Why did Christians Compete with Pagans for Greek Paideia?” In K. Hogan, Pedagogy in Ancient
Judaism and early Christianity, forthcoming.
T. Morgan, Literate Education in the Hellenistic and Roman World (Cambridge 1998), in BMCR
99.5.22, word count 2,531
Johannes Kramer, Glossaria bilinguia altera (München 2001), in BMCR 2002.5.8, word count
Scott Bradbury, Selected Letters of Libanius, from the Age of Constantius and Julian (Liverpool
2004), in BMCR 2004.7.21, word count 2092
E.J. Watts, City and School in Late Antique Athens and Alexandria (Berkeley 2006), Classical
Philology 102
Robert J. Penella, Man and the Word: The Orations of Himerius (Berkeley 2007) Classical World
102.3 (2009) 348-49
R. Morello and A.D. Morrison eds., Ancient Letters: Classical and Late Antique Epistolography
(Oxford 2007), Hermathena 185 (2010) 158-60
Ruth Webb, Ekphrasis, Imagination and Persuasion in Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Practice,
Farnham, England (2009): JOEB 60 (2010) 282-83
Edward J. Watts, Riot in Alexandria: Tradition and Group Dynamics in Late Antique Pagan and
Christian Communities (Berkeley 2010), in The American Historical Review October 2011: 1178
Malosse, Pierre-Louis, Marie-Pierre Noël and Bernard Schouler (ed.). Clio sous le regard
d'Hermès: L'utilisation de l'histoire dans la rhétorique ancienne de l'époque hellénistique à
l'Antiquité Tardive. Actes du colloque international de Montpellier (18-20 october 2007), in Bryn
Mawr Classical Review 2011.11.59
Amato, Thévenet, Ventrella, Discorso pubblico e declamazione scolastica a Gaza nella tarda
antichità: Coricio di Gaza e la sua opera, in BMCR 2015.10.21.
Janet Downie, At the Limits of Art: A Literary Study of Aelius Aristides’ Hieroi Logoi (Oxford
2013) in Rhetorica 34.1 (2016) 106-108"
from on 6-21-17.