Publications |
Women and the Law in the Roman Empire. A sourcebook on marriage, divorce, and
widowhood. Routledge Press, 2002. (reviews: Classical Review 2003 (J. Harries);
Journal of Roman Studies 2004 (M. Harlow); Bryn Mawr Classical Review
2005.07.14 (M. Sigismund)
Law and Family in Late Antiquity: the Emperor Constantine’s Marriage Legislation.
Oxford University Press at the Clarendon Press, 1995 (reviews: American Historical
Review Oct. 1997 (S. Dixon); Bryn Mawr Classical Review 96.8.12 (B. Shaw),
Classical Review 1996 (G. Clark). Nominated for the Gerard Boulvert Prize for
Roman Law 1997.
Articles and book chapters:
(2011) ""The Dynamics of Infant Abandonment: Motives, Attitudes and (Unintended)
Consequences"" in The Dark Side of Childhood in Late Antiquity and the Middle
Ages, ed. Katariina Mustakallio and Christiam Laes. Oxbow Books, 21-36.
(2011) ""Promoting Pietas through Roman Law"" in A Companion to Families in
the Greek and Roman Worlds, ed. Beryl Rawson, Blackwell, 377-392.
(2010) ""Hidden in Plain Sight: Expositi in the Community"" in Children, Memory, and
Family Identity in Roman Culture, ed. Véronique Dasen and Thomas Spaeth,
Oxford U. Press, 293-310.
(2010) ""Marriage Contracts in the Roman Empire"" in Ancient Marriage in Myth and Reality,
ed. L. Larsson Lovén and A. Strömberg, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 78-101.
(2009) ""Church, State, and Children: Christian and imperial attitudes toward infant
exposure in Late Antiquity"" in The Power of Religion in Late Antiquity, ed. A. Cain
and N. Lenski, Ashgate Publishing, 119-131.
(2009) “Marriage and Family Relationships in the late Roman West” in A
Companion to Late Antiquity, ed. Philip Rousseau (Blackwell), 201-219.
(2008) “Christianzation of Marriage? Christianity, Marriage and Law in Late
Antiquity” in Ehe-Familie-Verwandschaft: Vergesellschaftung zwischen
Religion und sozialer Lebenswelt, ed. A. Holzem and I. Weber (Paderborn:
Ferdinand Schoeningh), 105-119.
(2007) “Marrying and Its Documentation in Later Roman Law” in To Have and To
Hold: Marrying and its Documentation in Western Christendom, 400-1600,
ed. P. Reynolds and J. Witte (Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press), 43-94.
(2006) ""The Family"" in The Blackwell Companion to the Roman Empire, ed. D.
Potter (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2006), 312-326.
(2005) “Children and Divorce in Roman Law” in Hoping for Continuity:
Childhood, Education and Death in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ed. K.
Mustakallio, J. Hanska, H-.L. Sainio, and V. Vuolanto (Rome: Acta Instituti
Romani Finlandiae vol. 33), 33-47.
(2005) ""Parent - Child Conflict in the Roman Family: the evidence of the Code of
Justinian"" in The Roman Family in the Empire: Rome, Italy, and Beyond,
ed. M. George (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 93-128.
(2002) ""Stigmata Aeterna: A Husband's Curse"" in Vertis in usum. Studies in Honor
of Edward Courtney, ed. C. Damon, J. Miller, and K.S. Myer (Leipzig: K.G. Saur
Verlag, München-Leipzig), 230-42.
(2001) ""Virgins and Widows, Show-girls and Whores: Late Roman Legislation on
Women and Christianity"" in Law, Society and Authority in Late Antiquity, ed. R.
Mathisen (Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press), 220-241.
(2000) ""The Slave who Avenged her Master's Death"" Ancient History Bulletin 14, 81-88.
(1999) ""Concubinage"", ""Divorce"", and ""Marriage"" in Late Antiquity: A Guide to
the Postclassical World, for edited by Glen Bowersock, Peter Brown and
Oleg Grabar (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
(1994) "" ‘Pagan’ and ‘Christian’ Marriage: the State of the Question"", Journal of
Early Christian Studies, vol. 2, 361-412.
(1993) “Constantine and Imperial Legislation on the Family” in The Theodosian
Code, ed. J. Harries and I. Wood. Duckworth and Cornell U. Press, 120-42.
(1993) “‘Marriage more Shameful than Adultery’: Slave/Mistress relationships,
‘mixed marriages’ and late Roman Law”, Phoenix 47, 125-54.
(1989) “Abduction Marriage in Antiquity: a law of Constantine and its Social
Context”, Journal of Roman Studies 79 (1989), 59-83.
(1987) “An Identification in the Latin Anthology”, Classical Philology 82, 238-9.
(with Edward Courtney)
Book Reviews:
Adoption in the Roman World (by H. Lindsay), Classical Review 61 (2011), 229-231.
Women's Letters from Ancient Egypt 300 BC-AD 800 (by R.S. Bagnall and R. Cribiore),
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 47 (2010), 403-408.
The Relationship between Roman and Local Law in the Babatha and Salome
Komaise Archives: General Analysis and Three Case Studies on Law of
Succession, Guardianship and Marriage (by Jacobine Oudshoorn), Review
of Biblical Literature (on-line) August 2009.
The Age of Marriage in Ancient Rome (by Arnold Lelis, William Percy, and Beert
Verstraete), Mouseion series III, vo. 7 (2007), 67-71.
Augustus and the Family at the Birth of the Roman Empire (by Beth Severy), New
England Classical Journal 32 (2005), 277-9.
Children and Childhood in Roman Italy (by Beryl Rawson), New England Classical
Journal 31 (2004), 456-9.
Laying Down the Law: a Study of the Theodosian Code (by John Matthews) American
Historical Review, Oct. 2003.
Perpetua's Passion: the Death and Memory of a Young Roman Woman (by Joyce
Salisbury), American Historical Review, Feb. 1999.
The Virgin and the Bride: Idealized Womanhood in Late Antiquity (by Kate Cooper),
Classical Philology 93.2 (1998), 201-209.
Patriarchy, Property and Death in the Roman family (by Richard Saller), Classical
Philology vol. 93.1 (1998), 90-100.
Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies (ed. A. Laiou)
in Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995), 260.
The Roman Mother (by Suzanne Dixon), Classical Philology 84 (1990), 333-38.
Women in Roman Law and Society (by Jane Gardner), Classical Outlook 65 (1988), 136-7.
In press and forthcoming:
""Marriage"" in The Virgil Encyclopedia, ed. R. Thomas and J. Ziolkowski (Wiley-Blackwell).
""(Not) Bringing up Baby: Exposure and Infanticide"" in The Oxford Handbook of
Childhood and Education in the Classical World, ed. J. Evans Grubbs and T. Parkin
(Oxford U. Press, forthcoming 2013)."
from 6-14-17.