A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 26 - 50 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Kimberly Bauser McBrienVisiting Assistant ProfessorTrinity University

Early Christian literature, New Testament, noncanonical literature, Gospels, historical Jesus, social memory, Apocryphon of James, parody

Mary BeardProfessorCambridge University

Roman history, epigraphy, and regina of ancient history

http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk/directory/mary-beard; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Beard_(classicist)
Marie-Claire BeaulieuAssociate ProfessorTufts University

Greek religion, Greek epigraphy, Medieval Latin, Digital Humanities

Eva-Marie BeckerProfessorAarhus University

Gospel studies: Gospel of Mark and Ancient Historiography; Pauline epistolography: Second Corinthians, Philippians; early Christian literary history: Ben Sira and Early Jewish Literature; Hermeneutics

Kim BeerdenAssistant Professor (Lecturer)Leiden University

Greek religion, divination, history of food and foodways

Agiatis BenardouSenior Research Associate, Digital Curation UnitAthena Research Center, Greece

Social and Economic history of the Corinthia, Classical Greece.

Rebecca BenefielProfessorWashington and Lee University

Graffiti, Pompeii, Roman History and epigraphy

https://www.wlu.edu/directory/profile?ID=x3919; http://wlu.academia.edu/RebeccaBenefiel
Lea BenessAssociate ProfessorMacquarie University

Politics of the Late Roman Republic

Joanne BerryAssociate ProfessorSwansea University, UK

Roman history, domestic space, Pompeii and the Bay of Naples, history of excavations

http://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/academic/artshumanities/hc/berryjoanne/; http://swansea.academia.edu/JoanneBerry
Monica BertiAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Leipzig

Ancient History, Fragmentary Texts, Digital Humanities

http://www.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/team/monica-berti/; http://uni-leipzig.academia.edu/MonicaBerti; http://www.monicaberti.it/
Elisabetta BiancoAssociate ProfessorUniversity di Torino, Italy

Greek history and historiography. Athenian strategoi. Strategemata.

http://beniculturali.campusnet.unito.it/do/docenti.pl/Show?_id=ebianco#profilo; http://unito.academia.edu/ElisabettaBianco
Errietta BissaSenior LecturerUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David

The Greek economy, particularly state intervention in trade. Universal historiography, particularly Diodoros. Sexuality and gender in the ancient world. Slavery in classical Athens. The Athenian epimeletai accounts.

Josine BlokAffiliate ResearcherUtrecht University

political, religious and social history of ancient Greece
Citizenship in Archaic and Classical Greece

Katherine BlouinAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Toronto

Roman history, Roman Egypt, socio-economic and environmental history, papyrology, Orientalism, colonialism and the Classics, Egypt, Nile Delta, multiculturalism and cultural identities, intersection between imperialism, colonialism, and Antiquity-related disciplines.

Mary T. BoatwrightProfessor EmeritaDuke University

Roman history: Provincial and principate, epigraphy

https://classicalstudies.duke.edu/people/mary-t-boatwright; http://duke.academia.edu/MaryTBoatwright; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_T._Boatwright
Kristin BocchinePhD candidate; Teaching FellowUniversity of North Texas

Jews, Judaism, and Judaea in Greco-Roman sources

Sarah E. BondAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Iowa

Greek & Latin epigraphy, Roman economic history, tradesmen / artisans

https://clas.uiowa.edu/classics/people/sarah-e-bond; https://sarahemilybond.com/; https://www.forbes.com/sites/drsarahbond/#25f4932a48b9
Catherine BoneshoAssistant ProfessorUniversity of California, Los Angeles

Early Judaism, Late Antiquity, Classical Rabbinic Literature, Aramaic, Palmyra, and Festivals

Laurel BowmanAssociate Professor of New TestamentUniversity of Victoria

Greek literature (tragedy, Hellenistic literature, especially epigram); literature and gender; classical myth; reception studies; myth in popular culture.

Susanna BraundProfessorUniversity of British Columbia

The translation history of Virgil, imperial Latin literature including epic and tragedy, reception of Roman antiquity

Emma BridgesStaff Tutor/LecturerOpen University

Cultural responses to the Persian Wards, Ancient and modern literary and artistic responses to armed conflict

Sara BrillProfessorFairfield University

Plato, Aristotle, Tragedy, Women in Classical Literature, and Ancient Medicine and Philosophy

Andrea BrockLeverhulme Early Career FellowUniversity of St Andrews

I am an environmental archaeologist with particular expertise in historical ecology and palaeolandscape reconstruction. My current work integrates the literary record on early Rome with geoarchaeological evidence, in order to produce an environmental and topographical reconstruction of Rome’s river valley. I have been involved in several archaeological excavations and surveys, most recently in Rome. As director of the Forum Boarium Project, I have conducted a coring survey of the city’s original river harbour and harbour sanctuary. Among other findings, my research is revealing new insights on the role of environmental stress—in particular frequent flooding and rapid sedimentation in the river valley—on Rome’s urbanization process, as well as the scale of landscape change that occurred alongside urban development.

I also serve as Director of the Centre for Ancient Environmental Studies: https://caes.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/

Amelia BrownSenior lecturer, Senior Research FellowUniversity of Queensland

Greek Religion and Identity, Maritime History

https://hapi.uq.edu.au/profile/333/amelia-brown; http://uq.academia.edu/ABrown
Sherri BrownAssociate Professor of New TestamentCreighton University

Biblical Studies, Women in the World, Social Justice

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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