A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History

Name Jessica Dello Russo
Position Executive Director
Institutional Affiliation International Catacomb Society
Latitude 42.3652726
Longitude -71.0575043
Research Interests

Judaism and Christianity in Roman-Early Byzantine Period

Websites http://independent.academia.edu/JessicaDelloRusso

"Recent Scholarship on the Jewish Catacombs of the Monteverde in Rome. Sefer Yuhasin n.s. 2 (2014) 9-63

Marginal or Monumental? ""Kokhim"" in the Catacombs of Rome, The Practice and Materiality of Jewish Death, S. P. Burrus and E. M. Meyers, eds., Eisenbrauns, forthcoming

The Jewish Catacomb of the Vigna Cimarra (2010, rev. 2013). Roma Subterranea 2: Publications of the International Catacomb Society

Raffaele Garrucci and the Jewish Catacombs of Rome, Roma Subterranea Judaica 6 (2012)

A Harvard Student's Journey Through the Jewish Catacombs of Rome

The Monteverde Jewish Catacombs on the via Portuense in Rome, Roma Subterranea Judaica 4 (2010)

2011 Update on the Catacombs of the Monteverde in Rome

The Discovery and Exploration of the Jewish Catacomb in the Vigna Randanini in Rome: Records, Research and Excavations through the year 1895

ICS On-Site in the Vigna Randanini Catacomb in Fall of 2001, Roma Subterranea Judaica 1 (2010)

ICS on site in the Vigna Randanini Catacomb: Fall 2001

An Archival and Historical Survey of the Jewish Catacombs of the Villa Torlonia in Rome, Roma Subterranea Judaica 6 (2012)

The Jewish Catacomb of the Vigna Cimarra in Rome

The Jewish Catacomb of the via Labicana in Rome

Building a Great Catacomb Library: The Gifts and Legacy of John Harvey Treat to Harvard University, Boston, 2010

Modern Graffiti in the Jewish Catacombs of the Vigna Randanini in Rome

The Discovery and Exploration of the Jewish Catacomb of the Vigna Randanini in Rome

The Jewish Catacomb on the Via Labicana


Jewish Catacomb Bibliography Notes 3: Review of E. Laurenzi, La catacomba ebraica di Vigna Randanini, Gangemi Editore, Rome, 2013

Review of: Ferraiuolo, Augusto. Religious Festive Practices in Boston’s North End: Ephemeral Identities in an Italian American Community (Albany, 2009) in Journal of the North End Historical Society 1, ed. J. Pasto (March, 2012), pp. 87-92.

Jewish Catacomb Bibliography Notes 2: Elsa Laurenzi, Le catacombe ebraiche. Gli ebrei di Roma e le loro tradizioni funerarie. Gangemi editore, Rome, 2011
from http://independent.academia.edu/JessicaDelloRusso on 6-21-17.

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