A Crowdsourced Database of Women and Non-Binary Persons Doing Ancient History


Displaying 101 - 125 of 531

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites
Cristina CumboPhD in Early Christian Archaeology

Early Christian Iconography; The so-called gammadies; Early Christian symbolism; Early Christian cemeteries and their topography; Early Jewish and Coptic textiles; Early Christian and Classic Epigraphy; Protection of the Cultural Heritage

Serafina CuomoProfessor of Ancient HistoryUniversity of Durham

Ancient Science and technology

Astrid D'EreditàArchaeologistThe Superior Institute for Conservation and Restoration (external collaborator)

Archaeology, Gender Archaeology, Roman History, Social Media, Public Archaeology, Museology

Francesca D’Alessandro BehrProfessor of Classics and Italian StudiesUniversity of Houston

Epic, Gender Studies, Reception, Satire, Narratology, Comparative Literature

Krista DaltonAssistant Professor of Judaic TraditionsKenyon College

ancient Judaism; Roman imperial history; Syria Palaestina; economy; charity; money; religious studies; hebrew bible

Megan M. DalyAdjunct ProfessorUniversity of North Florida

Tacitus, Germanicus, Roman Germania, Roman imperial history and historiography, book banning and book burning in the ancient world, intellectual freedom in the ancient world, Classics collections in academic libraries, Latin and Greek rare books, text encoding,
Ancient History and Historiography, especially works of Tacitus and Velleius Paterculus

Imperial Literature, including works of Lucan, Seneca, and Suetonius

Roman Provinces, with particular interests in Germania and leadership in the provinces

Museum Studies, especially ancient history museums and archaeological sites

Library Sciences, especially in Latin and Greek rare books and digitization projects

https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-m-daly-ph-d-05947597; https://meganmdaly.wordpress.com/
Maria DasiosPhD CandidateUniversity of Toronto

Material culture, byzantine studies, late antiquity

Nancy de GrummondProfessor of ClassicsFlorida State University

Etruscan and Roman archaeology
Etruscan and Roman Myth, Religion and Magic
Art and Archaeology of the Hellenistic World
Ancient Carved Gems
Ritual Sacrifice in Etruscan Religion
Prophets and Divination as represented in ancient art (Greek, Etruscan and Roman)
Etruscan Systems of Writing

Nathalie de HaanAssistant professorRadboud University Nijmegen

The history of archaeology; classical reception and heritage studies; Roman baths and ancient bathing culture; Rome, Pompeii and Herculaneum; ancient water supply; Roman historiography

Janneke de JongAssistant professorRadboud University Nijmegen


M. Cristina de la Escosura BalbásPost-DocUniversity of Zaragoza

Latin Epigraphy, Ancient History, Roman Republic, Classics, Digital Humanities, Reception, Onomastics

Kathryn de LunaAssociate ProfessorGeorgetown University

Africa, Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern, Deep History, History of Emotions, STS, Archaeology, Historical Linguistics, Ethnography, Historical Methods

Mariette de Vos RaaijmakersProfessor, retiredUniversità degli Studi di Trento

Archaeology, history and epigraphy of ancient North Africa, archaeology of the Vesuvian region, Roman Architecture and Decoration techniques

Paula DebnarProfessorMount Holyoke College

Homeric Greek, Greek rhetoric, history and historiography; ancient ethnicity; Greek tragedy

https://www.mtholyoke.edu/people/paula-debnar; http://mtholyoke.academia.edu/PaulaDebnar
April D. DeConickProfessorRice University

New Testament, Early Christian Literature, and Gnosticism

https://reli.rice.edu/Content.aspx?id=74; http://aprildeconick.com/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_DeConick
Jessica Dello RussoExecutive DirectorInternational Catacomb Society

Judaism and Christianity in Roman-Early Byzantine Period

Einav Zamir DembinPhD CandidateUniversity of Texas at Austin

Ceramics, textiles, gender, Ancient Greece, epinetra from the Dodecanese and Cyprus produced locally during the fifth and fourth centuries BCE, Morgantina, Sicily

Denise DemetriouAssociate ProfessorUCSD

ancient Mediterranean history, mobility and migration, identities, and cross-cultural interactions in antiquity.

Mary DeminionPhD candidateUniversity of Western Ontario

Roman law, Imperial history, gender

Ségolène DemouginDirecteur de RechercheÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études, Université Paris 1- La Sorbonne

Roman imperial history, epigraphy, prosopography

Emma DenchProfessorHarvard University

Roman Republican and early Imperial history; questions of identity in the ancient world; Roman imperialism; ancient Italy; the making of the Roman past

https://history.fas.harvard.edu/people/emma-dench; https://scholar.harvard.edu/edench
Elizabeth DePalma DigeserProfessorUniversity of California, Santa Barbara

Late Antiquity, Roman religion, conversion, and ancient philosophy

http://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/elizabeth-depalma-digeser/; http://ucsb.academia.edu/BethDigeser
Magdalena Diaz AraujoProfessorUniversidad Nacional de Cuyo / Universidad Nacional de La Rioja

Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, Apocalypticism and Mysticism, Gender Studies, Aesthetics

Jacqueline DiBiasie SammonsAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Mississippi

Latin epigraphy; graffiti; Roman archaeology; Roman private life; domestic space

Maribel DietzAssociate ProfessorLSU

Late Antique and Early Medieval Christianity

 Name Position Institutional Affiliation Research Interests Websites

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